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Profile: Barbie

Tags: #Mage  #Roleplaying  #female  #Skyrim  #profile  #Imperial  #builds 
  • Member
    November 28, 2017

    Just like your welcome thread, Sarah, it appears as though I have liked this RP profile but neglected to give feedback. I'll leave it up to you as to whether that was a deliberate decision so that I could swoop in at some future date (today, in fact!) or whether I am just an ignorant prick.

    The layout and art is lovely, and Barbra is a real sweetie as her heart seems to be in exactly the right place. It says "to be continued.." Will we see more of her? Or is the back-end of her horsse in the final pick our last glimpse of Ms Cassiana? :) Oh, and I can't see the video anymore.

  • November 28, 2017

    haha, thanks for the feedback, she's a doll isn't she?! :-D

    Well, I guess I could just wrap up her story. I haven't played Skyrim in a while because of boring real life shit, but yeah, Barbie's story deserves an ending I guess. I still have the Vigilants of Stendarr and Dawnguard questlines to do. After that there isn't much else she can do in Skyrim without breaking character though...


    Not sure about the video. It still works for me