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The Dragon Cult Reexamined

  • Member
    February 1, 2015
    The most context I know of is....Krosis I believe, who was entombed in the mountaintop after Vahlok defeated Miraak, as a sort of guardian to warn the others when he returns....
  • Member
    February 1, 2015

    What is the source for that Chris?

  • Member
    February 14, 2015

    My theory about Vahlok is thus: due to his name translating to literally  "Guardian" I believe it was his duty to keep the dragon priests in check, which is the reason he defeated Miraak. That being said, I have concluded that the Wooden Mask is his, now, seeing as he kept the Dragon Priests in check, it's likely that after Miraak betrayed the dragons, another priest sought to follow in his footsteps, Konahrik. If you pay attention, sometimes while wearing Konahrik a Spectral Dragon Priest shows up to fight by your side. Abnormal behavior for a Dragon Cultist, especially if you've been working against and/or killed Alduin. It is my opinion that the Spectral Priest is Konahrik(the one who originally owned the mask), and he followed after Miraaks footsteps. Vahlok, seeing this as a threat to the cult, defeated him and seal him in his mask, to protect whoever wore it. But it was still deemed a dangerous artifact and therefore could only be used in a time of great need, one that would require all the Skyrim Dragon Priests to convene at Labarynthian and activate each of the busts, an act that would require extreme faith in each other, lest one or the other steal all of the masks.

  • Member
    February 14, 2015

    Great theory, I like it

  • Member
    February 14, 2015


  • Member
    February 15, 2015
    Loved it! Amazing read!
  • Member
    February 16, 2015

    Thanks Hatter

  • Member
    December 25, 2015

    So I have some theory I would like to add. To the question of if the masks are named after priest, I say; no. I think the masks are heretical, a symbol of status. If we assume that the ancient Nords had a caste system and Dragon Priest were the kings of the time, then their children would be their heirs. The mask would be past down through the generations. Serving as a status symbol. Either this or the Dragons made a new mask for every generation. I think the reason masks are named after the priest we take them off of is simply for the sake simplicity. My main reasoning for this is because if EVERY dragon priest that ever lived had his own mask then there should be many, MANY more masks to be found in Skyrim.

    Next to the question of a link between a particular priest to a divine. Each priest with the exception of Krosis has his own Hall of Stories. In which there is a depiction of an Atmoran totem animal. So I would say that there is most certainly a link but the context and importance of the link would be negligible at best. With there being 8 named dragon priest and the hidden mask making 9. As for Krosis, being entombed atop a mountain, shows a connection to Kyne.

  • Member
    December 25, 2015

    Thanks for the reply Manik  Your mask idea is a good one and represents a more orthodox view. This article was intended to be a subversion of that orthodoxy and makes outrageous claims by interpreting the sources in alternative ways. When all is said and done I think I could say I prefer your hierarchal approach to the masks.

    That said, I have one more theory I wrote a small blog about a year or two ago. It talks about mantling how the Last Dragonborn essentially becomes the First after mantling Mirrak in much the same way Sheogorath becomes Sheogorath by mantling Sheogorath every Greymarch. Mythically speaking, the idea of their only ever being one mask for one dragon priest seems more fitting than saying multiple men through the generations have worn it.

    Love your thoughts on the link to the gods, thanks for sharing   I like to think this article was one the things which led to my conversations with Paul England which in turn led to his Atmoran Totem build series. Of course, that gives me too much credit and in truth Paul put far more work into interpreting which mask links with which god than I ever did.  

    Maybe you're right and the importance of the link is negligible, but maybe there was some subtle need for the dragon priests to be identified differently. If we look at the priests of Solstheim we can see how three of them are connected not with gods but with primordial elemental forces. I've got to think there must be a spiritual reason for that beyond how cool it would be for the player in a game.

  • Member
    December 25, 2015

    I am planning a build based on the Dragon Cult so diving into the lore, and any thing else I can find. If while doing so I come across anything ground breaking, I will be sure to let you know.