Poll shows our members favour sneak skill for their Thief characters

  • The most recent poll ended up as a bit of mess, as it was conducted across the old site and new site. No doubt some voted on the old site, others here on the new site - and quite a lot probably voted twice. What was interesting, though, was that the proportions across the two sites was almost exactly the same!

    Here are the results

    As we can see, faced with a choice of the six stealth-orientated skills and asked 'which of these skills are you most looking forward to?' almost half of you chose Sneak. We know that the sneak perk tree offers potential lethal multipliers to sneak attacks, not to mention a cool sounding forward roll attack and the ability to blend into the surroundings. Then there's the awesome looking sneak finishing moves to add to the mix - and who doesn't want to at least try sneaking up behind someone and silently slitting their throat?

    Forging into second place in the poll, with almost one in five of the votes, was Alchemy - newly shifted into the Stealth archetype. I think most people thought alchemy was kinda OK in Oblivion, but apart from spamming health potions it often seemed a bit too much trouble to be worth the effort. But moving into Stealth gives it a new focus - we can now concentrate on adding poison to daggers and arrows, and making potions that enhance our skills.

    Lockpicking, Pickpocket and Speech all polled roughly the same in the poll, with around a tenth of the vote. I postulated in the discussion that the surprisingly low result for Speech might have been skewed by the (bad) memories of the much-derided Persuasion mini-game in Oblivion. To some extent the same might be true for Lockpicking - although a lot of people seem to be assuming they'll just be able to get by with Illusion spells or maybe grab the Skeleton Key.

    Bringing up the rear is Light Armour. We haven't had any details about the perks for Light Armour yet, hopefully they will make Light Armour appear more enticing. Personally I wish they'd include penalties for sneaking in heavy armour - it always seems bizarre that a sneak character could walk around in full plate armour! But we'll probably need mods for that.

    So, that's the sneak poll. What was there in this poll that surprised and stood out for you? Or was it much as you would have expected? Discuss it here on this thread.


  • Orc_King
    Orc_King   ·  October 29, 2011
    Speech and lockpick. I love talking my way out of thing; and opening things I'm not supposed to be able to. . 
  • Ssarrasum Blackscale
    Ssarrasum Blackscale   ·  October 28, 2011
    I chose alchemy as I'm not usually a stealth player.  The potions for restoring health, magicka and fatigue are invaluable early on for a heavy armor wearing battlemage type of character (which is me more or less), especially as I get the feeling that spr...  more
  • J Lebowski
    J Lebowski   ·  October 27, 2011
    I voted for the pickpocket skill because all the other skills we have already seen, but a whole skill reserved for pickpocketing really caught my attention. I heard very little about it inpreviews and interviews. I simply could not pickpocket for my life ...  more
  • Mimsy Borogove
    Mimsy Borogove   ·  October 27, 2011
    I think when I voted I voted for sneak because it's the one I feel will be the most important, and that I will use most often. Had I actually been thinking about which I am most excited for I think I may have said pickpocket. Its a totally new skill and b...  more
  • Mitch Brendard
    Mitch Brendard   ·  October 27, 2011
    ill use all of them but i voted for pickpocket because i am gonna be the biggest thief ever!!
  • Nix
    Nix   ·  October 27, 2011
    I never game much thought to sneak. Sure I used it in all my games but I think this time im gonna really try and immerse myself in this way of game play.
  • Faolan
    Faolan   ·  October 27, 2011
    This was certainly a hard decision, but I chose pickpocket. How cool will it be to steal someone's weapon then attack them, only for them to find out you are killing them with their own weapon! Ultimate disgrace. Granted, sneak is sorta critical to be cap...  more
  • Larthjar the Nord
    Larthjar the Nord   ·  October 27, 2011
    I remember voting for Sneak for all the reasons in the previous comments, but now that I think about it what I really am looking forward to is Light Armor.
    Not the skill in specific, but the actual armor, since thats what I´m going to look like in t...  more
  • Chris Smith
    Chris Smith   ·  October 27, 2011
    I'd be interested to see a poll of which of the 3 major groups (combat, magic, stealth) they'll focus primarily on, as it seems that stealth as a whole will be a much more popular approach in Skyrim.
  • Sithis Nerevar
    Sithis Nerevar   ·  October 27, 2011
    I hope my character will be quite adept at all of the skills in the poll but undoubtedly sneak is the most important one he will be required to be good at, what good is an assassin if he is unable to be silent or invisible???