Skyrim Character Building » Discussions

Character Build: Agent of Anarchy

Tags: #Character Build Elementalist  #Character Build Illusionist  #Character Build Nightblade  #Rank:Recognized  #Race:Altmer 
  • December 17, 2015

    Thank you so much. <3 I never expected to receive as much attention as I have with this build. I'm working on my next build right now. I've been considering giving this build a revamp, but I think I want to finish my newest one first. 

  • January 16, 2016

    Hey, guys; just wanted to put this out there: I'm going to do an overhaul and rewrite of this build, in order to reflect the the maturing of my skills and knowledge of the game. Core concepts will remain strong, but it may resemble a much smoother, interesting to play build when I am finished with it. Stay tuned!