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Tracking a follower

  • Member
    July 24, 2015

    Because I often don't stick to roads and do a lot of climbing my dumb and less nimble followers sometimes get left behind. I've found an easy way to track them. Just get them to pick up a quest item that has to be given to someone to complete the quest using the follower command. Keep the quest open and they will show the quest arrow over them. If they get lost just follow the marker for that quest. Simples! (Sorry....)

    I haven't tested it on an actual lost follower yet but I see no reason why it shouldn't work. 

    Sorry if this has been posted before: I did a search and didn't find anything. 

  • July 24, 2015

    I can confirm it works great! That's how I keep track of my 3 (2 at a time though) favorite Dead Thralls. 

    I ordered all three pick up 3 items Eduj, Okin and Meridia's beacon. 

    You HAVE to order them to pick it up otherwise you can't give the items to them because they're quest items. This is my process:

    1- Find an item that is necessary to complete a quest (Okin and Eduj are necessary for the Quest Silenced Tongues)

    2- Order follower to pick them up.

    3- (Only for Necromancers) Kill the follower and Thrall him, then go get another follower and repeat. 

  • Member
    July 24, 2015

    Ingenious and devious: I like it! I've never ever thralled anything but it sounds fun

  • Member
    July 24, 2015

    You're confusing Eduj and Okin with the Ceremonial Sword and the Ceremonial Axe (which are related but separate items), but otherwise, yeah, this works. Mason's Rise of the Fallen gives an excellent breakdown of this trick, actually.

  • July 24, 2015

    Mason did it in his build The Rise of the Fallen, check it out my friend, maybe even play it. It is one of the best Thrall management games on the Vault, and is also great fun. It's on his page along with the rest bud Edit, sorry been said already

  • Member
    July 24, 2015

    Thanks guys I'll have a look 

  • July 24, 2015

    Yes yes that's what I meant, I don't know why I called them by the names of the weapons Knevel uses xD because of that tracking thing I haven't fought him in over a year. Oh and that build was pretty fun! But the whole 3 followers thing makes the game pretty easy.