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Prophecy and Fate

  • January 4, 2016

    It could be said that the gods are the most effected by a Dragon Break because in the case of The Tribunal and Talos it was the Dragon Break which allowed ascension.

    Alredy existing gods aren't. It's really interesting what happened to Talos and the Tribunal. I wonder which of their actions was the turning point. For Talos I think it was the moment when he soultrapped Wulfhart to create Mantella. I even suspect that he didn't know that wiil be the result until it happened. And the Tribunal? What it was for them?..

    My understanding is that when the Dragon Breaks if you know where you are and what you're doing you can trick Time into thinking you are and always were something other than what you are. in Talos' case he looked enough like Lorkhan to make Time think Lorkhan was still there.

    Ah, that I get. You just can choose the version you want from the overlappin realities. That must require a really high level of understanding and will.

    About Auri-El, the Marukhati wanted to change his nature, but failed, because simply causing some realities to overlap isn't enough. To make any big change, those realities should have really drastic differences, and they most probably don't. Auri-El is 1. a god, o he definitely knew where he was) and 2. most likely still himself in all of these realities, so I don't think he changed at all.

  • January 4, 2016

     The twelve worlds vs two brothers is complicated 

    Not really) Why is it 12 worlds or two brothers? As I see it, it just should be 'and' instead of 'or'. 

    Every Dragon Break Magnus sends his Blue Star to collect all the songs sung (the Scrolls) since the last one. 

    I think they are always there actually, not only during Dragon Breaks. They only visible during them, but they are always watching.

    Interesting when you remember Meridia was one of these Magna-ge.

    Interesting, when did she become a Daedra then? I have a theory about the Daedric Princes, that they are seeking a way to ascend as well, but unlike the Aedra who do it kinda together, the Daedra do it every one by themselves. So Meridia, it seems, decided to go her own path.

  • January 4, 2016

    This thread is great and at the same time, it gives me a headache. 

  • January 4, 2016

    Aww( Are you beginning to think I'm crazy?)))

  • January 4, 2016

    No, it's just beyond what I personally have the energy to understand, if that makes any sense? 

    Interesting that USEP assigns female gender to all named Magna Ge. I noticed their naming is from ESO materials. Interesting. 

  • January 4, 2016

    Coincidence that I thought was interesting as the discussion briefly turned to music and it is intriguing that the Dwemer used tonal locks.

    Music was considered a mathematical science all the way through the classical era. It is still an art governed by ratio. 

    In music, the octave, with equal-temperament tuning, is divided into 12 equal semi-tones. 

    Hehe, now in other temperaments, of which there are a great many, there are still 12 tones to the octave, but they are no longer equal.

    It is also interesting to note that in sound frequencies, multiplying or dividing by two is the unit of an octave, which is an interval of consonance. A 440 is one octave above A220, and is one octave below A880. 

  • January 4, 2016

    Wow, this is so cool! You have pieced everything together! 

  • January 4, 2016

    It does) I guess this topic is weird, lol)

    USEP assigns female gender to all named Magna Ge.

    I wonder if they are just generalizing or this was intended)

  • Tom
    January 4, 2016

    There is at least the illusion of fate. The wheel continues to turn, and the Aubris has reset countless times. The Aedra are doomed to repeat Convention ad nauseam. Mundus was designed to break this cycle, but it has failed. Lorkhan's experiment fizzled and Alduin devoured creation, and it will repeat until it succeeds. I believe that is a definition of insanity.

    But the Elder Scrolls foretell possible futures. It requires a hero to choose the future. The experiment might work this cycle.

  • January 4, 2016

    Whoa, this is a new point of view.

    I was under impression, that every time the whole story repeat, it's a new version of everything, parallel realities that create further parallel realities. 

    How would Mundus break the cycle? If Alduin devoured creation (previous one?), does that mean tht now the cycle is broken?