Skyrim Character Building » Discussions

Character Build: Wolf Assassin

Tags: #Character Build Archer  #Character Build Assassin  #Character Build Werewolf  #Rank:Bloodworks  #Breton 
  • Member
    September 21, 2015

    I'm doing the same but I'm askin myself if it should use abit of magic or not

  • Member
    September 21, 2015

    The backstory to this character is awesome. I was so taken in by it!

    Daedric weapons are fine to me. You need everything you can get. Seeing that smithing is in this build, might as well go all the way. For the RP junkies - *sighs* only use your Daedric weapons in the tougher battles. One question that I'm curious about is. If this character isn't allowed to create potions and just poisons, He can't use restoration healing spells, how is he expected to heal when he gets hurt? By using potions he finds and eating food I take it?

    Another thing is, the critics will be looking for a perk spread for this build. It seems to be a very important attribute for all builds to flourish. Otherwise, the critics will shun you for sure for not having one. I just wanted to let you know. I would hate to see this build be taken down. Excellent job and again, a smashing backstory. Do make more!

  • November 21, 2015
    I think that this might work a little bit better with a Nord, especially with the first picture
  • Member
    November 29, 2015

    Yes but I'm probably not going to go there as my inspiration was a breton that took a different path instead of being a normal magic user, but I might start working on a new character, just need some sort of idea to spark my imagination.