Songs of the Legion

  • Legionborn, comrades sworn – blood brothers of the sword,

    None more worthy to fight at my side!

    Only with you, I will fight to the bloody end!


    Legionborn, comrades sworn – blood brothers of the sword,

    Bulwarks of the eternal Empire!

    Our duty is to protect, and protect we shall!


    Legionborn, comrades sworn – blood brothers of the sword,

    Shall serve Septim forever and then!

    May our Empire last to eternity’s end!


    - The Legionborn


    Legion, O Legion,

    Hoo Ha Hoo Ha!

    With swords and shields,

    Hoo Ha Hoo Ha!

    With hearts and souls,

    Hoo Ha Hoo Ha!

    On boot worn roads,

    Hoo Ha Hoo Ha!

    Our empire built,

    Hoo Ha Hoo Ha!


    - O Legion


    From the frozen North of Skyrim,

    To the burning South of Elsweyr,

    From the ashen East of Morr'wind,

    To Western sands of Hammerfell,

    On all corners of the Empire,

    On every triumphant standards,

    The Red Drake flies!


    The Legion marches North and South,

    The Legion marches East and West,

    The Legion marches to the Drake,

    The Legion marches for the Drake,

    The Legion marches by the Drake,

    For eternal glory awaits,

    Where the Red Drake flies!


    The Red Drake flies!


    - The Red Drake Flies

