Skyrim Character Building » Discussions

Contest Build: The Acolyte

Tags: #Character Build Elementalist  #Character Build No Crafting  #Character Build Villain  #Rank:Mythic  #Contest Bronze  #Contest1 
  • July 13, 2013
    Am I the only one who loves the MD robes?
  • July 13, 2013
    I think the Dunmer and Altmer choices would feel too much like typical Mage playthroughs for me whereas the Orc with liberal use of Berserker Rage to be able to get right in the mix of things with halved damage would much better embody the chaotic and destructive atmosphere the roleplay is going for. Def the best choice, IMO. I think my only qualm is that the use of the Razor almost feels a bit tacked on, and makes this come across a little bit as what anyone would expect from a typical Mythic Dawn build: Destruction Mage who wields Mehrunes' weapon too. That being said, it's no major qualm at all, and the write-up's really awesome. Great full-on embrace of all things destructive and just reading through this made me wish there was environmental damage in this game so I could wreak havoc on whole towns with cyclones and shit. This build seems like being on the opposite end of the opening scene in Helgen lol, which sounds like a damn awesome way to play! Your supergroup did not disappoint at all, and great division of labor: I can really tell you each put a great effort in. :)
  • July 13, 2013
    unless the word "awesome" switched meanings with the word "stupid"... no, i used the correct word :P
  • July 13, 2013
    i love them, i only called them derpy bathrobes because snakes did :)
  • July 13, 2013
    Ignore Bryn, Beast. He likes to act like his opinion is fact though it tends to be rather asinine more often than not.
  • July 13, 2013
    hey, that's your opinion, you're free to have it :)
  • July 13, 2013
    Lol, shut up Bryn! No but for real, since this is theskyrimblog not thefashionblog, I think we should agree to disagree on looks (especially since other armor and clothing choices can be substituted at any time) and talk more about the builds. I for one am just happy this contest kicked so many people in the ass creatively speaking, myself included. This turned out better than I anticipated and I've got some steep competition here. Excited to see more and hear what the judges have to say.
  • Member
    July 13, 2013

    The next big thing to hit the web TheSkyrimFashionBlog! 

    Featuring your hosts, Bryn and Snakes! 

  • July 13, 2013
    You would be able to, but 'agree to disagree' is a paradox apparently :P (I know it's not, Bryn should get the joke)
  • July 13, 2013
    yeah, what I love about this build most is the fact it makes me want the razor, i only used it in one fight (in over 1 1/2 years). the reasoning behind each suggested race is amazing. it actually gives you a interesting reason :D