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What DON'T you want to see in DLC?

    • 426 posts
    February 17, 2012 8:05 AM EST

    There has been alot of speculation about the release dates & content of upcoming DLC. We have also had numerous discussions and blogs about what we would want to see. I think an interesting take on this now would be to see what you guy's dont want to be playing once the extremely anticipated first chunk of DLC appears.

    Vent on here now

    • 132 posts
    February 17, 2012 8:13 AM EST

    It must be said: Horse armor

    Other than that, nothing I can think of. Bethesda doesn't have a history of frivolous DLC (Besides the one above) so I imagine anything they do will be awesome.

    • 426 posts
    February 17, 2012 8:20 AM EST

    I thought it might be quite provoking seeing all the content they created in a week on the game jam Todd Howard showed in his keynote speech at DICE. They obviously won't be able to release everything. I have to agree with the horse armour.


    • 577 posts
    February 17, 2012 8:24 AM EST

    hmmm...interesting. Never really thought of it this way. Not much, tbh. Let's say the new DLC is something like Shivering Isle in the sense you have to go through a portal of some sorts. I hope you are able to travel back and forth freely. FalloutNV had some DLC that once you enter that 'relm' you could not return untill it's finished. Dead Money was like that. So I guess I wouldn't want to see that. Being stuck somewhere and not be able to mingle the two would be a bummer. Not being able to mix together the different armor/weapons/skills, etc.

    • 6 posts
    February 17, 2012 8:26 AM EST

    I don't want to see something totally off-the-wall (like mothership zeta for fallout 3).  Shivering Isles was slightly out there, but it still fit within the world of TES, and obviously it was great. 

    • 577 posts
    February 17, 2012 8:31 AM EST

    I would agree with that also. Keep it reasonable with the game. Shiviering Isles gets a bigtime pass cause it dealt with Sherogorath....we could have been in Smurfland and it wouldn't have shocked me!LOL

    • 426 posts
    February 17, 2012 8:34 AM EST

    Thats a top one there ty. I hated being stuck in Dead Money. Old world blues was the same. If it is a portal like shivering isles it should be cool.

    Also I don't want to see Cyrodill or Morrowwind as DLC. Keep it in Skyrim or somewhere new.

    • 577 posts
    February 17, 2012 8:39 AM EST

    I think they're hinting towards Morrowind....we'll see.

    • 82 posts
    February 17, 2012 9:31 AM EST

    More Weapons, More armor. 

    • 773 posts
    February 17, 2012 9:38 AM EST

    I don't want to see basic house mods - like in Oblivion they had Wizard's Tower, Thieves Den etc. People made better mods that were given away for free.

    Obviously horse armour was a mistake they won't repeat, and throwaway stuff like The Orrery or Spell Tomes is stuff they'd do well to avoid entirely.

    • 426 posts
    February 17, 2012 9:47 AM EST

    I think your right there Paul. They def need to follow lessons learnt with the Fallout titles the dlc for those was much more comprehensive.

    • 856 posts
    February 17, 2012 9:48 AM EST

     Anything that people have modded in for free (and usually better).  Agreeing with Paul, Houses would be highest on this do not want to see list.

    • 297 posts
    February 17, 2012 9:50 AM EST

    anything that i could see and go "ya i know how they did that in the ck"

    im looking for an in-depth storyline hopefully a thalmor one and maybe a new area too explore,i dont want too see the houses or armour

    • 426 posts
    February 17, 2012 9:55 AM EST

    The impression I get is that the DLC is going to be quite a chunky bit of content so might have multiple features and content. I dont want to see the price to high!

    • 426 posts
    February 17, 2012 10:11 AM EST

    I think its highly probable that we will get new weapons and armour if they follow suit like in the Fallout games. I dont think they will put new food or anything like that. I think they would be falling into the Horse armour trap again if they did.

    • 132 posts
    February 17, 2012 10:18 AM EST

    Those of us without mods appreciate the houses more I highly enjoyed the wizard's tower, actually, just for being what it was: a big, cool, out of the way magic-themed home. I understand that PC gamers don't buy dlc like that, but console gamers get the short end of the stick as far as mods are concerned, so I think they should throw us a bone every once in a while.

    • 426 posts
    February 17, 2012 10:35 AM EST

    I think we will see more effort from Bethesda to get something to us console users. The only thing the wizards tower missed was a questline that would of been cool.

    • 426 posts
    February 17, 2012 10:37 AM EST

    I think if they did do it you would have to have an effect that represented the fact they are blind. Maybe a more detailed thing like detect life but for your surroundings as well. That would be cool it being black but the world around u is lit by your other senses.

    • 426 posts
    February 17, 2012 10:53 AM EST

    Just found this article

    "For Fallout 3 we did five DLCs," Howard told me during an interview last week at the DICE Summit. "That was a very aggressive path for us. Our plan now is to take more time, to have more meat on them [for Skyrim]. They'll feel closer to an expansion pack."

    • 577 posts
    February 17, 2012 1:03 PM EST

    hmm, that's cool. They're really good at teasin' aren't they?

    • 24 posts
    February 17, 2012 3:08 PM EST

    I can't define a certain thing or event, but a stand-off from any experience killing adventure would be appreciated (don't know if any of you played, but I hated RDR's zombie DLC, killed all the highly respected Wild West feeling for me - that's what I'm referring to). As an add-on or a part of a bigger DLC I'd like to see new landscapes, and new opportunities to create even better gameplay - from new weapons, (for example: sears) to new types of armors or even horses, buildings, character movements etc. Everything they put in, will be great I'm sure.

    • 21 posts
    February 17, 2012 3:31 PM EST

    I agree about RDR and the Zombie's!  I was so disappointed with it.  Based on the AWESOME dlc for GTA IV, I was expecting something really good for RDR.  GTA IV's dlc was great because they were (smaller) stories from a different character's point of view, that occasionally bumped into Nico's story.  The Lost & The Damned was particularly good.  It made me view Liberty City in a different way.

    As I played RDR, I kept thinking about what would be cool DLC.  I thought for sure they'd have one where you were a Mexican farmhand or peasant who got caught up in the Civil War.  There could have been all sorts of Mexican side missions leading up to the Revolution.  Then, as a fugitive maybe, you could escape to the US under the protection of the corrupt Lawmen who were pulling Marston's strings.  Only they betray you as well, and you have to team up with some of Marston's old pals (like the Snake Oil seller guy) to evade capture.  Something like that would've been AWESOME!!  Instead we got zombies and dreariness.  Ugh.

    • 21 posts
    February 17, 2012 3:41 PM EST

    I know most folks here don't want to see a Morriwind DLC, but, as someone whose first TES game experience was Oblivion (and I think we are legion), I'd LOVE to see an updated, small slice of Morrowind. 

    The fact that the Dunmeth Pass is in the game gives me hope.

    BTW - In the very southeastern corner of Skyrim there's a road that leads to a gate, and that gate is beyond the game world (i.e., you get a message to the effect of "you cannot go in this direction").  What's up with that?  I figure it MUST lead to some kind of DLC at some point, because for the most part the borders of Skyrim are Mountains and the Sea of Ghosts.  That is, you reach a point where you can't go further, but what you can see beyond the invisible barrier is just more rugged terrain or ocean. 

    Todd Howard has made a point of saying "if you can see it, you can get to it", so it's strange that at the SE corner of the Rift there's a gate you can see, but can't get to.

    • 66 posts
    February 17, 2012 3:45 PM EST

    More falmer

    those little buggers give me the shits

    • 7 posts
    February 17, 2012 6:20 PM EST

    Yeah, I loved the wizard tower, so I hope they make something similar.