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Character Build: Graverobber

Tags: #D3LTAFOX  #Graverobber  #Character Build: Sneak  #Character Build: Archery 
  • Member
    July 8, 2017

    Hello roleplayers and builders! Welcome to my second Skyrim build, the Graverobber. This build was inspired by the Tomb Raider game series and has taken me quite some time to finish it. After two days of testing, experimenting and editing, I have finaly completed it and I'm ready to show it to you. Enjoy.




    "The most valuable of artifacts are hidden deep underground."




    Dear readers, I welcome you to the first issue of the newly restored Black Horse Courier paper! And, for our first issue, we have something very special for you. A interview with the world famous adventurer and tomb raider, Lara Fodcrum. You may know this Skyrim based Imperial as an important member of the Imperial court in Solitude. Let's start.


    Lara, it's great that you agreed to do this interview. Can you tell us about yourself, where you came from?

    Happy to be here. I was born in the city of Anvil, on the west coast of Cyrodiil, in a noble family. I was the only daughter. When I was 10, my dad took me to a nearby Ayleid ruin. He told me the story of my ancestor that ventured deep into the ruin to retrieve a long lost artifact during the Oblivion Crisis. From that moment, I had developed a taste for adventure and exploring. A few years later we moved to Solitude, where my mother and father were advisors to High King Torygg.


    During the following years, my life was rather boring. Common folk think that with constant balls and feasts, life is always grand, but that isn't the case. When you're sorrounded by guards and nobles, you quickly start craving for adventure. That's when I first decided to leave the city and head for the nearby cave.


    What was your motivation for exploring? When you collect enough gold and gems, looting quickly becomes tedious.

    That's why I gave myself a rule. When I collect some random stuff, I always sell it and buy better gear. But when it comes to more valuable and rare artifacts, like the Dawnbreaker, I keep them for myself and put them in the collection.


    How did the court feel about your dissapearences?

    Well, at first they didn't notice. After they found out about it, they were trying to keep me in my room, especially my father. But, nobody expects a noblewoman to jump out the window. Father allowed me to leave on trips later, however.


    Where there any reprocussions?

    None that I remember.


    What did the common folk think about it?

    Some of them were a bit angry. Why should a noble go out into a cave every night looking for gold. Tsk, tsk. Just because you have gold, it doesn't mean that you're happy.


    What did the soldiers and mercenaries think about it?

    They laughed at first. Some still do. It can hurt sometimes.


    And for the last question, have you ever been accused of a serious crime?

    Some old hag once accused me of murdering her husband. I spent a week in a cell until it was proven that she was the murderer. She killed him and wanted to make some gold by "finding" the killer.


    Thanks you Lara. It's been great talking with you. And you dear reader, see you at the next issue.




    "The loot is not important. It's all about the thrill."

    Name: Lara Fodcrum

    Race: Imperial

    Stone: Thief/Lady

    Stats: 0/3/2

    Specialization: Stealth

    Attribute: Health


    Skills and Perks


    Major Skills



    One - Handed

    Minor Skills









    When it comes to weapons and armor in this build, we're taking a step into roleplaying. We're looking for something that is practical and true to character.



    Steel Axe - For close combat.

    Gauldur's Bow - For long distance and stealth.


    Guild Master Armor - For an increase in carry weight.

    Guild Master Gloves - For lockpicking.

    Leather Boots - It's your choice if you're going to enchant them.





    Remember, you are not the dragonborn. Right after Helgen, go somewhere else, away from the main quest. Download and Alternate Start mod if you wish. You need to get Proudspire Manor. You will operate from Solitude, so cleat out Haafingar first. You work alone, so you won't be able to use companions.

    COMBATUse stealth as much as possible and thin them out. If you are spotted, switch to your axe and let them taste some Nordic steel. When it comes to magic, use it if you wish. This build is meant to adapt to all playstyle's.


    Explore ruins and caves. The main quests for the build are the Forbidden Legent and Lost to the Ages. Mages quest is also suitable as it opens a way to many rare artifacts. Deadric quest are a must.


    There it is. I really hope that you liked the build. It's my second Skyrim build so I'm still a novice when it comes to Skyrim character building. I will still continue my work on this build wwith my Graverobber Journal and maybe some gameplay videos. Until then, bye bye! :D





  • Member
    July 8, 2017

    Doing it for the thrill! I like the idea of presenting the character through an interview by the Black Horse Courier, that's pretty neat. I am assuming the ancestor discussed is one of your characters from TES IV? :D

  • Member
    July 8, 2017

    Maybe I'll do an Oblivion build. :) And I'm glad you liked it. I came up with the interview way of giving a backstory after Teineeva asked me a tone of questions. It was the only way to answer them all.

  • July 8, 2017

    That's a fun read D3lta, especially the little 'Black Horse Courier' bit at the start, that was a very interesting and entertaining way to present the build. I do have a few little comments about improving the build that I'd like to drop by, nothing too major but I think the main thing I felt was lacking was a combat section. I feel like Lara here has a rather interesting combat style, and I'd like to see a bit more of it but you don't really show that off all that much int he build. Other then that, it's mostly presentation, which of course is fairly subjective. For me, I'm just not really a fan of having the larger gaps between text and images and titles that you've got here and would personally try and edit the build together so that the gaps are smaller, and the text flows better but it's definitely a personal thing there so, yeah.

    Regardless, it is a good character D3lta, I do think it could do with a bit more content but there's still a like from me dropping in :D

  • July 8, 2017
    That was bad, no offence but it was a bit long and boring but I like the name. But still, no offence.
  • Member
    July 8, 2017

    SkyrimMaster21 said: That was bad, no offence but it was a bit long and boring but I like the name. But still, no offence.

    That's a little harsh, hard not for the creator to take offence even if none was meant. Posting anything can be revealing, you know? I reckon an interview-style is an effective way of delivering information in a non-traditional way, so points alone for creativity I feel. For a first build (I think...?), the Fox did good. DB has raised some feedback points, delivered in a slightly more constructive way. We're all a team, see? ;)

  • Member
    July 9, 2017

    Deebs, you need to teach me how to make feedback nice.

    I'm not a fan of the larger text gaps either, but my main gripe is probably similar to DB's - there's really not that much substance here. For example, you've selected the Guild Master's set, which is a fantastic RP choice, but also... has some rather interesting connotations for this character that the 'official' interview doesn't allow you to talk about (because who in their right minds will admit to being a criminal mob boss in a newspaper?). Gameplay and combat - sneak archery doesn't need *that* much explanation, but do you favour run-and-gun when you're noticed, or go for your axe? When do you use one, and when do you use the other?

    I notice you've selected Bladesman perks up to level 3. This is weird. Firstly, Blademan is a suck perk. Secondly, three ranks in Bladesman requires level 90 in One-handed, which is... not happening at character level 30. Thirdly, Bladesman is a sword perk and you've suggested the use of an axe...

    I'm curious as to why you recommend the Gauldur Blackbow (this is the weapon's official name) with its Absorb Magicka effect when you're not using any magic at all. Wouldn't a Supple Ancient Nord Bow or a Nord Hero weapon be a superior option?

    I just... really don't have much to say, because really. There's not that much to say anything about.


    Also... which animation mod are you using?

  • Member
    July 9, 2017

    I did a bit of grinding to get the bladesman. Lara is good at stealth but also at combat. And I opted for the axe much later in the gameplay. I do need to edit it a bit. I wanted to use a normal Nordic Bow, But I decided that Gauldurs Blackbow is better because it's an aincent artifact and fits the build. And, yeah, I've could've done better with the text. I had some problems with my fonts changing all the time.


    And don't worry SkyrimMaster, No offence taken. :) I guess I'm a Fallout guy.

  • Member
    July 9, 2017

    soly said:

    Also... which animation mod are you using?

    None. It's the Archery Gameplay Overhaul.


  • Member
    July 9, 2017

    I just definitely feel like the Gauldur Blackbow is a suboptimal choice here =/ You don't really go into a tomb and use what you find in there; you prepare your optimal equipment outside the tomb, no?