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WiP Flash Event Build: The Hunter

  • February 3, 2018


    Haven't done a Skyrim build in a long, long time so I decided to roll with the Elevated Origins event. So, for this one, I decided to go with the classic bounty hunter build. The build will be combat oriented. (no sneak archery) ;)

    The character is a innkeeper that witnessed his wife and son murdered at the hands of a bandit group. After that, he seeks out the help of Uthgerd the Unbroken to hunt down the bandits. After killing them, he gets a reward for them. Seeing the money this bussiness can get him, he decides to take up bounty hunting, leaving his old life, and Whiterun, behind.


    The skills I'll be focusing on will be one-handed, block and light armor. Minor skill will be smithing to better improve armor and weapons.


    I will be checking in at every tavern to pick up bounties. I also reccomend the Notice Board mod to make the build more immersive. I'll see what other quests are fitting for the build.


    This is just the basic part of the build, so if you have any quests in mind do share them with me.

  • February 3, 2018

    Hmm, will have to see this one really rolling Delta, but it's looking good so far. Would be pretty interesting to see how this character evolves over time.