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What Faction Are You Most Interested in?

    • 641 posts
    December 1, 2015 4:23 PM EST

    Like most Bethesda games Fallout 4 has some big interesting joinable factions in the game, which one are you most interested in? Even if you haven't gotten to do any of the faction quests what one sound the most appealing to you?

    • 558 posts
    December 1, 2015 6:01 PM EST

    Just looked up the factions, and for me personally, it would have to be the Railroad. They seem like they could have some fun quests.

    I was kind of surprised that there were no "evil" factions, but I guess that would be the Institiute.

    All factions are pretty interesting, though.

    • 1217 posts
    December 1, 2015 8:59 PM EST

    I have only had extensive interactions with one so far, and I have to say, I really hope the Railroad isn't the most interesting faction in the game. Right now I'm still liking the BoS.

    • 404 posts
    December 1, 2015 9:01 PM EST

    I ended the main story with the Railroad, felt bad for a Certain guy though.

  • Mr.
    • 763 posts
    December 1, 2015 9:12 PM EST

      The Minutemen. I share all of their goals and ideals, especially when it comes to freedom. (I will later explain why I don't like the Railroad, even though I find them interesting and have a cool soundtrack).

     Back to the Minutemen, I also love their colonial style, their laser muskets, history, its members (even just reading/hearing about them) how its manpower is really just made of common people, mostly farmers, who are tired of being harassed by Wasteland undesirables. I see them as the start of something really big, perhaps an Eastern NCR, but unlike them, the Minutemen started as a militia aimed at protection, so they could end up being better than their western counterparts.

     Lastly, they just fit so well with the Boston setting, though I hope the Minutemen are expanded in a future DLC. My main character was completely dedicated to them, and I felt they lacked content compared to the other factions, even though I haven't fully explored them yet.

    • 411 posts
    December 1, 2015 9:13 PM EST
    I joined up with the institute due to the fact that my character was looking for his Shaun and found out that he is the leader.
    • 404 posts
    December 1, 2015 9:15 PM EST

    that is true, Matthew is also really good terms with them.

    • 1595 posts
    December 2, 2015 3:13 AM EST

    BoS. In many ways F4 feels like F3 with a makeover. The BoS questline actually feels like a direct sequel to the events of the last Bethesda Fallout game and I have met and heard references to many of the people I once knew. Now all I need is a giant, nuke-tossing, insult-hurling robot and I will feel like I'm home

    • 649 posts
    December 2, 2015 3:39 AM EST

    Don´t worry, you´ll surely feel like you´re home.

    It was nice to hear some references to Elder Lyons and meeting that scientist from Project Purity. But as BoS in F3 were "samaritans" - sort of - the BoS in F4 felt way too much...radical to me. Frankly, I joined them because of that aircraft, because...

    Well, the whole story somewhat spins around the Synths, right? Every group has their opinions on them. Well, I actually didn´t give a crap about them. Why should I give a damn if they have feelings or not? Not sure if it is my fault or the game´s that I never actually gave a thought to this "moral dilema".

    So you pretty much choose a faction depending on your moral opinions about synth. And if you have non? You chose BoS because they are badass.

    • 1595 posts
    December 2, 2015 4:34 AM EST

    Yeah, hearing about Lyons and meeting Doctor Li were pretty cool, not to mention Danse's mentions of Rivette City and the Brotherhood's Liberation of the wasteland. I've just left the Institute and returned to Elder Maxson and seen the name of my next mission  I hope it means what I think it means:

    Embrace democracy or you will be eradicated.

    I agree about the Synth thing. Synth, Synth and more Synth until I was sick of it. This is possibly my biggest problem with the game: I don't give a fuck about Synths one way or the other and the game didn't give me a reason to care early enough.

    • 649 posts
    December 2, 2015 4:42 AM EST

    I agree about the Synth thing. Synth, Synth and more Synth until I was sick of it. This is possibly my biggest problem with the game: I don't give a fuck about Synths one way or the other and the game didn't give me a reason to care early enough.

    EXACTLY! Who gives a crap about some robot having feelings or not? No, Railroad, you don´t count, because you´re boring! They are trying to kill you almost whole game, so why should you care about them? Super Mutants are trying to kill you too and you´re never given option to think if they have feelings. And they are "alive" at least.

    Democracy is non-negotiable.

    • 641 posts
    December 2, 2015 5:41 AM EST

    I am Railroad all the way! They are like the Thieves Guild except instead of being a bunch of sneak thieves they are an underground resistance.

    • 1595 posts
    December 2, 2015 6:08 AM EST

    I enjoyed following the Freedom Trail and reading the plaques, fighting muties, ferals and raiders along the way. Then I met the Railroad and they were all, "yay Synths!" I was like, "see ya!"

    "Does this unit have a soul?" Been there, done that.

    • 641 posts
    December 2, 2015 7:18 AM EST

    I'm always pro-posthumanism in most forms beacuse I find it a very interesting subject. 

    • 1595 posts
    December 2, 2015 7:52 AM EST

    I think it is an interesting subject and under normal circumstances I reckon I would be with you. The moral component of the subject is compelling and the ideas are not all that far fetched in the modern age. In fact, I find it sometimes quite unsettling that the themes discussed in modern academics by the likes of Stephen Hawking and Elon Musk in their Future of Life Institute are very similar to the nerdy sci-fi I grew up with.

    When once we talked about aliens and robots and weren't taken seriously,  nowadays leading figures in science are discussing these things in the open. That's mad when you think about it.

    Yet Fallout 4 never presented it in a way which resonated with me. The discussion relegated to the background with the focus being on big goddam explosions. As a long time fan of TES lore I am adept at sifting through the mud to find the gold nuggets but Fallout's setting never brought that out in me. In a world where people can be trees thanks to radiation magic and the other ridiculous scenarios we encounter, taking the world seriously can be hard.

    Not that it doesn't deliver, mind. I remember in F3 when you find  emotional radio signals leading to hidden bunkers, only to discover two ancient skeletons still clinging together in horror at the approaching armageddon.

    Poignant stuff.

    Then I had to fight The Roach King. Setting = undermined by itself.

    • 641 posts
    December 2, 2015 11:15 AM EST

    So none of the characters or there stories like H2, Glory or Nick Valentine got you interested in the ethics or the Railroads cause? 

    • 14 posts
    December 2, 2015 12:58 PM EST
    The Institute is not evil, so much as to "Perfect" the world. While I somewhat agree with them, I can see how they are evil. Kind-of.
    • 1441 posts
    December 2, 2015 12:59 PM EST

    They seem like "The Ends Justify the Means" same with the Brotherhood. Both are morally grey

    • 1441 posts
    December 2, 2015 1:01 PM EST

    I think it's because there are Synths, like Harkness from F03, who want to be treated as normal, and nit as slaves

    • 1441 posts
    December 2, 2015 1:04 PM EST

    My character, modeled after me, joined up with the Institute. While I disagree with them thinking of Synths as just mere tools (Since it seems they can gain some semblance of emotions), my first character just wanted what's best for the world, and wanted to be with his son again. He believed the Institute is the future of the Commonwealth, and was a benevolent leader.

    • 14 posts
    December 2, 2015 1:07 PM EST
    The Railroad does provide some pretty badass weapons though. I think the weapon I'm referring to is called The Railway Rifle. Maybe not but it shoots RAILROAD SPIKES! It's freaking awesome. So is, The Deliverer. A silenced handgun good for any stealthy character.
    • 1441 posts
    December 2, 2015 1:12 PM EST

    True, true, I mean, I can understand their goals, and I agree with them, but they seem a bit too...anarchic 

    • 1217 posts
    December 2, 2015 1:25 PM EST

    I gotta ask, Edd, what about the Minutemen's origins makes you think they could/would turn out better than the NCR?

    • 1595 posts
    December 2, 2015 1:35 PM EST

    Not really. The issue was never really raised and The Railroad remained a somewhat shadowy organisation right up until I met them. Then they expected me to have an opinion about it and wouldn't take my "well it depends" response when I thought the matter through. Like I said, I had very little prior set up and there was plenty of time to do it as I didn't meet them until about my 19th hour into the game.

    Are you saying that I should have taken Nick as a companion and I may have needed to confront the issue sooner? Who's H2 and Glory?

    • 1217 posts
    December 2, 2015 1:37 PM EST

    H2 and Glory are Railroad characters.