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Artifacts of Tamriel: Eleidon's Ward

  • Member
    June 23, 2013

    Ok, this is the first of a series of articles I hope to do (and finish!) on this blog. I fear a majority of these will be short due to a general lack of information on the artifact's themselves. And without further ado....



         The story behind Eleidon's Ward starts in the High Rock, with the kidnapping of a Baron's daughter by an evil warlord. The Baron, in his time of need, turned to a holy knight famous within Breton society for his courage and righteousness, named Eleidon. Eleidon accepted the Baron's request, and saved the princess from certain death. In his gratitude, the Baron spent his entire fortune to have a shield forged for Eleidon, which acquired the name of Eledion's Ward. The Shield is reputed to have the ability, along with being a supremely well forged piece of heavy armor, to heal the wearer.

         Ok, now that the lore is out of the way... In reality, within the games, the shield does have the enchantment to heal the wearer a certain amount. In addition, it is a supreme tower shield, bestowing a great defense along with being able to heal the user.

         And now speculation. From looking at the shield, It looks to be a steel shield of superb craftsmanship, with gems inlaid across the front of the shield, possibly where the enchantment draws its power from.

  • Member
    June 23, 2013

    If you have a specific artifact you would like me to do next, shoot me a comment or something!

  • Member
    June 30, 2014

    Very nice! I'm sorry I missed it. I think you should link in your sources in order to make this a complete reference tool but other than that it's a great idea.

    I'd like to see Auriel's Bow next, it is topical at the moment after all.

  • Member
    June 30, 2014
    The Lord's Mail. Anyhoof, i LOVE the look of that shield