Skyrim Character Building » Discussions

Character Build: Springheel Jak

Tags: #Character Build Thief  #Character Build Nightblade  #Character Build Vampire  #Race:Breton  #Rank:Exemplar 
  • January 22, 2013

    if you get the pickpocket perk that lets you take equipped weapons before you do the dark brotherhood then you can steal astrids one at the beginning, then she gives you another at the end of the DB

  • Member
    August 2, 2013

    I'm from England and there are a lot of stories about Spring Heeled Jack.  Most of them coming from Liverpool and London.  He was known to be a demon that stole, killed and raped young women at night time.  There is a big story about him in Haunted Liverpool 1 and it is said the only way to see his true demon form is when he stands in the light.  Good build might try it out one day +1.

  • August 15, 2013

    I'm also from England, and I did partly base the idea on those old legends. Im pretty sure the Oblivion character must have been as well, the similarities are too great.

  • Member
    August 15, 2013

    This is wonderful. I love Springheel Jak. There's no c in the name.

  • August 26, 2013

    You're right there isn't. Weirdly I spelt it as Jak, everywhere except the build name.

  • Member
    May 12, 2016

    Can't believe I forgot to like this awesome build. 

  • Member
    February 3, 2017

    All images have been restored for this build. While I try my best to keep the formatting as close to the original as possible, there are some unavoidable differences as a result of differing platforms... for this I apologize.

    Also, please feel free to remove the 'Restored' banner at the end of the build--I put it there as a courtesy to let the reader know that the build has been worked on by somebody other than its original creator without his or her knowlege.