U.O.T.W. Chapter 288 The Greatest Weapon in all of Tamriel


    Just before Red’s hunting grounds disappeared in the horizon, Aela looked across the plains. She felt sick as desperation took hold and tied a rather large knot in her gut while her stomach felt like it was in the grip of a monstrous tempest and every second she could feel it turning. She looked down at Sotek who was fast asleep on the carriage floor, seemingly oblivious to his fate.
    “Why are you doing this?”


    Both the Collector, and the Harbinger, cast a glance at her as she stared deeply into the Collector’s eyes.
    “Why? It’s quite simple, how could we allow him to live? He’s done so much damage to our ranks that we’re now set upon from other clans. You know by now that not all the Shadowscales here are in fact Shadowscales at all. It’s a show of strength, a bluff if you like. If we allow him to live, we show our weakness. He’s bought his own destruction upon himself”.


    “He didn’t want any of this. All we wanted was to be left alone”.


    “Is that what he told you? My dear you don’t go slaying Shadowscales and the Dark Brotherhood if you simply want to be ‘left alone’”.


    Aela felt her frustration get the better of her, she gripped the Harbinger’s hand tightly. Even he was surprised at the strength in her grip. He gently placed his arm around her as he tried to take over the conversation. “What will it take for you to stop?”


    “Harbinger, really? I’m surprised at you. There is no stopping this, it’s inevitable. Here Aela, look”. She pulled out from her backpack a rustic oak wooden box, but the finish was of an exquisite design. It glistened as the sunlight shone upon a metallic silver ‘S’ on the lid. She passed the box to Aela then signalled to her. “Open it”.


    Aela held the box in her hand, it was only about ten inches across. The catch was silver as were the hinges. It opened easily to reveal a soft green cushion inside. She glanced at the box with a peculiar look on her face.
    “What is it?”


    “It’s Sotek’s box. Once he’s killed, his heart will be stored in it. You see, there’s no stopping this”.


    Aela’s eyes closed as her sickness reared up once again. She stared at the cushion but no matter how hard she tried, she couldn’t get the image of Sotek’s heart sitting there on the cushion, staring back at her. In her mind, the heart beat a few times, forcing her to slam down the lid. She gulped loudly then tried to compose herself.
    “This box, it’ll hold five hundred gold coins”.


    “Yes, but I fail to see what that has to do with it.”


    “I’ll give you the five hundred gold coins for Sotek’s life. I’ll come with you to Black Marsh and fight with you. Just spare him”.


    “Five hundred gold for him? And you as a slave? Hmm… No, I’d rather have his heart”.


    “A gem?” Aela asked eagerly, hoping to make some sort of trade to spare her mate’s life. At this point she was desperate and she was prepared to offer everything. “A gemstone for every gold coin that will fit this box”.


    “Five hundred gems? Does the Jarl even have that many?”


    “I will get them, I swear it”.


    “Enough! No; even if you did have them, no. There’s only one thing that will go in that box, his heart”.


    Kodlak held Aela in his arm as he tried to reassure her.
    “All we can do is have faith in Sotek. He’ll come up with something, he always does”.


    Shadow Walker sneered across at Kodlak.
    “You all put so much faith in him, it’s quite sickening really. He’s nothing but a bloody fool”.


    “You know nothing about him, for all your arrogance, you know nothing. Well know this Shadow Walker, I don’t care what happens to me. You’re not leaving Skyrim alive”. The Harbinger tugged Aela’s arm as he tried to quieten her, but she just shrugged him off as she pulled her arm away from him. “Your heart won’t go in a box. It’ll be thrown on the floor then I’ll watch the blood pour out of it as I crush it under my bloody boot”. Aela then moved off the bench and laid alongside Sotek.


    As for the Argonian who’s life lay on the edge of a knife, Sotek opened his eyes briefly then covered his mate up with a fur as he wrapped his arms around her. His voice was calm and placid, like a sleeping wolf’s breathing.
    “Be still Aela, calm your storm. Your heart’s beating like a deer when it’s being pursued”.


    She whispered to him as quietly as she could.
    “Just tell me you have a plan, something!”


    Sotek chuckled slightly then spoke aloud but even so there was a soft tone to his voice.
    “Plan? No, I have no plan. But don’t anyone think for one minute I’m a victim, or anyone’s prey. I am no one’s prey. Hush now, sleep. We got a busy day”.


    She lifted herself up on her elbow as she stared at him, angrily.
    “Sleep? How the hell can you sleep?”


    Sotek sighed as he pulled her head down and rested it on his chest. He squeezed her waist tightly, as he softly spoke.
    “By closing your eyes and shutting your mouth. Shush, get some sleep”.


    She shut her eyes as Sotek had requested, but she refused to sleep. Sotek’s eye’s flicked open and he laid there watching her for a few seconds before he smiled then drifted back off asleep. The heavy toll of the last few days struck Aela hard. Despite her best efforts, she soon cuddled into him as her mind finally let go. Within moments she was dead to the world.


    The Collector looked down at the two of them sleeping on the carriage floor, then frowned.
    “How did they do it?”


    The Harbinger’s train of thought was destroyed, leaving his mind blank. he tried to think back on what Sotek had done while he listened to the Collector, but he couldn’t.


    “Aela’s a leader, that’s obvious. But then again, she is too quick to anger and her reliance on her emotions is very strong. Kul-et doesn’t have the leadership qualities to cope with what they have been through. Sasha’s strong headed but she’s no leader. No, Sotek’s the one in charge. I was wondering just how they avoided everyone then got to the sanctuary without getting caught”. She pointed to the dagger which was on Sotek’s belt. “That’s my dagger you know. I gave that to a Shadowscale. We had a wager that he would beat me. We were both after Sotek. Sotek must have killed him. It’s a shame, I liked him. There was something about him, some sort of power in his voice. He took command the moment he walked in a room. I expect even you and the Jarl, even Huinzi would have bowed down to him if he ordered it. I most certainly would have… In fact, I did. Or rather I tried to”.


    Kodlak frowned slightly as he watched Sotek hold Aela in his arms while he slept. He now knew there was no negotiating this situation. Things had gone too far. Before, maybe they had a chance, but now it was revenge.
    “What was his name?”




    The Harbinger turned to her in complete shock. There was no way he could or was even prepared to try to hide his surprise.
    “I beg your bloody pardon?”


    Kul-et turned to him in surprise as she never heard him talk like that before.


    He quickly composed himself, but he knew he had utterly failed to hide his reaction.
    “Sorry, I, ermm…”


    The Collector’s eyes narrowed as she threw him a curious glance.
    “Did you know him?”


    “The name’s somewhat familiar. Someone I haven’t heard of in a long time. Why do you think he’s dead? Who was he to you?”


    The Collector glanced at Shadow Walker with a look of disdain in her reptilian voice.
    “Males are thick, stupid. Take Shadow Walker here. You’re a prime example. But he was different, his eyes, they were everywhere”.


    “Ermm, what did he look like?” Kodlak asked as he tried once again to hide the surprise in his voice.


    “I don’t know, he kept his mask on. I would have liked him as a friend”.


    Shadow Walker scoffed his contempt.
    “More like a lover. You were all over him. Shame he didn’t feel the same about you”.


    “Watch your tongue! Don’t forget your place for I can easily get a box for your heart as well”.


    Kodlak cast a worried look at Kul-et, it was obvious to him that she had the same concerns.
    “Sotek… He wouldn’t ermm… Kill this Tekos for the hell of it”.


    It was clear to everyone that the Collector had feelings towards Tekos for every word she spoke, dripped with venom.
    “Tekos wanted to beat me, his desire to beat me was overwhelming. I gave him that dagger. Sotek killed him and took it”.


    The Harbinger signalled to Kul-et to keep quiet, she did so willingly but she had no idea why though. Kodlak knew exactly why. He whispered quietly to himself.
    “Oh Sotek, what in all of Skyrim have you done this time? What in the name of the Companions are you going to do?”


    Hours later, Shadow Walker woke Sotek and Aela up by kicking Sotek in the side.
    “We’re here. Aela, don’t forget to say goodbye to Sotek. Oh yes, and to the Harbinger as well. Kul-et you as well, you’re both going to Black Marsh. You’ll never see the plains again”.


    Sotek ignored the Shadowscale’s jibing and pulled himself up to his feet then helped Aela up.
    “Come on you, we’re there”.


    She held Sotek’s arm tightly as she laid her head in his chest.


    Shadow Walker grabbed her arm then tried to pull her. She immediately lashed out, thumping him on the nose. Sotek grabbed him then threw him off the carriage but then he grasped Aela tightly and held on to her.
    “Quit it! This isn’t helping. Hey, Collector, control your pet”.


    “And you control that dog! I see I’ll have to give her some obedience lessons. Either that or get her a lead. Shadow Walker, you idiot, move it”.


    Sotek let Aela go then climbed down. He walked over to the cliff edge which Winterhold sat upon. From there he could see the sea, it was cold, icy and rough. His eyes flickered slightly as he became used to the morning sun’s glare.



    “What is it Sotek?”


    “Where’s this tomb?”


    “There!” Kodlak said as he pointed out a small island off the coast. “It’s there, on the west side. Madam Collector? Sotek will fight you near there”.


    She stood alongside Kodlak then gazed across the water towards the tomb in the distance.
    “There? Why there?”


    “Because that is where Sotek chooses to fight”. Kodlak stated. “There’s a rowboat on the shore line. It will only take about fifteen minutes to row across”.


    Sotek looked across the sea at the Tomb of Ysgramor one last time and shrugged. He still didn’t know what the Harbinger had in mind. Keeping up pretences, he called out to the Collector.
    “This is your last chance. Forfeit the fight, proclaim me the winner”.


    “Sotek, you can’t win. Why do you persist?” The Collector asked. The Companion’s insistence on her simply surrendering was starting to grate on her nerves. She had half a mind to end it there and then.


    “I’m not persisting any more, that was your last chance. Do you have my apple?” Sotek stated as he held out an expectant hand.


    She pulled an apple from her pack then went to hand it to him, but he refused.
    “No, you must give it to Aela. She’s my mate. It must go to her”.


    Everyone looked confused as she passed the apple to Aela, but Aela was far more muddled than anyone else.
    “An apple? You crazy bloody lizard, what the hell am I supposed to do with it?”


    “Eat it, or rather take a bite out of it”. Sotek stated as he tapped his foot.


    “Huh?” As Aela held the apple in her hand everyone except Sotek turned to it like it held all the answers to the universe.


    Sotek watched her hold it in her hand then slightly laughed.
    “Aela, my life is dependent on you taking a bite off that apple. Please save me and take a bloody bite. Please?” She took a bite as requested, but Sotek still stood over her. “Swallow it! Hurry up”. There was a loud gulp as she swallowed the piece of apple then Sotek made a second request. “Now, as fast as you can, cut it open and pass me a seed. Quickly now. Hurry!”


    Aela drew her dagger then cut the fruit open. With the tip of her dagger, she prized out an apple seed then past it across to Sotek. He took the two pieces of apple along with the seed. He held up the pip as an offering to the rising sun as he examined it.
    “Aela, this is perfect. Come on, all of you”.


    He led them all down the narrow steep pathway which led them towards the northern coast. A cold bitter wind struck them all, making everyone shiver from the harsh climate. Once they arrived at the shoreline, Sotek turned to the Collector once more.
    “With that apple, you have fed my family, for that I thank you. With the trunk of the tree that will grow, I will build Aela a shelter to protect her from the elements, for that I thank you. The branches will burn in the fire which will warm her when she is cold, for that I thank you”.


    He then cast a small fireball in his right hand and held it over the seed. “Fire to protect her from the coldness of the night”. He then immediately cast a lightning spell and held the seed under it. “Lightning is the element of energy. Food to fend off her hunger”. He dispelled the lightening but then cast a frost spell. Once again, he held the seed underneath the icy blast. “Frost, the weather which the shelter will protect her from, so she comes to no harm”.


    He stopped the casting then held the seed up high in the air then smiled wickedly.
    “Aela, you come with us. Harbinger, you and Kul-et can’t follow us. You must remain here”.


    “No”. Kul-et said. “I’m with you”.


    He shook his head at her as he spoke softly.
    “Aela is my Shield Sister, mate, and closest friend, it is she and she alone who will be at my side. Listen well, Harbinger, Kul-et… Listen well, and obey! This seed has been given freely to my mate, by my enemy. She has unwittingly released something dark and uncontrollable. I have a mistress, she is unforgiving, and without mercy. She will kill indiscriminately and laugh as she does so. She feeds me, clothes me, and protects me. You can’t follow, she’ll kill you. Harbinger, don’t let Kul-et follow. If she does, then she will die”.


    He placed the seed in a pouch then walked to the water’s edge where the row boat was pulled up on shore.
    “This is your last chance Collector, forfeit or die”.


    Shadow Walker stepped up to him and spat at his feet.
    “There’s no magic here”.


    “Very well, follow me if you dare”. Sotek moved to the end of the boat and started pushing it into the water. Aela came alongside him and added her strength to the task. Once the boat started to float in the frothing water, she swung her leg over the side and climbed in. Four ores lay on the seating. She picked up two and steadied the small craft so Sotek and the others could board the small vessel.


    The Collector was the first to board the boat, rapidly followed by Shadow Walker and one of the other Shadowscales. The last Shadowscale she instructed to stay behind. Once they were all seated, Sotek pointed to the ores and flapped his hand at the Shadowscale.
    “I can’t row, I’m saving my strength and it’s unfair for Aela to do all the work”.


    The Shadowscale picked up the two ores and spoke rapidly to the Collector.
    “He spoke of Mysticism. What have you done?”


    “He doesn’t know Mysticism magic. He can’t know, can he?” As she spoke, the Collector eyed Sotek suspiciously then nodded her approval. “Start rowing. I want this over with quickly”.


    Aela looked confused as Sotek repeated what the Harbinger said to him when they were outside the Dark Brotherhood sanctuary. As did the Collector and Shadow Walker. Sotek though mumbled quietly in his own world, oblivious to the confusion he was causing.
    “Ysgramor’s Tomb, he will fight near there! It’s on a small island in the northern coast line just to the west of Winterhold. Sotek, when you are near it… Reflect on your situation. You will be surprised how much it helps”. It was at that moment he just so happened to see a fish dart past. He peered over the side of the boat and saw his reflection on the surface of the water.


    Sotek’s mind raced. He thought back to when he and the Collector first met. His mind cast images from when they sat in Ivarstead, then his mind shot to when he first saw Aela fighting the giant outside Whiterun. He could feel his heart pounding, as he felt the last few minutes of his life rush past. ‘Think damn you, think’. He cast a quick look at Aela then his eyes fixed on her golden headband. He thought back to when he and Kul-et pulled her under the water on the Companion’s camping trip, but afterwards he saw in his mind Aela sitting by the fire shivering. Instantly he saw himself and the Collector at the bear cave. Something played through his mind repeatedly.
    “Three pieces of wood?”


    “Pardon?” Aela said as she looked over to him.


    “She threw on the fire three pieces of wood, I think”. Sotek stated as he smiled.


    He pulled out the two pieces of apple and took a bite from the piece which Aela had bitten into earlier. The other piece he lightly threw up in the air and then caught it in his hand. The next moment he threw it straight at the Collector’s face.


    It hit her perfectly in the eye, forcing her head to turn. Sotek immediately lunged across the small craft, colliding with the Collector, bashing her and the side of the vessel with all his weight. The boat heaved and started to roll as he pulled the Collector over the side.


    The rough sea was nothing compared to the frantic yells and screams as the boat capsized and everyone was thrown overboard. Aela yelled out at Sotek as the freezing water shocked her body, causing her to flail about in the sea.
    “Sotek, are you crazy?”


    She quickly settled into a rhythm of treading water as the initial shock passed only to see the three Argonians in distress. The cold shock response they suffered was way more severe than what affected Aela. She quickly recovered but with every passing second, the Argonians situation became worse and worse. The immediate shock of the cold, icy sea caused involuntary inhalation, filling their gills with icy water while their hearts had to work harder, to pump the same volume of blood throughout their bodies. These factors added to their minds closing down, making any attempt at fighting or even trying to flee the treacherous waters impossible.


    Sotek though was treading water just as well as Aela and he didn’t show one sign of being in any sort of distress. He lifted the Collector’s head, forcing it above the water and hissed.
    “We fight now!”


    The Collector’s eyes were wide open in fear. She couldn’t even talk let alone try to stay afloat. Sotek grabbed her by the collar along with Shadow Walker then nodded to aela. She reached out for the third Shadowscale and between her and Sotek, the two Companions dragged the three unfortunate Argonians towards the shoreline.


    Within a minute of them falling into the sea, Sotek and Aela pulled the three Argonians through the water to the surf where Kul-et and the Harbinger was waiting for them. The Shadowscale who rowed alongside Aela, collapsed and started shivering uncontrollably. “Soo... Cold...”


    The Harbinger grabbed two furs and handed them over to him while issuing orders to Aela.
    “Aela, Kul-et, set a fire. Quickly now”.


    Aela protested heavily.
    “No, fuck them, let them die”.


    He quickly snapped out his order once again.
    “Aela, do as you’re told”. Grudgingly, Aela and Kul-et started collecting firewood as Shadow Walker came around.


    He crawled out of the sea on his hands and knees, shivering uncontrollably.
    “He... tricked us? That bastard knew… How did he?” He then collapsed on the shoreline. Kodlak picked him up then laid him by the camp fire as Aela lit it. The flames threw out a warmth which the Shadowscales had so desperately needed.


    Less than a minute later Sotek broke through the surface carrying the Collector in his arms.
    “Harbinger, she’s unconscious”.


    Aela initially smiled as she saw the state the female Argonian was in until she saw the feet, hands and tail.
    “Frost bite, it’s bad”.


    Sotek snapped out his order quickly.
    “Kul-et get the other furs”. He laid the Argonian down on a fur and wrapped the other furs around her. Only then did he start casting his group healing spell. The whole camp became smothered in the golden light from the spell as it set to work on the Argonians. Five times he cast it, one after the other. On the sixth cast it failed as he had used up his mana reserves. He gently lifted the fur as he examined the Collectors tail. “Damn it”.


    The Collector winced in pain from the frost damage then turned to face him.
    “How bad is it?”


    Sotek’s face grimaced as he eyed her cautiously.
    “You had better see for yourself. It’s bad I’m afraid”


    As she closed her eyes tightly, a single tear ran down her face. She gripped the fur with her hand which caused her to groan slightly from the pain in her knuckles. Sotek rested his hand on her shoulder.
    “Take it easy”.


    She looked up at his face, then faintly smiled.
    “Tell me, what happened to Tekos? Was it you that killed him?”


    “Check your tail first, then we’ll talk. We really need to talk”. Sotek stated as he cast one last look at the sea.


    She lifted the fur then gazed down at her tail, expecting to see the worst. As she looked at it, Sotek whispered to her.
    “I’m afraid I managed to save it, even the tip. Sorry about that”.


    “You bastard! I thought, I really thought...” She suddenly burst into tears as the pain and emotion overwhelmed her. “You bastard”.


    “You need to rest”. Sotek said as he gently pushed her head down to the warm, soft furs.


    “Tekos, tell me, what happened to him”. The Collector asked.


    Sotek lightly hissed as he tried to work out the best way to ‘come clean’. He decided on playing it upfront and blunt as the Collector was in no condition to implement any resistance or acts of revenge against him.
    “Here, your dagger. I said I’d borrow it until I beat you, well I beat you so here, take it back”.


    She turned to face him, the confusion overran any pain she still felt.
    “You borrowed? No… I gave it to Tekos”.


    “Twilight, shut up and rest. We’ll talk later”.


    “Twilight? He called me that”.


    Sotek slowly nodded.
    “Yes, I did. You need to rest then we’ll talk. Tekos isn’t dead, he’s me”.


    She pulled herself up to a sitting position, despite the pain it caused. Angrily she cursed out at him.
    “You bastard, I’ll fucking kill you”.


    Sotek smiled at her then shook his head.
    “You’re in no state to do anything. All we need to do, is leave. You won’t last the next quarter of an hour. None of you will”.


    “Your mistress though? That was no lie. Who is she?” The Collector asked.


    “Ermm, the same as Aela’s. Our mistress is Skyrim, the land itself. She provides us with food, clothing and shelter. She’s unforgiving, and she’ll kill anyone who don’t respect her, or who is simply unlucky. You were lucky, she tried to claim you, but we got to you first”.


    “The apple seed, what the hell did that have to do with it?”


    “It kept everyone’s attention off where we actually were, without it you would have noticed the icy water, then you would have never got onto that boat and you would have insisted that we fight here at the shoreline”.


    “You bloody bastard! You won? I lost to a bloody prick who beat me with an apple? A bloody apple?”


    “So, you do admit that you lost then”. Kodlak asked as he walked over to her. “Think very carefully on this. You are in no position to do anything but submit. After all, we did say you will fight near the tomb, not at the actual tomb itself”.


    “Tekos, you’re Tekos?” The Collector asked once more as her mind tried to accept and comprehend the whole perplexing situation.


    He stood over her then covered her with an extra fur. As he walked towards Aela, he slowly stopped then turned back at her.
    “Yes, yes I am”.


    She stared at him for a few seconds but straight away she knew he spoke the truth. She shuddered as she cast one last look across the sea towards the tomb.
    “You beat me with an apple, the greatest fighter, defeated by a bloody apple”. Moments later she burst out laughing. “What happens now?”


    “Now, you four rest up, then when you’re ready and able, we’ll head to Whiterun. Then I’ll give my demands which you and Huinzi will obey to the letter”.


    “What demands?”


    “Oh, don’t worry, they are simple enough and if you're wise and leave emotion at the door, you’ll see they make sense. Now, rest up. Aela, could you have a quick hunt around and see if there’s any game. I expect everyone will be hungry”.


    She cast a quick glance at the four Argonians laying by the fire, then over to the Harbinger. He simply nodded his agreement with Sotek’s request.
    “Will do. I won’t be long. I don’t suppose anyone is up for a swim? There’s loads of fish out there, and Argonians”. With that she burst out laughing then strutted away, swinging her arms around with every step.


    After a few hours, the day started warming up significantly. They all ate quietly with just the basic of conversation. Aela stared up at the sun for a few seconds then turned to Sotek.
    “Summer's almost over, soon Last Seed will be past, then it’ll start getting colder”.


    Sotek gazed into the flames as his thoughts ran to the plains.
    “Shorter days, colder nights”.


    “Yea, but more time for hunting”. Aela stated as her eyes gleamed.


    “Nope”. Sotek said frankly and exact, stopping Aela’s joyful mood in an instant.

    “Yes! It’s dark for longer, we can hunt more”.


    Sotek laughed as he watched her face.
    “Nope, same amount of time actually. Come on, they’ve rested enough, I want to get back before it’s too dark”.


    “What do you mean, the same amount of time?” Sotek just laughed as he packed up the camp then headed up the path towards Winterhold. Once they all arrived at the carriage, Sotek stood to the side and waited for everyone to climb aboard. Shadow Walker walked alongside him, but then drew his sword and thrust it at Sotek’s side.


    Kul-et, in blinding speed, snatched Sotek’s spear and immediately swiped one of Shadow Walker’s legs away. He fell to the floor as the tip of the spear struck him in the shoulder. She twisted it round, causing him to scream out in pain. Sotek pulled the spear away from her then pointed at the carriage.
    “That’s enough, he’s down”.


    “But he tried to...”


    Sotek grabbed her by the collar and pulled her towards him.
    “Yes, and he failed. Now you walk away. If he tries again then you can kill him. But not before”. He grabbed Shadow Walker then threw him towards the wagon. “Don’t give me a reason to kill you. Your biggest enemy is yourself”.


    “Get your filthy hands off me. Once we get back, you’re all dead! Surely you know that?”


    Sotek was the last to climb aboard. He sat opposite the Collector and stared at her eyes. He sat there for hours trying to figure out if Shadow Walker was right.






8 Comments   |   Meli and 7 others like this.
  • ShyGuyWolf
    ShyGuyWolf   ·  August 4, 2018
    crazy man
  • The Long-Chapper
    The Long-Chapper   ·  July 10, 2018
    Sotek can swim in the Sea of Ghosts?  Without dying? Really? 
    • Ebonslayer
      The Long-Chapper
      The Long-Chapper
      The Long-Chapper
      Sotek can swim in the Sea of Ghosts?  Without dying? Really? 
        ·  July 10, 2018
      He's immune to non-elemental freezing, remember?
      • Sotek
        He's immune to non-elemental freezing, remember?
          ·  July 10, 2018
        Wait until he visits Black Marsh. You'll see a totally different side of him when he gets in a warmer/ humid climate.
  • Karver the Lorc
    Karver the Lorc   ·  July 6, 2018
    Well, that was clever. Shame they can breath under water though. Can't drown them. But the Sea of Ghosts did the trick nicely. Well done. :)
    • Sotek
      Karver the Lorc
      Karver the Lorc
      Karver the Lorc
      Well, that was clever. Shame they can breath under water though. Can't drown them. But the Sea of Ghosts did the trick nicely. Well done. :)
        ·  July 6, 2018
      Thanks Karver, you too Ebonslayer.  I actualy went through different scenarios but the part where Sotek threw the apple won it over for me. As well as having Kodlak come up with the idea. This I feel empowered Kodlak far more. 
  • Ebonslayer
    Ebonslayer   ·  July 6, 2018
    The [Collector] looked down at the two of them sleeping on the carriage floor,

    they are simple enough and if [you're] wise and leave emotion at the door,

    “[Summer's] almost over,

    Ah, so tha...  more
    • Sotek
      The [Collector] looked down at the two of them sleeping on the carriage floor,

      they are simple enough and if [you're] wise and leave emotion at the door, ...  more
        ·  July 6, 2018
      I've fixed the errors. Thanks for that Ebonslayer.
      As to Whiterun and what awaits them.... I'm putting my faith nto their Harbinger to come up with a solution. Knowing him, it wil be simple and efffective... I certainly can't deal with another of S...  more