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WiP Character Build: The Tin man

Tags: #Warrior  #heavy armor  #Race: Nord  #Dwemer 
  • August 23, 2017

    WiP Character Build: The Tin Man

              Many have heard the tales of the Dwemer and their superior technology. They here about the autonmotons that roam their long abandoned ruin-cities. They speak oft golden spiders falling from pipes and taking the lives of the unsuspecting. They speak oft four-legged machines that can shoot a bolt of metal able to pierce the toughest of metals. Yet these people have never heard about my creation... 

              It was the year 669 of the first era. I was a True Nord and faithful companion. My clan and I were following a small dwarven convoy and were planning an ambush, when suddenly a group of dwarven centurions spotted us and began to attack! One by one, I watched my men and friends die on the battlefield. The Dwarven officers took me captive and ran experiments on me. testing my abilities and perfecting" them... They took my organic limbs and replaced them with acused metal versions. Eventually, they replaced everything about me: My arms, my legs, my eyes... Everything. All that is left of me is my vital organs and my face However, being connected to this machine has corrupted my mind and soul. I feel dead, but reanimated. I cannot escape this tomb of a body I now reside in... Soon, my mind will fade, and I will be entirely machine. By the Divines, if anyone finds this note: YOU ARE NEARBY A DWARVEN NOBLE CENTURION AND WILL BE EXECUTED ON THE SPOT. 



    This is a man who was subjected to torture under the dwemer and was tested on to see if humans could become robots and if these robotic variants would be better or equal to the automatons. He has lost his sanity and is being controlled by a chip that was implemented in him before the disappearance of the dwemer. He was a strong Nord warrior and after years of torture and experiments, became the Dwemer's most powerful killing machine. He was labeled: Tinny Man(best tamrielic translation of the dwarven language) and would be forced to kill Nords and Dunmer under the name of Kagremac, his master and creator. Upon the disappearance of the dwarves, he regained his conciousness and fled the battlefield; however, the chip that was implimented inside his brain began to short circuit after a few years, for the chip was but a prototype and not meant for long term usage. Whenever he chip would short, he would become a Dawrven Centurion, killing anyone that was, at the time, an enemy to the Dwarves. After many Centuries have passed, Tinny Man was found by Calcelmo and his nephew from the ruins in Nichuand-Zel.



  • Member
    August 23, 2017

    Really cool concept! Sci-fi that seems not only believable but also makes you want to believe. Good research as to the date, too.

  • August 27, 2017

    My apologies for not commenting yet Pheonix, I was kind of hoping for a little bit more before I dropped in so I had more to say but...better now than later. So I quite like the backstory, there's nothing really I can comment on it because you paint a really interesting picture with just the character's backstory (But I do have to ask if the font changes are on purpose...I quite like it but it seems a little unfocused right now). However that's about it, I can't even read the perk spread and I get you were trying for a bit of a funky looking image there and it works, it's just hard to read at the moment. 

    Other than that I guess I'll just have to wait for a bit and see what edits you make. What you have right now is 50/50 between being really cool and just unreadable so I have no firm opinions on the build yet. Hope to see you around here soon Midnight, because I do think this could be interesting.

  • August 28, 2017

    thx. to both of yall. Working on some cleaning on the backstory and character's voice log. I am thinking on making it shift to where the Dawnguard locate him, reprogram him and use him to kill vampires, or found by Calcelmo and used to defend The Reach. What do yall think?

    Paws said:

    Really cool concept! Sci-fi that seems not only believable but also makes you want to believe. Good research as to the date, too.

    Dragonborn1921 said:

    My apologies for not commenting yet Pheonix, I was kind of hoping for a little bit more before I dropped in so I had more to say but...better now than later. So I quite like the backstory, there's nothing really I can comment on it because you paint a really interesting picture with just the character's backstory (But I do have to ask if the font changes are on purpose...I quite like it but it seems a little unfocused right now). However that's about it, I can't even read the perk spread and I get you were trying for a bit of a funky looking image there and it works, it's just hard to read at the moment. 

    Other than that I guess I'll just have to wait for a bit and see what edits you make. What you have right now is 50/50 between being really cool and just unreadable so I have no firm opinions on the build yet. Hope to see you around here soon Midnight, because I do think this could be interesting.

  • August 28, 2017

    I think that sounds like a fairly solid idea. Is the general idea that it would only happen once or perhaps something that you could see being a recurring theme? I don't know how long the build is (if 31 is the current Perk Spread but it'll expand later) but it could be kinda interesting to see 'him' be bounced around from crisis to crisis against 'his' will. It'd be especially interesting if there was a little bit of the man who's been turned into the Tin Man could have a bit of his mind left. It doesn't really matter for the gameplay since he's still physically forced to do it, but not morally or mentally.

    Dunno, just a thought, don't even know if it made that much sense right now since I just woke up. 

  • August 29, 2017

    Got to do some Calculus and linear algebra. No new things for a few days. Working on a few things though. Also, DB, you made some good points and I might make it where Tinny Man could be controlled by more than just the Dawnguard or Calcelmo...

  • September 1, 2017

    Ok. So, Im still working on this build, but I'm also doing another build called theDreemurr, which I'll be posting soon. Basically he is a nightmare-made-into-reality character like Pennywise from IT. Do not worry though. he is not a clown.