Skyrim Character Building » Discussions

Character Build: Dueling Souls

Tags: #Character Build Blacksmith  #Race:Argonian  #Rank:Bloodworks  #Character Build: Archer  #roleplay  #Character Build: Crusader  #Character Build: Brute  #Hasir 
  • Member
    May 11, 2018

    Yeah, that might work. I might make a disciple build. I will meld my two playstyles into one where the player chooses. Maybe even make one perk spread and mesh the dragon’s and tiger’s quests together. I made a new build topic. It is called the student and it is part one of this buld as in it is the argonian before learning who his is.

  • Member
    May 21, 2018

    Hey Will sorry for getting back to this so late. It's looking a lot nicer. the extra description under quest's sections reads really well and presentation is looking better :)

    Noticed you asking DB about HOF builds. If you don't just want your build to be good but great, use some of em as a blueprint of sorts. Many of the builds that are in the HOF get in there based on looks as much as info on the build. You need to give your build a bit more eye candy to catch peoples eyes. So things like Heading Banners and Perk Spreads will go a long way to get you there. Also boldening quest titles (I'll show an example below) I'd recommend using a few more playstyle tags as well (you can have up to Four), this will make it more likely for people to find your build if they are searching the Archives. Try to aim to publish it when there's a few people online. There are a lot of good builds out there that deserve HOF recognition but never do because they just get snowballed under the newsfeed. Tthats not to say you should spam your builds with comments just to keep it in the newsfeed, infact that's against the rules. Theres nothing stoping you from waiting a few hours before replying to a commentor though. (Think of it like marketing your build). 

    I'll drop an example of a banner from one of the builds I've done. (I've based a lot of my presentation off HOF builds. Look up a few builds by Noodles, Shinjin, The Long Chapper, Raid and Mason and you'll see that they all have excellent presentation, descriptive character development engaging gameplay mechanics in common). It's worth noting that no builds in HOF get there overnight, it takes months even years for a build to get past legendary status (100+ likes). Just keep persistant and you'll get there man, it's a learning curve to be sure but you might as well have fun doing it!!

    Dawnguard - The samurai seeks to destroy Tsung K'iang Tso's ancestors who have turned away from the teachings of the yin and have followed the yang.

    Anyway I hope this helped mate!! :)

  • Member
    August 27, 2018

    I am actually going to split this build into two builds. The dragon and tiger is going to be a build and the student as another, but, they are both on one page. This is my favorite build that I posted on this site,