U.O.T.W. Chappter 303 Void Caller


    In the morning, Aela awoke hoping to find Sotek next to her. Instead however she found disappointment, which seemed to be the order of the day as he wasn’t in his room either. She made her way upstairs where Kul-et was finishing her meal. By all accounts, Sotek never even had breakfast. Noticing Kul-et was by herself and looking rather nervous, Aela decided to try and boost her morale.
    “We’ll go through some quick training then get ready. Don’t worry, I’ll be with you all the way”.


    “What? What about what Sotek said?”


    Aela smiled at her and put her at ease.
    “I’ll handle him. You just keep your wits about you, come on”


    Aela led Kul-et outside and all the Companions followed including the whelps and the Harbinger. Kul-et drew her axes and took stance while Aela drew her shield and dagger. However, before they could even start, Veezara jumped down from the roof and swiped Aela’s legs away with a spear. She hit the ground hard then found herself looking up at the Argonian’s emotionless eyes. All the while she could feel the spear tip gently push against her throat. He waved a finger at her, warning her not to interfere. He quickly moved to the middle of the training area and threw a second spear towards Kul-et. Its tip dug into the ground just a foot away from her then he indicated to her that she had to pick it up.


    Kul-et spat on the ground then cursed out at him.
    “I’m not in the mood for this!”


    Veezara tutted and waved a single finger at her, brazenly telling her off.
    “Hmm? Not in the mood? Thtithiks have moods. Are you a thtithik? Or are you a mota?”


    “Egg hatcher? Why you ignorant… I’m a mota, like Aela”. Kul-et hissed back at her partner and snatched up the spear.


    Veezara just took his stance then prepared to face her.
    “Come on then… Huntress, if that’s what you are!”


    She picked up the spear and swung it around a few times to get the feel of it and test the weight. Feeling satisfied, she glared back at him.
    “Sotek’s trained me with spears, we’ve spent a good few evenings out here. I’m gonna gut you like a qoa’ta”.


    She swallowed her fear which she hoped to hide with her cursing then stepped forwards and engaged him. He charged forwards swinging the spear over head, but Kul-et rolled past him then tried to strike his legs. He jumped up and twisted around, clearing her spear. She turned her head around to see his spear a second away from crashing down on top of her.


    Kul-et forced her spear upwards and met his spear head on. Both weapons clanged as they made contact, but she knew he was stronger. She let his spear slip down hers and let go with one hand. The next moment she spun her spear around and pressed home her attack. He tried to block but she struck out with both ends, one after the other. He moved back out of her range as he started to lose control, but she pushed even harder. The next second he felt a searing pain as she managed to cut a gash in his arm.


    Her victory was short lived however as he kicked out suddenly at her chest. Kul-et fell backwards and landed heavily on her back, but quickly recovered. However, she wasn’t quick enough. His tip pressed against her throat for a split second then Kul-et threw a hand full of dust at his face. Temporarily blinded, he fell back and formed a defensive stance but Kul-et was faster. She swept his legs from under him then he found himself on his back with her spear tip against his throat.
    “Don’t even think about it. Your hands move one inch and I swear I’ll end you, I swear”.


    He cast a slight smile at her then nodded. His hand went limp as he dropped the spear. Kul-et stared angrily at him, with everything that had happened over the last few weeks she simply had enough.
    “I told you I’d gut you like a fish”. He just smiled then slowly shook his head. That infuriated her even more. Not the fact that he wouldn’t talk, but the smile. “Why do this? Why today?” She asked, demanding an answer.


    This time he smiled wildly as he noticed a shadow move behind Kul-et. She half turned around to have her legs ripped from under her. Moments later Sotek tutted and held out his hand at her.
    “Stop. I have seen enough!”


    Kul-et pulled herself off the ground and glanced at Sotek’s spear. Her mouth fell open and she stared at the elegant weapon.
    “Is that a…”


    “Dragonbone spear? Yes, it is. From now on you add this spear to your arsenal. You can use a spear rather well so no, not just axes, and no relying on bloody Dawnbreaker when you get it. Here, she is yours. She’s called Void Caller, she has absorb health. Oh, Aela? Kul-et will be going in alone. Get ready”.


    Kul-et held the spear in her hand and struggled to find the words. The craftsmanship automatically told her it was a potent weapon.
    “I don’t know what to say”.


    “Don’t say anything. You two have to get ready, you leave within the hour”. He then cast his healing spell which healed Veezara’s arm and her bruises. Then he sat down and gulped down a flask of water.


    Aela came up to him angrily.
    “What the hell was that about?”


    “When we left the sanctuary, she used my spear. I couldn’t help but wonder just how good she actually was. Now I know. And, so does she. Stay with her, but please, don’t enter the temple with her. She has to go without you. It’s important”.




    “Why? Well, I suppose the sun going down allows us time to sleep, and it marks the passing of the day”. Sotek answered a he looked up at the sky, taking care not to blind himself.


    “What?” Aela replied as she gazed upwards to see what he was looking at.


    “Oh, I thought you asked why the sun drops in the evening”.


    “I meant, you bloody idiot, why must she go alone?”


    “Same answer, because that’s how it is. Go, make sure she has plenty of potions”. As an afterthought, he called her back. “Oh Aela, tell her to take mana potions as well. With her magic, she’ll need them”.


    Within the hour they were both ready. Aela took that moment to plead with Sotek one last time.
    “Please, let me go with her, I’ll stay out of it, unless she needs help. I swear”.


    Sotek groaned then rested his hand on her shoulder.
    “Swear to me, by the grace of Hircine that you will not go inside”.


    “Damn it Sotek”.


    “Do it, or I’ll send someone else”.


    “I swear by Hircine’s grace, I won’t go.... Inside. Damn it all. Damn you to Oblivion”.


    “Ermm, yes that will do. Take care”. He then went to kiss the top of her head, but she pulled away and tugged on Kul-et’s arm.


    “Let’s get going”. She cast one last glare at him then they both headed off towards the gate.


    A good hour later Sotek prepared to leave as well.
    “There’s some things I need to see to. Ebony, can you give me a hand?”


    She quickly sat up and was a bit surprised but readily agreed.
    “Ermm sure, with what?”


    “Oh, I got to get some bits from Lakeview manor. Nothing major, it’s just a bit awkward”.


    “Are we heading off in the morning?”


    Sotek shook his head at her.
    “No actually, we’re going now. Get yourself down to the stables and have two horses prepared for us, I’ll be there in a second”. He then headed off downstairs to his room where he spent a few minutes sorting out a few soul gems and storing them in his pack.


    Within ten minutes, they were both heading along the road to Riverwood. Just after crossing the bridge on the outskirts of the small town, they bought the horses to a slow trot. Sotek then led as they cautiously rode through the main street then once they passed the gatehouse on the far side of the town, he spurred his horse on once more.


    Soon after they left Riverwood, Sotek led his horse away from the lake and made his way up a slope. Ebony noticed it wasn’t an actual path as such, but she easily recognised the fact that it was certainly well travelled on.


    Even before they reached the brow of the hill, Lakeview Manor came into sight. Ebony slowly rode her horse along the side of it as Sotek dismounted then tied his horse up at the stable.
    “What are you doing?”


    “Ermm I’m tying my horse up?”




    “Because I’m going to pick the lock and go inside, the horse is too big for the doorway. Ebony shut up and tie your horse up, come on”. Then he started laughing as he pulled out a key.


    Ebony dismounted but just stood there as Sotek opened the door then stepped inside. Less than a minute later Ebony literally ran through the door to see Sotek sitting at a small table, waiting for her.
    “Sotek, what the hell are you doing?”


    Sotek rolled his eyes then dropped his pack on the floor.
    “I’m waiting for you. Now you’re here, we can rob the place. You go in there, take anything of value”.


    Her jaw nearly dropped to the floor as she stared at him in horror.
    “You bloody what?”


    Sotek started laughing again then headed to the Armoury, leading her further inside.
    “Come with me”.


    She slammed her hand on the table then cursed from the pain.
    “No, aww damn it. Who owns this place?”


    Sotek smiled at her then opened the armoury doors.
    “I do, follow me”.


    He took her to a mannequin and removed a set of thick Fur Armour then passed her the set. Then they headed upstairs where he started enchanting some pieces of it with a few basic enchants.
    “While I’m busy here, you can have a look around”.


    An hour or so later, Sotek heard a muffled shout.
    “Help, I’m stuck”.


    He grumbled under his breath and packed the armour, a ring and an amulet, both of which were already enchanted, in a spare pack then went and followed the shout. Moments later he heard a banging on the cellar trapdoor. He opened it to see a sheepishly faced Ebony looking straight back at him.
    “Sorry, I couldn’t open the hatch. There’s a whole forge down here”.


    Sotek helped her up then shook his head at her.
    “Yes, I know. I built it”. Once they were outside, Sotek helped Ebony on her horse then passed her the spare pack. “Take it to Jorrvaskr and store it in my room. Don’t be nosey and leave it alone. Oh yes, when Aela and Kul-et get back, the Harbinger will give Kul-et her Companion ceremony…”


    “Really? Oh wow, she’ll be a full Companion? Bloody hell, I got to go and tell the others! This is great”.


    Sotek slapped her lightly on the leg.
    “Ebony, are you listening to me?”




    “Right, take my horse with you. Tell the Harbinger not to start the ceremony without me”.


    Ebony nodded.
    “Ok, no problem”. Then she spurred her horse off and rode faster than what she should have down the slope. Moments later, Sotek heard Ebony shout at the mare when she nearly fell off. “You bloody stupid horse”.


    He shook his head at her and muttered to himself.
    “She hasn’t listened to a single bloody word, aww rats”. The next moment he changed form and dropped to all fours. Seconds later, Scarface ran down the slope then headed straight towards the lake. Once Scarface reached the edge of the lake, he jumped straight in while he was still running at full speed. There was a horrendous splash as he hit the water. Sotek changed back then swam as hard as he could in the directions of the plains.


    For most of the journey, Aela just sat there watching Kul-et. Due to the bad night’s sleep and the emotional strain tied with the continuous rocking of the carriage, Kul-et had spent the last several hours sleeping. Ah hour in from reaching Solitude, Aela gently shook her.
    “Hey, you need to wake up”.


    “Huh? Wha… What on? Oh yea, the temple”. She said as realism dawned on her.


    Aela, slightly shook her head.
    “Not yet, we’re nearing Solitude. You’ve got to eat, get this down you”.


    Kul-et looked at the bag of food but instantly felt sick.
    “Oh no, I can’t eat”.


    Aela broadly smiled then sat next to her.
    “Great, I’ve always wanted to force feed an Argonian, but Sotek would never let me. Come here”. She reached over to grab Kul-et’s arm but Kul-et snatched the bag of food instead.


    “No, get off, I’ll eat”. She then started picking at a roll while Aela sat there watching her intently.


    Soon enough, they reached Solitude. By that time the sun had started setting. They hired two horses then made their way along the road which Sotek suggested. As they passed underneath the castle, Kul-et gulped. “Did you really jump into the sea from up there with a broken ankle?”


    Aela cast a quick glance at the castle then instantly felt queasy.
    “Not exactly, I was riding Scarface. He’s the moron that jumped, I had no say in the matter, but thanks for reminding me”.


    Kul-et looked over to her and saw she was a bit shaken from the memory.
    “Sorry, I didn’t mean to ermm…”


    Aela threw her a glare as she felt she had shown a weakness.
    “Sorry? Piss off, do you want to go on alone?”


    Kul-et shook her head as she answered weakly.


    “Then quit the sorry crap. Come on, let’s get going”. She then spurred her horse on faster as they passed the docks and rode under the castle. Within a few hours of riding, they came across the path which Vilkas told them to watch out for. As they turned to head along the new route they saw a wolf fifty yards in front. It also spotted them, but it just stood there watching them. Aela cursed out loud as she felt a growl inside her.
    “Aww damn it”.


    Kul-et cast a quick glance at her.
    “What’s wrong?”


    “Oh, nothing”.


    “Aela, I know you’re a werewolf remember”.


    Aela cursed out loud a second time, but this time it was directed against her own stupidity.
    “Aww fuck it”. She jumped down from her horse then changed. The next moment Kul-et found herself leading Aela’s horse as she tried her best to keep up with Red. Red herself was far too busy to worry about an Argonian and two horses. There was a wolf which was the same as any other animal, prey. Within seconds, Red swiped at the animal and clawed it to death. Then she started ripping chunks of flesh and meat from it. All the while she listened to Kul-et throwing up.


    Once she finished, she changed back. Aela took a flask of water from her pack and promptly washed the blood from her face.
    “Hey, you ok?” She asked her companion with little actual regard for her wellbeing.


    “Yea, I’m great. Like I really needed to see that. Here, take your bloody horse”. She cast a quick smile then mounted up again as Aela jumped up on her own horse and took the lead once more. After an hour or so, they neared a stone arch which marked the start of an old stony path which snaked its way down the mountainside to the temple. Aela looked down the pathway then saw the statue of Meridia.


    The moment Sotek reached the farthest edge of the lake, he changed once again into Scarface. He broke through the surface of the water, sending a torrent of water in all directions, but without even shaking himself off, he broke into a run. That night, Scarface reached the temple of Meridia. Sotek changed back then scanned the area as he looked for Aela and Kul-et. Satisfying himself that they were not yet inside. He examined the initial doorway, but found it blocked up with large boulders. As he pondered on his next move, he heard voices.
    “There it is, Meridia’s temple”.


    Sotek recognised the voice as Aela’s. He quickly cast his invisibility spell on himself and vanished before he could be spotted. As he quickly glanced at the door one more time, an old hollowed tree trunk caught his eye. Moments later he crawled inside the trunk and waited for an opportunity to try to enter the temple undetected.


    Kul-et felt nervous as she dismounted from her horse. She started walking up the steps towards the statue then froze. Aela walked up to her and gently pushed her forwards.
    “Go on”.


    “How the hell does Meridia think I can do this? What the hell makes Sotek think I can?” Kul-et said, showing how much she was on edge. Her self doubt was clearly shown as she talked.


    Aela grabbed her arm and spun her around.
    “Hey, I’m with you, come on we can do this. I’m staying by your side, remember?”


    Kul-et looked worried as she approached the statue once more.
    “But you swore by Hircine’s grace that you wouldn’t follow me inside”.


    “Yea? Well I lied! So, it’s tough to Sotek and his oath’s. I’m coming inside with you”.


    Kul-et felt a little safer knowing that Aela would be there with her. She drew a deep breath then approached the statue and placed the beacon on the pedestal. The moment the beacon sat upon the pedestal, it started glowing. Every passing second the light became brighter then suddenly Meridia’s voice boomed out.
    “See how they defiled my own temple. The foolish mortals have sealed my doors. Those fools forget it’s my temple and it answers to me”. There was a heavy rumbling as the boulders which blocked the entrance crumbled and collapsed in piles of rubble and dust.

    Sotek held on tight as he felt the tree trunk start to slightly roll as some rubble struck it. He threw a quick prayer to Hircine as he tried to prevent it from rolling.
    “Oh crap! Please Hircine, don’t let it roll down the bloody mountain”. Thankfully, it didn’t. He crawled out of the trunk with a look of relief then he ran inside the temple which doors were previously sealed by the rocks.


    Meridia’s voice echoed around the mountain once more.
    “My beacon will shine a light, cutting through the evil darkness. Punish those who disturb the slumbering. Bring my wrath to the intruders of my temple. Go, do my bidding”.


    Kul-et felt weak at the knees, but Aela in her innocence didn’t help one bit.
    “Oh, I’m glad Hircine don’t speak like that. He’s so much easier to talk to”.


    Kul-et just managed to prevent herself from throwing up again then weakly cast a glare at Aela.
    “Gee, thanks for that. Terrific”. They made their way around the statue to the doorway which Sotek had just moments ago entered.


    Aela stopped suddenly as she looked towards the hollowed tree.
    “It’s strange, I feel as if Sotek was here. I can almost smell his scent. Him and that bloody oath, god I hate him at times”.


    As Kul-et approached the door she looked back at Aela.
    “Are you sure you’re ok coming with me?”


    “I’m not letting you do this alone, it’s that blasted bloody reptile, he’s right under my bloody skin. It’s like I’m coated in his fucking stench. Come on, let’s go”.


    Sotek, who was now hiding just inside, could quite happily hear every word. As he listened to Aela cursing him, he couldn’t help but smile to himself. He spoke softly as he plotted his revenge.
    “Hey, Hircine, you don’t mind if I step in your shoes, do you? Just for a minute? Come on, let’s get that bitch. Let’s remind her who she actually swore that oath to”.


    Aela led the way with Kul-et following behind.
    “I told you, I don’t care about that oath. I’ll sort it out with Sotek later. He had no right to make you do this alone”.


    “But what about Hircine?”


    Aela stopped then poked Kul-et in the chest.
    “It’s Sotek’s ridiculous oath, not mine and certainly not Hircine’s. Ok?” The next second Sotek cast his familiar roughly ten feet in front of Aela. Her eyes instantly fixed on the spectral wolf and in her guilt panicked as she thought it was sent by Hircine himself to punish her for her misguided actions towards him.


    Sotek’s familiar started walking towards Aela then howled out. Aela screamed then dropped to her knees.
    “Oh lord Hircine, forgive me… I’m sorry, forgive me I…”. The very next second she ran outside, leaving Kul-et to face the spectral wolf alone. Seconds later, the wolf disappeared as Sotek cancelled the casting. He spent the next few minutes trying desperately to stifle his laughing, while Kul-et spent that time preparing herself to face the dangers and horrors alone.





9 Comments   |   The Long-Chapper and 6 others like this.
  • Ebonslayer
    Ebonslayer   ·  August 3, 2018
    [An] hour [] from reaching Solitude, (Remove "in")

    Wha… [What's going] on?

    So, it’s tough to Sotek and his [oath].

    I always imagined Skyrim to be far bigger, not something that can be cross...  more
    • Sotek
      [An] hour [] from reaching Solitude, (Remove "in")

      Wha… [What's going] on?

      ...  more
        ·  August 3, 2018
      Yes, I agree completely. I wished that at the start I marked out distances and times between each city, enabling a better sense of time and distance. Way too late to implement such a thing now as the distances are set in so many chapters. One of a few thi...  more
      • The Long-Chapper
        The Long-Chapper
        Yes, I agree completely. I wished that at the start I marked out distances and times between each city, enabling a better sense of time and distance. Way too late to implement such a thing now as the distances are set in so many chapters. One of a few thi...  more
          ·  August 3, 2018
        Yeah, I fell victiim to this too, but I spanned a few days, After book 1 is finished, any story set before or after that got a huge distance increase. Aelberon trip from Bruma to Leyawiin took a month. 
  • Karver the Lorc
    Karver the Lorc   ·  August 2, 2018
    What is he up to now? Damn lizard. Gotta wonder what of that is Sotek or the dragon though...
  • The Long-Chapper
    The Long-Chapper   ·  July 31, 2018
    And haha, you need to be careful, Hound of Hircine, you are a bit shy of the one blog per 24 hour rule. :P
    • Sotek
      The Long-Chapper
      The Long-Chapper
      The Long-Chapper
      And haha, you need to be careful, Hound of Hircine, you are a bit shy of the one blog per 24 hour rule. :P
        ·  July 31, 2018
      Time wise it gets a bit iffy due to world placement. Sounds daft but I've encountered this on so many occasions with other members. I'll keep an eye on it though.
  • The Long-Chapper
    The Long-Chapper   ·  July 31, 2018
    I see more Jel creeping up into your work. Good, I use Thtithik in a different context, it's a more reverential term and I have female mota in the Sword, so I guess I don't make gender roles so absolute, but again, I also don't use Morrowind racial a...  more
    • Sotek
      The Long-Chapper
      The Long-Chapper
      The Long-Chapper
      I see more Jel creeping up into your work. Good, I use Thtithik in a different context, it's a more reverential term and I have female mota in the Sword, so I guess I don't make gender roles so absolute, but again, I also don't use Morrowind racial a...  more
        ·  July 31, 2018
      Well, Aela never got close enough to look at it properly. It was just a gut reaction. She said she isn't bothered about teh oath but there's guilt there for breaking it. Just a gentle push and bang... She's gone.
      • Sotek
        Well, Aela never got close enough to look at it properly. It was just a gut reaction. She said she isn't bothered about teh oath but there's guilt there for breaking it. Just a gentle push and bang... She's gone.
          ·  July 31, 2018
        As to the Jel, yep I need to invest time into that so having a bit slip into the story here and there will serve me well later on.