Skyrim Character Building » Discussions

Character Build: Succubus

Tags: #Character Build Mage  #Character Build Illusionist  #Character Build Villain  #Race:Breton  #Rank:Exemplar  #Seducer  #Demon  #Succubus 
  • April 10, 2012
    A sexy vampire seducer! Wonderful! ;-) This looks like hall of fame to me! :-)
  • April 10, 2012

    Wow, nice job - and this is your first build!!? Although, I don't play level 81 characters, I will give this a go at some point (althought I'll stop around 50th). It would be nice to see the perks divided into level sets (eg. a lv. 25 and a lv. 50 build); but there is so much detail here, it should be easy to figure out. Again, great job.

    Oh, for those wishing to play a 'male' version - the male version is called an incubus.

    (Oh, and what is your source of the little "quotes")

  • April 10, 2012

    Wow, seriously badass build.

    Wonderful job!

  • April 10, 2012

    This build really reminds me of my Chaos Lich, only your concept is better, it's more RP-able, it's more organized and well-thought out, and it's level 81 as opposed to my level 25. Nice job with that, although I have to ask: why is there no speech? I understand, it's useless for fights, but there are some pretty fitting perks, such as an augmented persuasion and Allure (better prices from males).

    I agree with Fallen Elf. I think the Hall of Fame would welcome this build.

  • April 10, 2012

    I guess I could make a miniature version of the level 81. It would take a bit of time though and I should get it done today. And yes this is my first build, I kept reading so many guides here that I wanted to make my own but it was difficult seeing that there was so many good guides and some of my ideas were taken, except this :D

    Those quotes I made up lol, I just thought they were fitting in the guide  

  • April 10, 2012

    Hmm I never actually thought about using that perk from Speech, I guess when you play Skyrim and just spend perks into combat skills or smithing/enchanting/alchemy that you seem to neglect the 'less useful' skills like Speech :P

    Anyways thanks for reminding me of this, I may make a lv 25, lv 50, lv 81 (done) and perhaps one that is just for immersion and roleplaying and not necessarily that good in combat.

  • April 10, 2012

    Guys thanks for the positive comments! I will try to improve this guide even more to cater for other peoples needs

  • April 10, 2012

    Spotted something else you could change Josh...

    2/5 in sneak is really not worth it especially when running a build so skilled in illusion, muffled movement is replaced by the muffle spell plus your vampires 25% stealth bonus, light foot is a perk for the clumsy and silence is again not needed if you can cast muffle. That just leaves shadow warrior, and invisibility is soooo much better as you can become undectable in a crowd of opponents.

    The invisibility and muffle spells replace all these perks, throw in vampirism and you are undetectable.

    In short, no build needs to specialise in both sneak and illusion, illusion brings much more to the table in that you can become undetectable and completely change the flow of battle through calm/frenzy/fear.

    Thats a whopping 7 perks saved.

    You could throw these into speech to keep the roleplayers happy....

    or completely master the destruction tree....

  • April 10, 2012

    I may take those into consideration, I will also add options such as what you suggested, but I originally made the guide according to how I built the character, and having to cast an extra spell before battle would be a hassle, likewise with Alteration, I completely ignored it due to the hassle when you can have armor and save you the trouble

  • April 10, 2012

    Oooh, this is really amazing! I'm going to think about doing this, but only a more lore-ified (I make up words!) version . . .using exactly what's describing here, but only more of a Vampiric Seductress.