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Dark Souls III Boss Guides - Deacons of the Deep

  • Member
    June 25, 2016

    From filthy casul to legend, these boss guides will help even the lowest ranking Soul's players git gud at Dark Souls 3.

    In terms of combat the Deacons of the Deep are pitifully weak, their only strategy when in phase one is ganking the player with fireball attacks and very weak attacks with their melee weapons, beware, however, underestimating them too greatly will lead to your demise, if you get stuck in the crowd they can finish you off pretty quickly.

    Upon entering the arena, one of the Deacons will begin to emit a red mist, this is your target, ignore the others if you can and focus entirely on the red one. Thankfully, if you're having trouble, the Deacons are affected by the Alluring Skulls, throwing one will cause most, if not all, of the group to slowly trudge towards the skull for a few seconds, giving you free attacks on the "chosen Deacon".

    Upon reaching half health the Deacons will initiate phase 2, the Archdeacon Royce will rise from his tomb and begin glowing with red mist. He is your target now, be careful as he will be surrounded by four bodyguard Deacons (distinguishable by their blue/purple robes) that seem to have more health and durability than the standard Deacons. The dangers increase during phase two by a considerable amount, the Deacons can now charge up a dark energy blast that will fill up a portion of your Curse meter. Also, be wary of when they charge up to create a mist that will engulf the battlefield, cursing the player in a matter of seconds, instantly killing them. Both of these attacks,however, can be negated by killing one of the bodyguard Deacons.

    Upon death, Royce will drop a Small Doll and the bosses collective soul. After the fight you can also find the Archdeacon's Set nearby.

    Sorry, I haven't made one of these in a while guys. I've been blowing it off what with having a lot of exams and concentrating on other things, I will attempt to keep these guides more frequent if that's what you guys want. Peace.

  • Member
    June 25, 2016
    The deacons of the deep always disappointed me... This is the lamest boss battle I've had in DkS3... Not the lamest boss in souls history though, that honor would go to Pinwheel or Gluttonous demon.
  • Member
    June 25, 2016

    At least they have a good theme?