Journal Volume 1 - Entry 4 - Chapter 3

  • Hod and Gerdur's

    Sundas, 9:00PM. 17th of Last Seed, 4E 201

    I awoke this morning disoriented. The back of my head ached and my limbs felt numb. My body jostled as I sat, and I was leaning to the left with my head resting on a wooden board. With each bump my head would beat off the timber causing my brain to pulse with pain. Where was I? What happened? I remembered Darkwater Crossing... but not much else. I tried to open my eyes, slowly peeling away my eyelids. Bright light poured into my eyes sockets causing me to squint. I tried to raise my hands to block the light and rub my eyes to discover that they were bound.

    I slowly sat up, the side of my head throbbing after pressing against the plank for so long. Soon my eyes adjusted to the sun light and the bright blur began to focus into images. I sat in a wooden carriage drawn by a chestnut horse. An Imperial Soldier wearing light armor guided the horse from the carriage's bench, reins coiled tightly in his sweaty hands. I sat on the carriage's left side closest to the front. Across from me I saw a Stormcloak Soldier which instantly brought back my memories in a flash of images. The Stormcloaks, the horseman, the ambush...

    The Rebel had blonde hair, a clump of which was gathered next to his left temple in a thick braid. He wore the same armor as his kin. Next to him sat the horseman. His hair was dark and messy and his clean shaven face was plastered with a layer of dirt. He looked around nervously, dressed in a rough spun tunic and trousers the same as me, I noticed. I began to wonder where my gear was, the Soldiers probably confiscated it. The thought of them removing my cloak as I lay unconscious was.... unsettling. I lifted my bound hands, searching for my amulet under my tunic. It was gone. I looked to my right sorrowfully to discover that Ulfric Stormcloak sat next to me, gagged and his hands bound. His regal sash was tattered and his face bloodied. Each man in the carriage seemed to be distracted with their own thoughts, as I was. My mind raced, wondering where we were headed and how I could get away. Suddenly the blonde Stormcloak looked up at me with a worried expression.

    "Hey! You!" He snapped, drawing me from my panicked trance. "You're finally awake. You were trying to cross the Eastmarch Boarder, right? Walked right into that Imperial ambush same as us and that thief over there. He gestured to the horseman.

    I stuttered. " was working in the Goldenrock mine and stopped to wash myself in the River."

    "Ah, wrong place at the wrong time, eh?" He shook his head solemnly.

    The horse thief piped up in rage. "Damn you Stormcloaks! Skyrim was fine until you came along. Empire was nice and lazy. If they hadn't been looking for you I could have stolen that horse and been halfway to Hammerfell!" He glanced at me, pointing with his bound hands. "You there, you and me, we shouldn't be here, it's these Stormcloaks the Empire wants!"

    The Blonde Stormcloak stated flatly. "We're all brothers and sisters in binds now thief."

    The guard looked back with a hateful glare. "Shut up back there!"

    We went silent and I looked around. Ahead of us another wagon rolled along the forest path, where we were going I didn't know. A column of six infantry marched ahead of us all with the Imperial General leading them astride a war horse. Behind us rode the rear guard. A young helmetless Nord Soldier with brown hair, flanked by two other riders.

    I glanced at Ulfric who sat motionless when the horse thief asked. "What's wrong with him, huh?"

    The Stormcloak glared at the rough spun thief. "Watch your tongue! You're speaking to Ulfric Stormcloak the true High King!"

    The thief seemed taken aback at the realisation. "Ulfric? The Jarl of Windhelm? You're the leader of the Rebellion." Worry spread over his face and his voice wavered. "If they captured you? Oh Gods, where are they taking us?"

    I began to panic again. What would be come of us?

    The Stormcloak looked into the distant mountains. "I don't know where we're going, but Sovngarde awaits."

    I quaked with fear at the mention of the afterlife. I came to Skyrim to start my life, not end it!

    "No! This can't be happening. This isn't happening!" The thief said, pleading with fate.

    "We-we're going to die!" I said, wild eyed and bewildered.

    "Calm down, make peace with yourselves, the mead halls of Shor await us!" Encouraged the warrior.

    The caravan crested a hill and began heading down. It looked to be morning, and by the Sun's position I figured we were heading north-west.

    After a pause the Stormcloak spoke. "Hey, what village are you from horse thief?" His tone seemed clam and at peace.

    "Why do you care?" The thief shot back.

    The Stormcloak sighed and looked to the sky. "A Nord's last thoughts should be of home."

    At this I could picture Bruma in my mind's eye. My family and friends. I shed a quite tear which merged with my beard and rippled through the hairs.

    The thief hesitated. "Rorikstead. I'm... I'm from Rorikstead."

    We rounded a bend and approached a settlement which a recognised. Helgen. As we neared the gate a soldier on the wooden ramparts shouted. "General Tullius Sir, the headsman is waiting!"

    The gates parted and we got nearer. The same gates I had passed through previously.

    "Good let's get this over with!" Tullius replied in his commanding voice, seeming anxious and irritated.

    As we passed through the gates the thief begged. "Shor, Mara. Dibella, Kynareth, Akatosh, Divines please help me!"

    Gold Concordat by monitoring the Empire's citizens and...punishing anyone who deviated. TGold Concordat was the official name given to the agreement signed that ended the Great War. The Great War was fought between the Empire and the Aldmeri Dominion. Both of my parents were Legionnaires in the war, and from what I'm told, their Legion took severe casualties. The treaty was the only means to end the conflict for the Empire and heavily favors the Aldmeri Dominion, who would have otherwise crushed the Empire. Among its legislation was the outlawing of the worshiping of Talos, disbandment of the Blades (The old bodyguards of the Septim Emperors) and giving free reign to the Thalmor to move throughout the Empire and to hunt down any worshipers of this outlawed deity and the slaughtering of the last of the Blades. I wondered why the Thalmor would be over seeing the execution then remembered a rumor. some said that the "Civil War" started because the Nords of Skyrim wanted to free the Province from oppression so they could freely worship Talos; their chief deity, which I've since learned to be true.

    "Look at him! General Tullius the Military Governor, and it looks like the Thalmor are with him! Damn Elves! I bet they had something to do with this!" Spat the Stormcloak. 

    We passed through the street, spectators watching. "Ahhh, this is Helgen. I used to be sweet on a girl from here." The rebel said in thought.

    I looked around and felt a lump in the pit of my stomach.

    "I wonder if Vilod is still making that mead with juniper berries mixed in?" The warrior asked, seeming unconcerned that we were about to die.

    "He...yes, he still is. I passed through here not to long ago." I replied, trying to clear my mind.

    "Really?" He asked. "A pity I can't have another taste before I die... funny, when I was a boy Imperial walls and towers used to make me feel so safe."

    I looked up and saw an Imperial banner gliding on the warm breeze. A red Dragon on a black field.

    Behind me, from the steps of the inn I heard a boy speak up. "Who are they Daddy, where are they going?"

    "You need to go inside little cub."

    "Why? I wanna watch the Soldiers."

    "Inside the house now." The father demanded.

    "Yes papa." Was the saddened reply after our carriage driver said "Whoa!" pulling the horse to a stop in the courtyard.

    I saw the child wander inside and was glad he wasn't going to see the headsman work.

    The Legionnaires formed up in the yard as an officer barked orders. "Get these prisoners out of the carts, move it!" Her voice was bitter and strong.

    The thief looked around, his expression the embodiment of fear. "Why are we stopping?"

    "Why do you think? End of the line." The Stormcloak sighed, then smirked at me with a light chuckle. "Let's go. Shouldn't keep the Gods waiting for us."

    We stood and began to unload in twos as the thief tried to convince the Soldiers to release us. "No! Wait! We're not rebels!"

    "Face your death with some courage thief." The Stormcloak muttered as Ulfric jumped down from the carriage.

    "You've got to tell them we weren't with you! This is a mistake!" The thief pleaded.

    "Aye! Something has to be done!" I said, attempting to escape my fate.

    We began to line up behind the wagon. Ulfric and the thief side by side in front of the warrior and I who had yet to dismount the wagon. The Imperial Officer stood in front of us beside the young brown haired Soldier who held a list and a quill. I tried to jump down from the carriage, but with out my hands free I landed unbalanced and fell onto my right side, getting a face full of mud and another splitting pulse of pain in my head.

    "Step toward the block when we call your name one at a time!" The woman ordered. She folded her arms disapprovingly.

    I managed to get to my feet as the Stormcloak began to jump down. He gave an exhaled and took his place beside me, the sound of wood creaking as he jumped down. "Empire loves their damn lists!"

    The young Soldier read allowed, gazing up from the list to our formation. "Ulfric Stormcloak Jarl of Windhelm."

    He walked away towards the block as the warrior called after him. "It had been an honor Jarl Ulfric."

    "Ralof of Riverwood."

    The warrior left my side to line up next to his kin who's names looked to be already called by a Soldier who held a list behind their carriage.

    "Lokir of Rorikstead."

    "No! I'm not a rebel. You can't do this!" The thief blurted. He took off, running with his hands bound.

    "Halt!" Yelled the enraged Officer.

    "You're not going to kill me!" Lokir yelled, his voice quaking with fear.

    "Archers!" The Officer yelled.

    Ahead of me an archer by one of the few towers readied and arrow and drew. In what felt like slow motion the arrow was released, whistling through the air towards Lokir. He stumbled forward as it caught him in the back below the left shoulder blade and gasped with pain, falling dead in the street.

    "Anyone else feel like running?" Taunted the Officer.

    The young Soldier looked down at the list and raised a brow. He quickly looked up at me. "Wait. You there, step forward." I did so, my hands shaking and brow sweating from the shock of Lokir's sudden death and from mine soon to be. "Who are you?"

    I looked up and gulped. "I'm Wilrrick Yngvarr uh-of" my voice trailed off.

    "You picked a bad time to come home to Skyrim kinsman." He stated. "Captain, what should we do? He's not on the list." The soldier inquired, giving me a sliver of hope. Perhaps they'd release me!

    "Forget the list, he goes to the block." The Captain ordered, shredding my hope completely.

    I looked around, dazed. This couldn't be happening, I was to young to die as they say.

    "By your orders Captain!" The Soldier replied. His tone changed to that of sympathy. "At least you'll die here in your homeland." He looked down. "Follow the Captain prisoner."

    I moved over to the line of Stormcloaks who stood shoulder to shoulder and took my place near the center. Ralof stood to my right though another one of his comrades stood between us. Ahead of us was the stone chopping block, beyond it was a large stone tower. Ulfric stood in front of our line and to the left, facing the General who declared:

    "Ulfric Stormcloak, some here in Helgen call you a Hero, but a Hero doesn't use a power like the voice to murder his King and usurp his throne!" I was to dazed to make anything of this, memories of family flashed before me.

    Ulfric grunted, still gagged.

    The General continued. "You started this war, plunged Skyrim into chaos, and now the Empire is going to put you down and restore the peace!"

    Suddenly a loud rumble filled the air, like a distant roar.

    The young Soldier who stood by the headsman looked up. "What was that?"

    "It's nothing, carry on!" Tullius ordered, clearly wanting to get the war over with by executing Ulfric.

    "Yes General Tullius!" Replied the Captain. Se turned to a hooded and robed Priestess. "Give them their last rites."

    The Priestess stepped forward, and raised her arms facing us. "As we commend your souls to Aetherius blessings of the Eight Divines upon you-" She was interrupted at this point by the Stormcloak that stood between Ralof and I who stepped forward because she did not mention the Ninth Divine, and chief deity of Skyrim; Talos.

    "For the love of Talos shut up and let's get this over with!" Drowning out the remainder of the Priestesses speech.

    "Uh! As you wish!" She remarked, clearly offend as she casted a glare at the Rebel. She seemed disconnected, as if all she cared about were her duties, and not human lives. The Stormcloak stepped up to the block, facing to the right.

    "Come on! I haven't got all morning!" Whined the Stormcloak, which struck me funny despite the bleak atmosphere.

    The Captain rested her hand on his shoulder from behind, pushing him to his knees as she nodded to the Headsman. She lifted her foot and pressed it against the Stormcloak's back, forcing him to rest his neck on the block.

    His face was directed away from us as he delivered his last words. "My ancestors are smiling at me Imperials, can you say the same?"

    The Headsman rested the axe blade on the Stormcloak's neck, lining it up. He raised it high over his head as everyone grew quiet. I looked away as the Headsman swung his axe with a bend of his knees.

    I heard the blade tear through flesh and sever his spine and a series of gasps and cheers from the crowd of townsfolk. 

    A female Stormcloak cried. "You Imperial Bastards!" 

    The Captain kicked the headless body to the side as blood gushed from the stump.

    I heard the familiar voice of Vilod yell "Justice!" causing me to cringe. I wondered if he recognised me.

    A woman shouted. "death to the Stormcloaks!"

    Ralof who was to my right said mournfully. "As fearless in death as he was in life."

    Suddenly the Captain declared. "Next, the Nord in the rags!" while pointing a finger at me.

    A lump formed in my throat and my eyes welled up. We heard the strange roar again and the young Soldier looked around again, insisting to his comrades. "There it is again, did you hear that?"

    "I said next prisoner." The Captain frowned.

    "To the block prisoner, nice and easy." The young Soldier ordered.

    My feet shifted without command and I starred at the blood stained ground. I faced the inn and felt the Captain's strong grip on my shoulder. I knelt in the pool then fell against the block at the touch of the Captain's spike studded boot. I felt the warm blood of the Stormcloak on my neck and could see the Headsman right next to me. If I was to die I wanted to see it coming, just like with the Ogre. I was to scared to laugh at the thought. The Headsman rested the axe head on my neck and I felt the rusty iron press against my skin. Suddenly the wind picked up. Above on the tower a banner flapped in the wind, cracking like a whip. I felt a chill run down my spine. Without notice I saw a large black creature appear in the clouds. It was dark as night and flew like an eagle.

    General Tullius gasped. "What in Oblivion is that?"

    The Captain looked up, scanning the darkening sky, her expression filled with a surge of fear. "Sentries what do you see?"

    The dark clouds began to swirl and lighting cracked.

    A Legionnaire shouted. "It's in the clouds!"

    I strained my neck to see the creature which descended on us with great speed. The Headsman lowered his axe and wheeled around just as a woman filled the air with a desperate cry of "Dragon!"

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