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Character Build: The Thief (FO4)

Tags: #Character Build Melee  #Fallout 4 Build  #Character Build Infiltrator 
  • Member
    December 23, 2015

    The Thief is thought of as a nocturnal, hooded figure who slips silently into places and takes what he wants.
    Caroline Myss


    Starting S.P.E.C.I.A.L

    • STR (8) Strength is perhaps the 3rd most Important stat. It's primarily used for loot carry.
    • PER (4) A thief needs to know their surroundings and having access to Night Person is a necessity.
    • END (1) Endurance is avoided. It is not needed as you are hiding in the shade. If you are caught you did something wrong.
    • CHA (2) The 2nd most important rank, however you only need it at 2 so when you get the Bobblehead you can get Lone Wanderer for extra damage and weight carry.
    • INT (4) The Thief does not only lock pick but they can hack into any terminal.
    • AGL (8) The most important stat as most of the Perks are chosen from this section, especially Blitz but that is used differently and in a unique way many do not consider.
    • LCK (1) Why would a Thief need luck when they can make their own luck.


    Ending S.P.E.C.I.A.L

    • STR (9)
    • PER (6)
    • END (1)
    • CHA (3)
    • INT (4)
    • AGL (9)
    • LCK (1)


    The Build

    There are generally 4 types of Thieves in existence and here the Thief Build will incorporate with 4 of them. The first is the Opportunist. These thieves will swipe anything left unattended. The Distracter; a sly thief who engages a victim and distracts them by any means necessary while sneaking into the housing and quickly stealing whatever they can. The Professional Burglar; a Thief who knows what they are doing. They can be in and out of a home in under 10 minutes. Finally, the Actor, who are Thieves who pose as more upstanding citizens in order to either get into property, or gain favor from those around them.

    The primary perks the Thief will have is Sneak, Locksmith, Hacker, and Pickpocket. As a Thief you want to steal and take as much loot as possible and that is where the high Strength Comes in. To further compliment this structure it is best to pick up Strong Back, and Lone Wanderer (You will need the Charisma Bobblehead).

    There is no lock they cannot pick, no terminal they cannot hack, and they can pickpocket better than most. The Thief utilizes the 4 types of Thieves to their advantage in order to bypass security, enter and exit buildings unnoticed, and can either talk their way out of any situation or haggle for more pay when picking up jobs. They will lie, they will cheat, they will do everything they can to get their way, but most importantly they will do their best not to kill sentient beings unless it is absolutely necessary.

    This build is normally a non combative build. The objective is not to kill. This however does not mean the Thief cannot fight. If they have to fight they will but their primary objective is to infiltrate, get what they need and get out without being noticed. The Thief will normally deny missions dedicated to killing but sometimes they will have to (Minutemen Missions are an example of this, however can sometimes happen is the Thief must take out 1 single target). The best missions a Thief thrives in are the retrieval or delivery missions which can be found within all 4 Factions.

    Ranks in Ninja, Mister Sandman, Big Leagues, and Rooted help with Combat when the thief has to fight. They may generally not like to fight, however sometimes they will have to. When it comes to sentient beings they will leave them be as best as they can. This includes humans, ghouls, and super mutants. If it's not a human and if it's a feral ghoul then they are fair game, however if they do not pose an immediate threat it's nice to see a Thief move by them. Once the Thief becomes Level 17 and is able to gain Pickpocket Rank 3 then there is no need to kill Legendary people as the Thief can simply pickpocket the Legendary item.

    It may seem tough to earn Experience Points at first as they do not gain any from killing, however they can earn a plethora of Experience by either exploiting Charisma Checks by asking for more money, and completing Missions. The Thief will have a Natural 3 Charisma but there are many ways of increasing the Charisma by using Clothing, Chems, and Alcohol. There are two sides of the Thief, and that is where the Actor comes into play. The first is the one who prowls through buildings while the other side is the "Business" looking man who interacts with people of the Common Wealth.

    When you sneak you must be careful. Again the main objective is to not kill people and to move around undetected. The Thief has to be methodical, they have to be cunning. When you reach Level 23 to grab Sneak 4 that is when things become interesting because the Thief no longer has to walk slowly when sneaking. With this game play change a Thief can still make more mistakes by not carefully traversing the area. Moving around a corner at blinding speeds can prove to be problematic and could spell certain doom.

    The Thief will utilize a plethora of equipment or "abilities" to get through areas, and even speak with people. This is explained more within the Weaponry Section.

    Mission Recommendations: Main Quest (Get the Good Ending. The more lives there are the more missions you can grab, the more loot there is. Your character is doing this out of selfish reasons which is for profit.), The Secret of Cabot House (Side with Lorenzo Cabot), The Silver Shroud (I recommend doing only the retrieval part as the rest is about assassinating and cleaning the streets), Trouble Brewin' (Keep Buddy)


    There are 2 kinds of attire the Thief wears. The first is his Nightwear. This is the armor he dons when entering buildings and stealing items undetected. The second is his business outfit. This is the armor he wears when haggling, and conversing with people who give him jobs.

    This is perhaps the best way to make a character look like a thief, or an assassin. The Green Hood, Gunner Green Bandana, and the Army Fatigues complement each other greatly giving the Thief a "Robin Hood" vibe. This along with some Ultra-Light Shadowed Leather armor complete the look even more. When it comes to Legendaries it is recommended to try and get your hands on Chameleon Armor as it has the ability to make the target invisible whenever they stop moving.

    Another interesting combination I've found is wearing the BOS Officer Uniform, Ultra-Light Shadowed Leather Armor, and the Gas Mask With Goggles giving the thief a darker vibe.

    Freefall Armour: As a Thief I suggest snagging the Freefall Armour. This is a special type of Combat Armour located at Mass Fusion's Product Engineering department. This Armour allows you to fall without taking any damage. This is great for a thief. Think about it, you're stuck at the top of a skyscraper. You don't want to traverse back down the hard way. Take the easy way, take the Lupin the 3rd Way. Jump off with these on and you'll be fine. There is a way of getting these without a Jet Pack, just google Fallout 4 Freefall Armor, No Jet Pack Needed.

    As mentioned above, whenever conversing with settlers, gaining missions and etc the Thief wears a different kind of attire. Normally they will wear anything that will increase their Charisma. A great combination I've found is the Clean Black Suit, Formal Hat, and Black-rim Glasses. Wearing this while taking some Grape Mentats is a sure way of getting the max amount of Money when taking a mission.


    When it comes to weaponry I have 1 of 2 suggestions for you. You honestly do not need both. I carry them however just in case as I myself have yet to decide which of the two I rather have. The first is the Pickman's Blade. It's a unique combat Knife found at Pickman's Gallary. There are two ways of getting this item. First you complete the quest of Pickman's Gift where Pickman gives you a key to his safe back in the Gallary. Inside the safe you'll find the knife. The second way is by just going to the safe and unlocking the master lock. This means you'll have to be level 17 before grabbing this weapon if you go with the second route.

    The 2nd weapon suggestion is the Kremvh's Tooth. This is a unique machete found underwater at the bottom of Dunwich Borers, on an alter in the side tunnel near the bottom of the pool.

    • Pickman's Blade is a Fast speed weapon. It causes +25 bleed damage over 5 seconds. When used in VATS it beats Kremvh's Tooth. It can be used 9 times while in VATS which is great if you are fighting multiple opponents.
    • Kremvh's Tooth is a Medium speed weapon. It causes +10 Bleed Damage, and +30 Poison Damage. It also does 100% Damage. Overall this weapon does way more damage than the Pickman's Blade. When used in Vats I noticed it will clock up to 6 times. It isn't as much as Pickman's Blade however the damage potential makes up for that. What makes this weapon even more unique is that the blade mod is what gives the unique the special ability. If you are able to find a Legendary Machete you may take the blade from the Kremvh's Tooth and attach it to the Legendary weapon.
    • Syringer Perhaps one of the most underrated weaponry in Fallout 4. This build utilizes 5 of the different ammos the Syringer uses. One can be bought at Diamond City. Your primary ammo types will be the Lock Joint Syringe, the Mind Cloud Syringe, Yellow Belly Syringe and Pax Syringe. Berserk Syringe great for low levels, but I have noticed that characters after around level 30 it starts to no longer work.
      • Berserk Syringe makes targets go into a frenzy and start attacking anyone nearby for 120 seconds.
      • Yellow Belly Syringe does the opposite by making the target flee for 30 seconds.
      • Lock Joint Syringe paralyzes a target for 10 seconds. Great for those oh crap moments where the original critical attack does not work. It's also great for if you have to just knock them down and sneak by. It's hard to make because you'll need stingwing barbs but they love to hang around in the Glowing Sea.
      • Mind Cloud Syringe makes the user believe they have vanished and reduces chance of detecting for 30 seconds. It's kind of like an oh crap moment if you don't want to use a stealth boy. Use it on 1 or 2 targets because of the timing.
      • Pax Syringe Makes the target turn non hostile for 30 seconds. Another great little trick to get by, however you need to get out of there before the 30 seconds are up. It says "Chance" but from my understanding it always works.
      Now the problem I've seen with the Syringer is that the ammo crafting is scarce. So whenever you get the ingredients immediately make it because you don't want to accidently use something for another type of crafting. Anti Freeze Bottles has Acid and Plastic, and Abraxo Cleaner has Acid, 2 Antiseptics, and Fiberglass
    • HalluciGen Gas Grenades You'll learn the existence of these when you gain a mission from Fred Allen at Goodneighbor. He asks you to bring a HalluciGen gas canister to him so he can experiment and make better drugs. When the Berserk Syringe does not work, the HalluciGen Gas Grenades will do the trick. They are non violent, and have an AOE so you can hit multiple targets at the same time. There is however a problem with using HalluciGen Gas Grenades.
      • 1. They can only be made in the HaluciGen, Inc using the L Shaped Chemistry Station. You need 3 Adhesives, 2 Aluminum, 1 HalluciGen Gas Canister, and 1 Spring.
      • 2. They is a finite supply of them. I was able to make 8 as there were only 9 HalluciGen Gas Canisters. 1 was needed to complete the mission.
      Now whether you are using a console or PC you can get more of them. Use the Dogmeat replicate glitch to gain more of them. Now many of you may be weary of using a duplication glitch but remember a couple of things. It's difficult to do, and I recommend duplicating the HalluciGen Gas Canisters so then you have to physically make them by going to the HaluciGen, Inc with the right supplies. That way it doesn't feel like a cheat. You're working for them essentially.
    • Chems There are 3 Chems the Thief takes.
      • Berry Mentats to give added Intelligence when turning in missions and Highlights living targets for 8 minutes. Problem is these will eat up your Anti Freeze Bottles which can be used for the Berserk and Yellow Belly Syringes. There is a small chance of addiction.
      • Grape Mentats give added Charisma when interacting with people trying to either calm a situation, or haggle more money. They give a +5 to Charisma while reducing price vendors by 10%. There is a small chance of addiction.
      • Mysterious Serum is only obtained by doing the Secret of Cabot House and siding with Lorenzo Cabot. It's a Serum that gives +5 to strength (more loot to carry), +50 DMG Resistance, and -10 Radiation per second for 3,600 seconds for 1 hour. A great item to have when going into the Glowing Sea. This chem has no chance of addiction.


    Magazines and Bobbleheads

    The Thief utilizes whatever he can to make his job easier, this includes Bobbleheads and Magazines. As a Thief you can obviously shoot for every single Bobblehead and Magazine out there but I'm just going to list the more important ones that affect the Thief build.

    • Strength Bobblehead: Needed for Rooted
    • Perception Bobblehead: Needed for Night Person. Use the SPECIAL Book for Perception as well.
    • Charisma Bobblehead: Needed for Lone Wanderer
    • Agility Bobblehead: Needed for Blitz.
    • Grognak the Barbarian: These give additional Critical Damage. Yes you don't normally kill but you'll need this for those really tough looking bosses like the Mirelurk Queen.
    • Tales of a Junktown Jerky Vendor: These will decrease prices when bartering with vendors. More loot means more money.
    • U.S. Covert Operations Manual: Makes the user more difficult to detect while sneaking.
    • Total Hack: Gives an option to hack a different type of object (Turrets, Spotlights, Protectrons).



    The list below is a detailed understanding of each perk and why the perk was chosen.

    • Big Leagues - Increase your melee damage. Yes you're going to mostly be non combative however there are still creatures you should kill like Mirelurks, and Death Claws.
    • Armorer - Needed to improve your armor. The thief does not need Armour 4 Ranks honestly as the primary mods are found in either Rank 1, or Rank 3.
    • Strong Back - Needed for Extra Carry Weight
    • Rooted - Needed for extra damage when sneaking up against tough opponents like the Mire Lurk Queen. Because this is a Sneak build there is no need of the final perk.
    • Pickpocket - Once you reach level 17 things get interesting. You can start stealing Legendary Equipment off of humanoids without having to kill them.
    • Awareness - A Thief needs to know their mark. They must be able to tell their strengths, and their weaknesses. The Thief can gain valuable information on how to take down their mark.
    • Locksmith - Every Thief should be able to get through any door in their way. The thief finds so many bobby pins they don't need the final rank.
    • Night Person - The Thief hunts in the shade. They stay in the shadows at all times, and thus their eyes become accustomed to the dark. Not only does the Thief gain more Perception and Intelligence at night but they can better see in the dark. Once a Thief takes this skill it is best to turn in quests after 6 PM but before 6 AM.
    • Lone Wanderer - The Thief is a loner. He works alone because it is easier that way. The added carry weight and additional damage helps.
    • Hacker - There is no terminal the Thief cannot hack as it could lead to further riches he did not expect. because of the way hacking works the Thief rarely ever needs the final perk.
    • Sneak - The primary focus of the Thief. To avoid encounters, from being seen they must sneak.
    • Mister Sandman - Extra damage when sneaking is always a plus for the Thief even if they avoid fighting.
    • Action Boy - Sometimes the Thief has to run out of a situation, or they must fight the perils of the Commonwealth. The faster they regenerate their "stamina" the better.
    • Ninja - Sometimes a Thief must take out a target for several reasons, like survival, or to progress through a quest. This makes it easier.
    • Blitz - A unique ability not many consider. An ability that allows the Thief to teleport closer to a target he may remove, or, teleport to an area he could previously not get to.

    Since this is a level 44 Build there are 6 levels left until reaching level 50. Here are some suggestions to further bulk the build.

    • Demolitions Expert - Recommended if you are going to use the Dogmeat Duplication to get the HalluciGen gas canisters. Get 3 ranks for the added Area of Effect.
    • Cap Collector - Reduction of Vendor cost by 20% and investing in stores is not a bad idea.
    • Chemist - A Nice way of improving your small amount of chems. Add 2 Perk Points into Intelligence and then grab the rest into Chemist so your mentats can last for 24 minutes.




    Blink:A Unique ability that alters the usage of Blitz to traverse distances they normally could not travel. To use, go into Vats and find a target that is relatively within the same height as the character. Execute the VATS. Before hitting the target cancel VATS and sneak away. This is extremely effective if there are gaps when traveling such as broken bridges, or other platforms the Thief may normally cannot get to. This can be done without the target noticing the Thief.
    Requirements: Blitz, Sneak 4, Shadowed Armor.

    Detective Mode: Every Thief needs to be able to observant of their surroundings. Detective Mode is a combination of Night Person 2 with Berry Mentats. Berry Mentats can see living targets, has a duration of 8 minutes (24 minutes with Chemist 4) and if you are close enough you can see slightly through thin walls depending on how close the targets are.
    Requirements: Night Person 2, Berry Mentats.

    Smoulder: With a wink and a nod the Thief can get out of any jam. By dressing in a snazzy suit, taking some sweet breath tasting mentats the Thief can get anyone to do what he wants. If he wants more money for the job he's doing he's got it in the bag with the Smoulder. If he wants to take a pretty lady out on town he can by showing a little bit of his Smoulder.
    Requirements: Any Hat with +1 Charisma, Any Glasses with +1 Charisma, Any clothing with +2 Charisma or Reginald's suit (+3 Charisma), Grape Mentats.
  • Member
    December 24, 2015

    Good stuff, great to see another build in the group. I especially like your little trick with Blitz near the end there, very clever!

  • Member
    December 26, 2015
    Good stuff. Some clever gameplay elements here.
  • Member
    December 28, 2015

    Nice! I was playing something similar and the Syringer really grew on me. Both Pax and Mind Cloud syringes are quite easy to craft and can help you go through any difficult sneak attempt. I have also noticed that melee characters are great to use the Berserk on. A regular Super Mutant with a Board was able to do a ton of damage on Fist at Trinity Tower. Mostly due to the stagger from melee hits. 

    Once again, nice job! 

  • December 28, 2015

    Great concept and execution, well done, nice touch with the blitz, at the end, along with excellent presentation + 1 from me. very very nice

  • Member
    January 3, 2016

    I believe you need to put "Fallout 4 Build" in the tags so that we are able to see it in the list of builds... I could be wrong in that but that's the tag I saw in the other two builds and they were on the list...

  • January 22, 2016


  • Member
    January 22, 2016

    Thanks for the comments everyone. I made some small edits here and there because some stuff was bothering me. Nothing big. I also added a note in the Armour section about Freefall Armour. Something I can see a Thief using. Check it out if you'd like. I got another build in the back burner but it is taking longer because I got other things going on.

  • Member
    January 22, 2016
    It's like my favourite character build for Skyrim, but for Fallout! +1 I love it!
  • January 22, 2016

    I think Fallout 4 missed an opportunity by not having any sort of institutional justice system like the one set up in Skyrim. Even if it was just limited to Diamond City, it would make living as a thief feel more like a profession (as it was in Skyrim) rather than something you just do. I only fell in love with thieving in Skyrim once I realized how much the game system supported it as an alternative play style to the normal kill-and-loot gameplay. In FO4, there's none of that support system; you just sometimes don't kill whoever's stuff you want.