Recent Entries

  • Various short stories: Falced

    [This story is about Falced, an imperial.] I wake up with a start. Both me and my sheets are drenched with what I hope is just sweat. My dream had seemed so real, their faces screaming in pain. I think back on my life regretting most of it. All the people I had harmed, their blank, empty eyes stari...
  • Various short stories: Rangar

    [This is the first entry of a new series of short stories I decided to write. They won't be connected to each other at all. Each one will be inspired by a song that I like and that I can't get out of my head.] Rangar looked down at his sword. It had seen better days and would probably break if too...
  • Zakary the Unknown: In Blackreach

    "I think they're gone." said Sapphire. We had been hiding in the small room for about a day and it was surprising that the falmer hadn't found us. Sapphire and I had been in the wilds trying to lie low after a successful job for the Thieves Guild. We were settling down for dinner when we had seen th...
  • Life in the land of The Skyrim Blog

    I'll start off by saying why I wrote this... I was REALLY bored. Enjoy. In the land of The Skyrim Blog the border was always open for those who wished to enter so long as they swore to maintain the peace. There were many guilds people could join, some more exclusive than others. Or they could go to...
  • Zakary the Unknown: In Riften

    "I'm really getting tired of your excuses. When you borrowed the money, you said you'd..." The woman stopped talking to the redguard and stared at me. I looked back at her as I crossed one of Riften's many bridges. Anya walked in front of me. She had said she had business in Riften, which was lucky ...
  • Zakary the Unknown: At Kynesgrove

    "Who is he?" asked Delphine as soon as she saw me, her hand reaching for her sword. "Don't worry, he's not going to harm us. His name is Zakary, he decided to accompany me here." replied Anya. "Just don't get in our way." "What's her problem?" I whispered. Anya smiled and shrugged. We walked into th...
  • Zakary the Unknown: At the Bannered Mare

    "That's how I ended up in that camp. Why were you there?" I asked. "My story's not nearly as interesting as yours. I needed some money so I asked Hulda if there were any jobs I could do. She directed me to the camp." "Here are your drinks. Zak, that'll be 10 septims. Anya, don't worry about it Mikae...
  • Zakary the Unknown: In the Camp Part Two

    "What is this?" I asked again almost yelling. "I wouldn't yell if I were you," the bandit said trying to be helpful. "You might wake the others." "You should be more concerned about your own safety." "Name's Bjorn. Might I know yours?" "I thought you already knew me." "I know only what you told me t...
  • Zakary the Unknown: In the Camp Part One

    I took out my bow and prepared an arrow. I looked at the bandits as the sun's first light crept over the mountains. Most of the bandits were asleep but a couple of them were checking the perimeter of the camp. One of the bandits was hidden from the others. He would be my first target. I slowly advan...
  • Zakary the Unknown: On the Trail

    I woke up early that morning and walked towards the bridge. I dug up the amulet I had hidden there. I entered the Sleeping Giant Inn. "What will it be today?" Orgnar asked me. "I'll take a loaf of bread, some cheese and a bottle of mead." "Here." I dropped a pouch of coins into his hand and left. I ...
  • Zakary the Unknown: The (No Longer) Quiet Life

    Several weeks had passed since the incident in Helgen. I had decided to stay in Riverwood to heal my wounds. Once they had healed however I realized I had absolutely no idea where I should begin my search for my past so I stayed for longer. I spent most of my day at the mill chopping wood for money....
  • Zakary The Unknown: Who am I?

    I woke up on a carriage, I didn't have a clue where I was or how I got there. My head was throbbing and sharp pains ran through my neck and down my spine as I turned my head to look around. "You've woken up then," said a man in blue armoursitting in font of me, Ralof I think his name was. My throat ...
  • The Story of Zakary The Unknown: This is the End 1

    The force of Alduin's blow knocked me to the ground. I looked around, desperate for help. The heroes of Sovngarde that had so courageously followed into the final battle with Alduin had vanished from my sight. I can feel something warm running down my chest. I know it's blood. My armour is so dented...
  • Darrien Riuki Detailed Backstory Two

    "Look out!" Darrien yelled as he held onto the horse's reins as if his life depended on it. The people in the street ran for cover as the horse raced past. Darrien looked up and gulped at what he saw: the gate leading to the Arboretum. The guards, noticing that the horse wasn't going to stop, quickl...
  • Darrien Riuki Detailed Backstory One

    Darrien stood at his bedroom window looking at his father walk away. He was pretty sure that nearly all of Bruma had heard his mother and father yelling. His next-door neighbour, an elderly imperial, ran out of her house to check if Darrien's mother was alright. Darrien was used to hearing his paren...
  • Darrien Riuki Journal Two: Ancestral Gifts

    As I write this I'm sitting in Sleeping Giant Inn with a bottle of ale on the table next to me whilst listening to Sven play the lute and watching Embry do a weird dance. If it weren't for the return of the dragons I would settle down here without a moments pause. After arriving in Riverwood Sven as...
  • Darrien Riuki Journal One: Goodbye Helgen

    Before long the wagon was pulled into Helgen, it seemed that the entire city was built solely for military purposes. The wagon stopped next to another one in the center of the town. Me and the other prisoners got off and a guard started calling names. First Ulfric and Ralof, then the third prisoner ...