Fallout Character Building » Discussions

Character build: The Supermutant (FO4)

Tags: #Character Build Melee  #Fallout 4 Build  #Character Build Enhanced  #Character Build Big Guns 
  • June 9, 2016


    Hey this is thelastvolkihar and this is my first ever build so... yeah. But you may be wondering how in the world are we going to build a supermutant it is complicated, but it is possible.

    Character Stats and attributes:
    Gender: Male (I know that in the lore it says otherwise but it looks closer)
    Special: S 5 P 1 E 10 C 1 I 1 A 5 L 5
    Essential perks: Heavy gunner, Big leagues, Armorer, Blacksmith, Adamantium Skeleton, Cannibal, Ghoulish, Solar powered, Idiot savant, Bloody mess, Rooted, Moving target, Action Boy (Action Mutant) Scrounger
    Gear: For gear I would suggest Grognaks Outfit with Raider gear for the limbs.
    Weapons: For the weapons you should use High speed shredding mini gun Atoms judgement Grognaks axe

    Gameplay: This character tries to simulate supermutants so it's pretty basic but for long range engagements use your minigun but when they get up close pull out your melee weapons. This character has extreme regeneration abilities along with a huge health pool so it should by the end be pretty hard to take you down. Roleplaying: Once you were an experiment by pre-war America to be their finest soldier however there was a slight problem. The FEV didn't work. By didn't work I am saying it wouldn't activate. It sat there, frozen within your body doing nothing. After being exposed to the cryogenic chemicals the strand of FEV activated and as you exited the vault it combined with high amounts of never experienced fallout. After this you slowly started to become more and more aggressive not to mention your newfound strength. For the actual role playing, imagine it as a descent into madness. You go to find you son but along the way you become more like supermutants. I would suggest doing the railroad ending as the BOS hate mutants. The institue is an option but like Mr. Ayo says "...he isn't even a scientist!". That is why I would suggest the railroad but in the end you don't really care because by the end you are will become the mutant scourge of the wasteland. In far harbor do the children of atom. For any other DLC just do the most savage and evil option

    Closing notes: Like I said this is my first build so I am sure it is pretty bad but with advice I can improve.

  • June 9, 2016
    Sorry guys if it is bad
  • Member
    June 25, 2016

    The reason you didn't get any feedback is you had somehow "closed" the post to discussions. I've fixed that, but in addition, this build needs a lot of work to get up to par.

    For starters, I see you have some images attached, but not put in the presentation. Can you fix this or do you need some help?

    My main recommendation is to copy what you have here and post it as a Work in Progress in the Workshop so you can get some interactive help to improve it. 

    Otherwise, consult my Fallout 4 Template and look at some of the other highly liked builds to get a feel for what will attract people to your build. 

  • Member
    September 30, 2016

    If only Bethsda let you pick your race: Human, Ghoul, Supermutant or Synth.