The Weekend Roundtable: Talking about the next Elder Scrolls game #2

  • Last week we talked about how Bethesda might approach the next Elder Scrolls game, and the poll that went with that discussion showed that the majority of people wanted them to ignore the fact that The Elder Scrolls Online will be set across the whole continent of Tamriel

    That begs the question about which province should be the focus of The Elder Scrolls VI. And its that question I want to address this week

    OK I know we've talked about this before...more than once in fact. But, still, its always a good subject to chew over. The poll has been set up with the nine provinces, including the one's we've seen before for the sake of completion. So, if you really want the next Elder Scrolls to be in Skyrim for some reason, then you have that option!

    So, get voting. And tell us on this very thread the reasons why you have chosen a particular place - and maybe a bit about what you would hope to see from that province.

    As ever, I look forward to your thoughts....


  • Acelo
    Acelo   ·  December 11, 2012
    I personally wish for ValenWood and Elsweyr. We're looking at future consoles, so Bethesda may not under take building up the game until The Ps4 & Xbox 720 comes out. Due to the future of consoles, and upgrades of PC's, we will surely get more than on...  more
  • Marc Mckinnon
    Marc Mckinnon   ·  December 10, 2012
    understandable, but in lore size does not translate into in game size due to the way things are scaled.
    If they released a just valenwood, or a just elsweyr expansion, it would almost certainly be around the same size of skyrim. Otherwise they run t...  more
  • Spectre
    Spectre   ·  December 10, 2012
    Marc, we suggest both Valenwood & Elsweyr because combined they are about the same size as Skyrim.
  • Marc Mckinnon
    Marc Mckinnon   ·  December 9, 2012
    Sadly the both would likely detract from the awesomeness.
    It takes years to put the level of enviromental detail, handcrafted dungeons etc that we all expect for one province. The issue is not the technological limitations (heck, todays gen of conso...  more
  • Jose Cohen
    Jose Cohen   ·  December 9, 2012
    High Rock was so long ago that it almost doesn't "count" as a previous location any more in certain ways - the graphics and level design paradigms are completely different now, and so it could seem very new and different, despite the fact that we technica...  more
  • Marc Mckinnon
    Marc Mckinnon   ·  December 9, 2012
    I noticed in that poll last week it seems to be focused on the elder scrolls online being the "first game to have all of tamriel".
    Am I the only one here who's played daggerfall, and to a lesser extent arena? :) All of tamriel has been done ...  more
  • Ravenwilder
    Ravenwilder   ·  December 9, 2012
    I would love to see Elswyre, dense jungles and golden deserts. It would be a great contrast to the snowy mountains of Skyrim. Also, while I don't really play as a kahjit I find their culture really interesting especially since their people range from near...  more
  • Michael
    Michael   ·  December 9, 2012
    Akavir is the continent across the ocean from tamriel and is where the dragons are from along with many other races we've never seen in an Elderscrolls game before.
  • Michael
    Michael   ·  December 9, 2012
    I think it would be cool if the next elderscrolls game took place in Akavir 
  • jeremy farrar
    jeremy farrar   ·  December 9, 2012
    I dont think there will be just ONE nation as the three largest have all been done, so if two were combined, and the Aldmeri Dominion storyline continued, i believe combining Hammerfell, and High Rock would prove interesting.High Rock divided amongst many...  more