Forums » Elder Scrolls

For all you writers out there...

    • 180 posts
    February 28, 2014 4:22 AM EST

    Hi there writers of the Skyrim Blog!

    As someone who writes myself, and as someone who has never been interested in writing fan-fiction of any kind, I was curious to know why you enjoy writing about the Elder Scrolls Universe? Do you enjoy sharing the stories of your in game characters with the rest of us, or was it simply something you decided might be fun to try and ended up wanting to write more and more?

    I'm also interest to know what else you guys and girls write about? Do you have your own original stories written? What genres do you enjoy writing? Do you write fan-fiction for other fictional universes? Which ones? Maybe here would be a good place to link to your other works for those on the blog who are interested to enjoy. 

    • 249 posts
    February 28, 2014 5:17 AM EST
    I'm writing what I hope to be my first blog, if I'm satisfied with the result. I was inspired by my CB and absolutely fell in love with the character in my mind and feel that he needs his story told.

    I don't usually write anything although I've always enjoyed it. Maybe writing CBs was the gateway I needed. Who knows.
    • 661 posts
    February 28, 2014 5:23 AM EST
    I have a few originals stored away for later access when I feel like I'll need them. Chiefly a manga series I plan on writing out for an artist.
    As for fanfic I am collaborating with others in our group The Children of The End. However due to recent updates we will become more active. With the new activity expect more than just TCoTE out of that group. You see I prove to Emer I am capable of turning something lost, and abandoned into a shine gleamstone of the Blog!

    Also as for Fan fic I have gained a new flame for it recently due to seeing Shor's Empire thread. I dont sit too kindly with his false claims.

    As for the one mentioned above. Id hate to see the group I joined become but wisps of a vapor's shadow.
    • 661 posts
    February 28, 2014 5:26 AM EST
    Thats how I feel about Mathyas's story. It needs to be told. Too much amazing shit happened with him, and he isn't even my character. I jus have to tell his story, so I started with the end. Its on my blog as a short story. Eventually when I have found my muse again I'll be turning into a full fledged story.
    • 39 posts
    February 28, 2014 7:27 AM EST

    I write lots of fanfics, but I very rarely put any of them on the internet, for fear of it being terrible or just lazy, usually the former-I have some very...different Ideas about some things.

    I enjoy fictional writing because It gives me a release for all the random junk jumbled in my head, but I don't like writing for, say, school essays or anything-there's no creativity of my kind to be had.

    To answer your question, though, I write TES stuff because it's one of my favorite fantasy universes. I enjoy both sharing my characters or ficticious characters that aren't usually possible in TES. I do write about other things, namely LotR, Harry Potter (usually Luna Lovegood), and Dark Souls. When I get the courage, maybe I'll put some of my works up, but not at this moment in time. If people really want to see it, they'll have to tell me first, and i'll put up as well.

    • 3 posts
    February 28, 2014 3:33 PM EST

    i mostly like writing fanfics for ESU because of the similar reasons, the way i play out all of my characters, i feel like people should know the path he/she walks and what is going on, also, i have started a fictional universe in my own free time and playing similar ideas i have for writing my universe kind of benefits both sides of my writing style.

    if that makes an since at all, one helps the other, like killing two birds with one stone  

    • 180 posts
    February 28, 2014 11:28 PM EST

    That's cool, Luna Lovegood is one of my favorite characters from HP.

    Does any of this inspire you to write something 100% your own?

    • 180 posts
    February 28, 2014 11:30 PM EST

    So you feel that by writing about another fantasy universe, it helps you improve as a writer in general?

  • February 28, 2014 11:37 PM EST

    I'm a junkie. I hate writing, but I can't stop. 

    • 1595 posts
    March 1, 2014 12:02 AM EST

    I've written a few pieces of fan-fic for the Blog when I first joined the site but nothing before or since really. I think there is something special about the TES series in that it brings out the creativity in people like no other game out there.

    Being part the community here only seemed to reinforce that creativity as it made me want to give something back and contribute in some way, however small.

    • 149 posts
    March 1, 2014 1:00 AM EST

    I've never been interested in fan fiction, myself. I probably won't be again, after I'm finished with the one I'm doing.

    ...That didn't make much sense... 

    I suppose I've always been one to come up with ideas from video games. Characters, stories, etc. I've never done anything with them, though - they just exist for a time and fade away. Purely personal entertainment.

    But after seeing the blogs here on this site, I felt compelled to try something different. I'm writing fan fiction because I want to practice my writing, but also because I want to share the tale of my Skyrim persona, as I see it.

    Thus, Dragon of the East

    • 3 posts
    March 1, 2014 1:12 AM EST

    yes definitely, i hope to get my work published once i get everything going. i am starting from scratch on everything, the name of the places, river locations mountains, i's even drawing out a map to help people visualize everything. Starting with some important facts and short stories for the lands history and then going from there with individual characters and plot lines. going on different adventures in skyrim is just like fuel to keep me going and keeping my mind open.  

    • 93 posts
    March 1, 2014 3:36 PM EST

    I have never really attempted a long-term fanfic until just recently on this blog; however, I have ALWAYS loved coming up with original characters within established settings. My main outlet is online RPing, such as running a tumblr blog dedicated to my Marvel original character. 

    I love to write, but it's been hard for me to do anything outside of RPing because of how independent and dedicated you have to be to ONE story. It's hard for me. However, I am LOVING writing Alcarien's Accounts. It's great fun.