The Workshop » Discussions

The Two Week Rule?

  • May 22, 2017

    Sorry Zonn, Caesar, I'm a bit late in responding (yesterday was the closest I've ever been to not being on the Vault by choice).


    I'm glad that's what you see in it, I think with you and Legion (and hopefully a few others) seeing it this way it means the rule was at the very least doing what it was meant to be...I know there have been a few people who have always thought that it's there just to delete builds but my personal goal (and why I give out that 24 hour warning) is for it to be a kick in the butt, or an inspirational...deadline I suppose.

    @ Caesar

    Blast, just had a message being all yay the rule :P That's exactly my chief concern with straight up deleting the rules, before I went on my binge of deleting awhile ago (which was deleting all builds that had been left for over 3 months) we nearly had 100 builds and I cut about...20-30. Most of it was the kind of stuff that had been dumped here and then given up on, and I don't want that to be what people see when they come to the Workshop. That kind of makes it seem like a dumping ground (to take your words there) and that's what I personally consider to be the worst outcome.




    Alright, I'm not officially counting the votes in, but I'm making a 'first round' decision kind of thing. At the moment we've pretty much eliminated discarding the rule because it's being beat out 10-3 (well technically 12-3 if you count the fourth option). So I'm going to throw up another poll soon with these four options.

    1 - Keep the Rule

    2 - Extend the time period to three weeks, six weeks on hold (Nine Weeks Total)

    3 - Leave it at two weeks but extend the On Hold to four (Six Weeks Total) 

    4 - Extend the period to four weeks, but keep On Hold the same (Six Weeks Total)

  • May 22, 2017

    Alright everyone, I've created a second poll (see the bottom part of the message above this one to see why) and wanted to get your opinions on this. Thanks to the 15 people who voted, the 20 people other than me who viewed it (25 are me, 20 are other people, seems fair :P) and everyone who weighed in. I know this might be getting a bit tedious but I do hope everyone can at least re-vote because this is...I guess the deciding poll, whichever of the four rules wins this poll is just going to be the new poll. 

    Here is the Poll

  • Member
    May 22, 2017

    Dragonborn1921 said:

    Sorry Zonn, Caesar, I'm a bit late in responding (yesterday was the closest I've ever been to not being on the Vault by choice).


    I'm glad that's what you see in it, I think with you and Legion (and hopefully a few others) seeing it this way it means the rule was at the very least doing what it was meant to be...I know there have been a few people who have always thought that it's there just to delete builds but my personal goal (and why I give out that 24 hour warning) is for it to be a kick in the butt, or an inspirational...deadline I suppose.

    No probs mate, stuff happens.

    I voted to keep the rule the same but options 3 also seems reasonable so it was pretty close between the two. 9 weeks feels like way to long, and having something on the go for 4 weeks without an update probably means the project is abandoned, at least in my experience. But I'm easy, none of the options are terrible.

  • Member
    May 22, 2017

    Zonnonn said:

    none of the options are terrible.

    This basically sums up my thoughts. I'm voting to extend the on-hold period. I think it's the most logical choice. But again... any option should work well.

  • May 23, 2017

    Well good, that's the point in the end, if no option is terrible then that's good. 

  • May 26, 2017

    Right, since it's been a couple days since anyone has voted or changed their vote, I figured that it'd be a good time to officialy change the rule.

    From now on the On Hold rule will give all content an extra month in the Workshop giving them a total of 6 weeks where (for whatever reason) they can leave the build completely alone before it will be deleted. The actual Two Week Rule hasn't changed at all, and will remain as a two week rule. 

  • Member
    May 26, 2017

    Dragonborn1921 said:

    Right, since it's been a couple days since anyone has voted or changed their vote, I figured that it'd be a good time to officialy change the rule.

    From now on the On Hold rule will give all content an extra month in the Workshop giving them a total of 6 weeks where (for whatever reason) they can leave the build completely alone before it will be deleted. The actual Two Week Rule hasn't changed at all, and will remain as a two week rule. 

    Sounds good to me!

  • May 29, 2017

    Same here. Good stuff