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Daedra Dossier: Molag Bal

  • December 18, 2013

    I love that comparison, Phil!

     I think that Molag Bal displays the typical daedric curiosity to Mundus and desires to dominate it - as is his nature. However it isn't as personal to him as it is to Dagon. Like Bal wants whereas Dagon needs.

    I really, really like it.  I can see them as competing brothers--Dagon, the big burly one who takes by force, and Bal is the more cunning, laying schemes and plans to conquer what he wants.  I see Dagon as being totally possessed by his passions, and Bal willing to hold those desires in and use it as fuel for his plans.  I do look forward to reading what TESO adds to Molag Bal lore in particular.  I also wonder (and you do not have to answer, but just me thinking aloud) why other Daedric Princes do not join in when one of their own has a workable plan to conquer Tamriel?  I know they are not always known for their cooperation, but I would think some would want to join together and "take their piece of the pie" so to speak.  

    Regarding Mannimarco, it is interesting to think (with our knowledge of Oblivion's game events) that he shifts allegiance to Dagon to accomplish his own ends, too.  I wonder if Mannimarco has been siphoning power from a variety of Daedric Princes all along?  I will have to do some more research about all of this to be honest.

    Personally, I really have not enjoyed vampire myths and stories since Bram Stoker, so I do not have a great interest in understanding vampires in TES.  I have never been one to date (blasphemy, I know!)    I am with Meridia on this...blast them into the light! 

    In regards to your concern that your article reads too much like a textbook, that does not bother me.  Your article was the right length to touch upon the different topics, but you did not turn every point into a long exposé.  I also wanted to reassure you that you have not stepped on anyone's toes with this.  These articles take a lot of time and research, so I am happy when anyone likes to contribute to the group, especially in the high quality way in which you have, Phil.  

  • December 19, 2013

    Woo! Go Phil!

  • Member
    December 19, 2013

    Very nice article! One thing though, you do describe how the first vampire came to existance but you mention nothing about her becoming the first Daughter of Coldharbour. Ever since, women are raped and sacrificed on the day of Molag Bal's summoning. Those that survive the ordeal are known as Daughters of Coldharbour and become pure vampires, the strongest of all. I even made a build about this in the CB Group: The Daughter of Coldharbour. Maybe it is of help!

  • Member
    December 20, 2013

    Kynareth, thank you for having this as a featured article, I am deeply touched. I hope this has in some small way inspired others to contribute to the group. Indeed, the lore of TES universe is a complex and sometimes scary subject yet I firmly believe in yours, Vix's and Kyrielle's philosophy that it shouldn't be just for a select few, that it should be discussed and celebrated by all interested fans. I very much look forward to your entry on Meridia

    Nikolaj, thanks dude!

    Sage, that's a great observation and I have now corrected. I felt when writing this that I wanted to give Vampirism as wide a berth as I possibly could in order to allow more knowledgeable people to explore the subject in the depth it deserves - it definitely needs a whole article by itself. In doing so it appears I left a little too much out. This is also perhaps because the only source is an in-game one without any literature to link the reader to, making it a difficult topic to validate to someone who hasn't played that particular questline.

    The same was true about my decision not to reference Molag Bal's "daughter" Molag Grunda. As interesting as the idea may be, there simply isn't enough information to say whether or not this Winged Twilight is the offspring of Bal and Vivec. My solution was to skirt the subject entirely

  • Member
    December 20, 2013

    Thanks Ben  I was worried this wouldn't be good enough for the lore guys so I'm glad it worked out alright in the end.

  • Member
    December 20, 2013
    Is it really canon that the Dovahkiin became his champion? A better phrasing would be "The Dovahkiin could have become Molag's champion..."
  • Member
    December 20, 2013

    Better now Bryn? I'm not sure it is canon but I guess that it would be seen by history in the same way that all the events of the Oblivion Crisis are now seen; they all happened, we're just not sure who did each one.

    I've made it more ambiguous for you now buddy

  • Member
    December 20, 2013
    They never really state that the chanpion of Cyrodill was the champion of any daedric prince... Only that they could have been champion
  • August 14, 2015
    Awesome article Phil
  • Member
    August 14, 2015

    That's very kind of you to say, thank you Curse