U.O.T.W. Chapter 97 Strengths And Weaknesses


    Kodlak’s first impression of the tower was, at the most, unremarkable to say the least. A cold gusty draft came through an uncovered window which was situated on the opposite side to the entrance. It could have been mistaken for an arrow slit if it was narrower. The flooring was made of old wooden planks which creaked with every step making stealth almost impossible, not that Kodlak bothered with such things.

    By the window he saw a chair which seemed to be in good condition. The archer had undoubtedly sat upon it while he was on lookout. As Kodlak thought about Sotek’s expedition to Fort Greymoor. He sat on the chair for a few seconds then pulled himself back to his feet when he noticed the table in the other corner by the stairwell. Kodlak walked over towards it and pushed the top of it to see how sturdy it was. The wooden table felt solid which simply fortified his idea.

    He ascended the stone stairway that stopped at a small landing. On his right was yet another window but there was a lack of furniture there making the window look empty and lifeless. The breezy gale that blew in from the open entrance to his left was far stronger and it carried with it a freezing chill due to the level being higher up. The change in temperature certainly added to the reasons as to why there were no lookouts posted here.

    He headed to his left and began walking along the wooden platform which he saw earlier. Below him, the six whelps looked on as he made his way across the rotting walkway. When Kodlak took a step up the ramp, it creaked ominously and his boot slipped slightly forewarning him that the platform was as icy as it seemed. He momentarily lost track of his surroundings as he admired the view of Riverwood and nearly paid the price for his lack of awareness.

    The next step he took proved to be nearly disastrous due to the flooring giving way beneath him. Kodlak dropped to his knee as his leg fell through the newly formed hole. Bits of rotting timber disappeared into Oblivion as they tumbled down over a hundred feet to the bottom of the cliff face. The Imperial Whelp gasped in horror as she watched her Harbinger’s leg dangle precariously underneath him.

    Kodlak seemed to stay there where he was for ages as if he was stuck until he finally pulled himself up and freed his foot from the hole. His leg felt bruised and he could feel the trickle of blood from various cuts caused by the jagged pieces of timber.

    He cursed himself quietly, chastising himself for his stupidity and lack of care.

    “Silly old goat. Pay attention you idiot”.

    He proceeded with more caution along the walkway until he entered a stone doorway to a large room inside the tower. Two old blocks of stone had crumbled away from the entrance which supposedly held the hinges of a heavy wooden door that had long since ceased to exist.

    Snow drifted downwards from where the middle of the ceiling had collapsed leaving a seemingly unstable walkway around the perimeter of the room above. There was a second small table lying in the far side of him and to his right stacked up three high were a multitude of barrels. What caught Kodlak’s attention though was the stairway on his left which ran upwards to the second level of the tower.

    Or rather the Orc barbarian who stood at the top of the stairwell... He wielded a massive bulky warhammer which slowly swung back and forth in his large green hand like it was a giant pendulum. He wore fur boots and had fur wristbands on which bulged as he gripped hold of his warhammer. His chest was bare although a fur cloak covered his shoulders. The muscles in his stomach were solid and added to his formidable demeanour. Upon seeing the Harbinger enter the room below, the Orc called out to him threateningly.

    “Hey you!! Come ‘er!!”

    Kodlak warily smiled and stepped away from the stairwell. He wasn’t about to let the giant Orc add to the height advantage he already had and he certainly wasn’t going to fight on a rickety stairwell. The Orc snarled and lumbered down the stairway towards the intruder. The hammer lifted up as the Orc charged forwards swinging it around in an uncoordinated yet lethal and powerful attack.

    Kodlak lowered his sword and simply ducked under the hammer. He heard it whistle over his head then he punched the Orc in the stomach. A loud thud told him he had landed a good blow but he wished he didn’t. The Orc’s torso was rippled with muscles and Kodlak’s hand felt like he had punched a stone boulder despite having the protection of armor.

    An elbow smashed against the back of Kodlak’s shoulder dropping him to his knees. He paused for a second as he regained his breath which was knocked out of him just as a shadow formed overhead. Kodlak stared at the ground as the hammer came down towards him.

    Leaving it until the very last second, Kodlak rolled sideways and lashed out with his sword. The hammer crashed into the flooring spraying out wood and snow as Kodlak’s own blade swept out in front of him, catching the Orc’s arm.

    The Orc bellowed in rage and lifted the hammer seemingly easily despite the blood which poured out from the wound. The hammer swung out once more forcing Kodlak’s back against the wall. He ducked a second time as the stone wall quaked from the blow just above him. He intended to strike back but dust and debris smothered him, causing him to choke.

    He stepped to the side and raised his sword, deflecting the hammer and tried to counter strike with a blow to the Orc’s shoulder. The Orc however was fast, far faster than what Kodlak expected. He let go of the hammer with one hand and swiped out at the Harbingers own hands knocking his weapon away from its intended target. ‘Twilight’ clanged on the stone wall allowing the Orc to retaliate.

    The hammer fell to the ground and large green fingers grabbed Kodlak by the throat. He was shoved hard against the wall and looked up to see a fist come towards his face.

    Kodlak threw his head forwards and head butted the fist with his forehead, causing the Orc to scream as his fist crumpled. The Orc let him go and he fell to his hands and knees in a daze.

    Kodlak moved towards the exit as he backed away from the Orc’s rampage in the hope of limiting the Orc’s attacks due to the stone archway.

    The Orc smiled wickedly despite the pain, sensing the Harbinger’s strength was fading. He charged forwards once more shoving Kodlak onto the platform. Kodlak rolled on his back with the Orc who fell on top of him. He suddenly kicked upwards throwing the Orc over his head and watched with mild satisfaction as the Orc plummeted off the edge of the walkway. The bandit screamed in terror as he fell towards the rocky ground and landed with a sickening thud.

    Kodlak walked back inside the room and picked up his sword. He wiped the blade on his sleeve before returning it to his scabbard. Nearby lying on the ground was the warhammer. Kodlak picked it up with one hand and gave it a few practice swings before draping it over his shoulder while he grinned to himself.

    “When strong feint weakness and the enemy will chase shadows”.

    He made his way wearily up the flight of stairs to the upper level and peered around the room, or rather what was left of it due to the collapsed flooring. There was little to be found but he pushed onwards and climbed the final flight of wooden stairs which led him to a small platform. A chest sat in the corner which had the imprint of the Orc’s backside in the snow that covered it. Kodlak easily guessed that the Orc was using the chest as a seat. Upon finding it unlocked, he lifted the lid and recovered a pouch of gold for his troubles.

    Below him, the Whelps froze as they listened to the scream of the Orc who fell to his death. Kodlak peered over the top and called out to them.

    “Right, up here!!! All of you!!! We have work to do!!”

    The Imperial girl jumped with a start as the others looked up at the Harbinger who was beckoning them to enter the tower. He met them on the first floor and quickly organised the whelps into three pairs. The first group had the task of bringing down the chest which lay at the top of the tower while the other groups were given the barrels and tables to bring down. Kodlak stayed on the rotting walkway so he could control the traffic as the Whelps went about their various tasks.

    Over the course of the next quarter of an hour they had managed to pile the furniture at the base of the tower. Kodlak smiled to himself at the thought of being able to add to the furnishings in Jorrvaskr. The two tables would be a boon along with the chest. There was also the extra chair and barrels which Tilma would surely benefit from. The next stage was transporting the furniture to Whiterun, namely the Hall of Jorrvaskr. He cast a quick look at the river before smiling at the Whelps.

    “I’m afraid we’re going to get wet”.

    The Imperial girl groaned as she followed her Harbingers gaze.

    “I figured that out already...” She said bitterly.

    The Dunmer pointed towards Riverwood where the water was shallower.

    “We’ll be able to cross there easily enough. How are we going to get this lot back to Whiterun though?”

    Kodlak already had a plan but he didn’t feel the need to explain it at that particular time.

    “Let’s get across first shall we”.

    He formed everyone in a long chain which spanned the river then the various items were passed along the line. Everything went according to plan except for the loss of one barrel which was last seen floating downstream.

    Once they were all on the other side, it was a simple task of sending two Whelps back along the pathway to Whiterun stables where they were to requisition Bjorlam and his cart just like Sotek did when they cleared out the fort. Two Whelps were left to guard the furniture while Kodlak took the Imperial girl with him along with the Dunmer. The bandit was thrown to the ground by the feet of two guards. Without even letting him get up, the guards dragged him backwards to meet his fate in a cell. He started kicking out in an attempt to break away from them until a third guard walked up to him and slapped him across the face with a gauntlet.

    Kodlak blanked the outlaws yells and spoke to the two Whelps about an Elder hermit who went by the name of Anise. She lived in a shack on the opposite side of the river to Riverwood. When Kodlak was asked about the location of her shack, he just shrugged his shoulders.

    “We’ll check on her to make sure she is alright. I don’t know why she lives outside Riverwood’s protection but we’ll respect her decision to do so. Mind your manners, she can be temperamental and a bit... odd”.

    The Imperial girl cast a strange look at the Harbinger as she asked him to elaborate on what he had told her.

    “Odd? In what way?”

    Kodlak tutted and rolled his eyes at the inquisitive Whelp’s question.

    “She likes to be secluded and yet on the odd occasion when people speak to her, she often says she’s lonely. It’s almost like she is waiting for someone in particular to join her. Just mind your manners”. As the hut came into view, he pointed it out to the Whelps. “There!! Not much to look at is it!”

    The Whelp looked towards where Kodlak was pointing. In the distance was a ram shackled hut. The Whelp screwed her nose up at the state of the structure and despite of the Harbingers warning, she loudly blurted out the obvious.

    “What a dump!!”

    Kodlak lightly clipped the back of her head just as he had seen Aela do to her many a time. He was just beginning to understand why...





  • Ebonslayer
    Ebonslayer   ·  January 2, 2016
    Her name is Helgi. Which is the same name of the ghost girl you meet in the quest "Laid to Rest".
  • Exuro
    Exuro   ·  January 2, 2016
    Good fight scene with the orc.

    Doesn't the letter in Anise's cabin say she's preparing to become a hagraven with the person she's waiting for (forgot who)? I still feel bad too though and will usually let her be.
  • Sotek
    Sotek   ·  December 28, 2015
    Thanks for pointing out those errors Ebonslayer. Fixed.
    Anise is a bit of an odd one isn't she. I know a few players who leave her alone. I suppose being a witch isn't enough to condemn her to death after all there is a lack of 'evil' in her cabin. ...  more
  • Ebonslayer
    Ebonslayer   ·  December 28, 2015
    In paragraph 11 thretengly should be threateningly.

    In paragraph 23 practise should be practice.

    For some reason I always feel bad when I kill Anise. I don't know why, I just do.
  • ShyGuyWolf
    ShyGuyWolf   ·  December 27, 2015
    that's good.
  • Sotek
    Sotek   ·  December 27, 2015
    Yep, he got his sword back along with a bloody great Warhamer.
  • ShyGuyWolf
    ShyGuyWolf   ·  December 27, 2015
    Great piece, glad to see Kodlak in action. He did get his sword back right?
  • The Long-Chapper
    The Long-Chapper   ·  December 27, 2015
    Hehe, good chapter. I'll read in more detail when I'm home from church. He almost had a slip there didn't he. I like the addition of environmental dangers and dangers from your surroundings, not just physical enemies. Makes sense and I do this too.