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Character Build: House Lords

Tags: #Character Build Agent  #Character Build Hero  #Character Build Villain  #Rank:Legendary 
  • March 31, 2013
    There is one spider that constantly respawns after a few days... But that took too long for me with my old build idea...
  • TZ
    March 31, 2013

    Yeah you can pod wait, so you might have to spend some time doing the press T and wait for 24 in game hours to wait for pods. Also remember:

    "In most cases, three spiders will be created from a successful combination; however, the amount is doubled if a gem of flawless quality is used instead of a standard gem."

    So get flawless gems.

    And Brynyolf, do you always trust what a Gremrhyn says?  (in all honesty when I recorded the audio for that video I was tired so said Fury instead of Grace lol.)

  • March 31, 2013
    A quick question: why the dwarven smithing on the Slarq and no investment in heavy armor perks but uses heavy armor?
  • Member
    March 31, 2013

    Epic! Love it! Just in time too! +1

  • TZ
    March 31, 2013

    Whoops, good spot, that was the Old Slarq tree going in a diff direction, I updated the link, it was meant to be in the heavy armor tree. Cheers for spotting it. 

  • March 31, 2013
    Recheck others just in case :)
  • March 31, 2013
    Skyler asked why there is points in block when you dual wield on the Lazoroth
  • TZ
    March 31, 2013

    You can un-equip your left hand and block with one weapon in your main hand still. Simply press the off-hand weapon binding again and it un-equips then you can block and bash with it. 

    Lazoroth blends dual-wielding with single wielding, so you have these options:

    Left hand: Sword, Axe, Mace, Nothing.

    Right hand: Sword, Axe, Mace.

    At any given time you will always have a Right hand weapon, but your left hand is the variable. So you can use an axe to do a bleed, swap to the Mace to do more dps, while the right is slashing with a sword or a mace in the right hand power attacking with a axe in left to start a bleed then a sword to do quick slashes. 

    The choice is yours. There is no right or wrong way. 

  • March 31, 2013
    Like I told him, was just wondering because the perk spread on another was strange.
  • TZ
    March 31, 2013

    Which one? I might of made a clerical error or it may not seem obvious?