Fallout Character Building » Discussions

Character Build: The Technician (FO4)

Tags: #Character Build Power Armor  #Fallout 4 Build  #Character Build Sharpshooter  #Character Build Commando 
  • January 10, 2016

    i like help on a build i like this one but i the build i working on is Bos Assassin build need help with it can you help she has power Armour to do her job for them

  • January 10, 2016

    I don't know if you knew this or not but there's a unique Laser Rifle that has the "Unlimited Ammo" effect on it (you don't reload) that could be an option for an automatic weapon. Just need to have your Lockpick perk to where you can pick Master locks. Just a thought though.

  • Member
    January 10, 2016
    Definitely an option, I usually prefer to stick to only using one weapon for a given ammo type at a time though. The Laser receiver is pretty much the most versatile in the game though. Thinking of making a character based purely around lasers, especially considering ammo is cheap and plentiful.
  • January 10, 2016
    Bethesda was definitely more creative with the "fake" weapons like the laser or pipe series than with the "realistic" combat rifle or shotguns.
  • Member
    January 10, 2016
    Yep, definitely. I was a little disappointed by the lack of options on the Gauss gun and most heavy weapons though. They pretty much seem to revolve around just making it better at what it was already doing rather than customising.
  • Member
    January 11, 2016

    I too am surprised about the heavy weapons scarcity, I wonder if we'll see heavy weapons upgrade/addition pack in dlc...

  • January 16, 2016

    Well to be fair the Gatling Laser fairs better than the rest of the heavy weapons due to using Fusion Cores as ammo. Now this wouldn't be a good option if you're using Power Armor, but if you're not than the Gatling Laser is THE cheapest weapon when it comes to ammo used per shot. It gets 500 shots per core and you can reload it with one shot left to have spare Cores to sell, and since the price of Fusion Cores stay the same no matter the charge you can get a good chunk of caps out of those. The weapon also benefits from the "Nuclear Physcist" perk.

  • Member
    January 18, 2016

    Glad to see the Fallout 4 building community getting started! I've been playing it fairly basic for now (followed by a 21h save with a lvl 6 character and the biggest modded settlement ever). Though I really like the idea of this, it makes me want to play the game again after starting to get bored of it, great job and a well deserved +1 

  • January 29, 2016

    I'm actually working up a character/build that revolves around using lasers. I fell in love with Elder Maxon's "Final Judgement" Gatling Laser because of its Rapid effect, which boosts DPS by 25% and reload speed by 15%. This might not seem good at first, but when you mod it with Charging Barrels you'll notice a massive difference between this and a normal Gatling Laser. The mod reduces DPS by 75%, but with this effect granting an extra 25% the end result is only a 50% reduction in DPS. Considering the fact that putting points in Heavy Gunner as well as the massive damage boost you get from the mod alone you're basically wielding a killing machine. Then you add the chems into the equation and...well I'm sure you can figure that one out. XD

  • Member
    February 9, 2016
    Interesting use of automatic weapons I always avoided them like the plague lol