Straag Rod: Book 1, Part 1, Chapter XXXVI

  • 13th of Morning Star, 4E 202


    He had felt himself thrown, cast into a break, cast into a tear in time. Thrust forward.


    Nikriinne… Cowards! That is what they were, he raged; Paarthurnax as well. Afraid of his might, afraid of his strength, afraid of his closeness to the Bormah.


    Nay, he was Bormah in the flesh, Alduin thought arrogantly as he glided through the early morning sky, still dark, still masking his massive obsidian form.  The stars scattered like jewels, matching the ember glow of his scales. The two moons were as radiant orbs, the “corpse” of His body.


    Aye, he had fought in that ancient war, Alduin remembered fondly, his blazing eyes finding the two moons. Yes, that is what the lir now called them, moons, iilah. A mighty general in his Father’s army. He watched, fascinated, while Trinimac tore the bleeding heart out and Bormah, with his bow, shot the still pulsing organ across the land. They watched the blood fall upon Tam-Riel. They watched the mountain rise from that heart. All of His children watched and they were in awe of Bormah. Of his greatness.


    And then Bormah changed, He became penitent. He began to protect the Lir, the worms of Nirn, who began to pray to Him, build towers in His glory, to walk the path He laid out. Paths to transcendence.


    Bormah ruz genun niin vir wah Haalvut faal Lok.


    His greatest children did not quite understand why Bormah was so interested in the lir. They were insignificant, transient, whereas they, his first, were closer to the great Time Dragon, the Tiid Dovah than any other who dwelled Nirn. Only they could touch the sky, He had given them the gift Himself, the gift of flight.


    And now this…


    Alduin had felt Paarthurnax first when he burst forth from the time wound, a cyclone of black, leathery wings and fire in the early morning. How could he not feel him? He who had been closest. He had remained! At the very location where it happened and Alduin felt the heat rush to his head, his eyes seeing the deep red of hatred. Grutiik.


    He was originally going to act upon his rage, he thought, a deep chuckle escaping his maw. A bitter chuckle, for he recognized the irony. How the Dovah love irony! He was going to kill the brother that so cruelly betrayed him. Just as he himself had betrayed another brother all those years ago. Faal Grutiik lost kosaan grut... nii kovon. But then he felt something else and nothing gave Alduin more satisfaction than the dismayed look on Paarthurnax’s world-weary eyes when he abruptly turned with a sneer and flew Southwest.


    Nust ney felt atruk.


    He could see that Paarthurnax desperately wanted to intervene, but Alduin saw the fear. Old fool would not leave his precious mountain. Did he really think he could overcome what he was? Through prayer and meditation? It was ridiculous! Alduin’s chuckle turned into a laugh in the night sky and he felt the stirs of terror beneath him from the worms that slept in their beds. The unconscious stirs. The ones that were so deep-rooted that it only manifested as that brief, sick-feeling in their guts. The feeling he himself felt when he finally saw him, bound, being led to his death, though it was not out of fear.


    They were going to kill him without even knowing what he was, though even Alduin was not certain… yet. He needed to know, he needed to feel and he saw the axe being readied.




    He wanted the pleasure for himself! If he was who he thought he was. So Alduin did what any self-respecting Dovah would do. He leveled the insignificant village in his attempt to reach the creature. Nothing to him, buildings were better constructed in his day. Men were of better stock too. When the Dovah were their gods, Men rose to great heights. Ancient Atmora was long bred out of these worms and he again knew the taste of their flesh. Savoring it in his jagged, black maw. Their blood was still red, it still quenched him.


    Surrounded by fire, surrounded by screams and the smells of fear, they stood facing each other, and it was him, as fearless as he was back then. His eyes were the same. Bright and hot, like the fire of a forge.  Alduin then threw back his head to shout, to finish him once and for all… only for him to disappear into the stone walls of the Keep. Lost. Bormahro gruth lost nid gro…


    Alduin shook his head while he flew, clearing his mind of its building anguish. He could not dwell on it, though he knew he would. It was his nature to dwell. He had made a mistake, not acting fast enough, too caught up with his own emotions, and he slipped away.


    Faal gaaf do ok ustiid.


    He was among the lir now, at the very place where Alduin expected him to be. It was almost too convenient, but Dovah always returned to familiar haunts. It is in their nature to have lairs, sanctuaries. He would be no different, even in his diminished form. Alduin noted that the forge still stood as he passed silently by, high in the cool air. The great eagle still surged skywards, the fires still searing. The worms used the forge now, insulting its divine heritage with their little needles of steel. The Fahliil, though still insignificant, at least knew better. Far grander weapons were once forged there and Alduin could again feel the flush of anger upon seeing such a blasphemy, the melody of his song still fresh in Alduin's mind, their Tinvaak while he worked...




    No, this fight was not yet over, so long as he still could fly, so long as he could release his Thu’um. Alduin sneered, they were so foolish. They were weaker now. Sahloiik! Weakened by war. Weakened by their petty bickering. Weakened by just existing, the light of Aetherius further drained from their pathetic little forms while the centuries turned.  Already Alduin felt his servants stir in their tombs. Those that remained loyal despite the Daedric pig’s uprising. Lir were so easily swayed, so easily seduced. They should never have bestowed such power. Another mistake, but one that could be remedied.


    With the Loyal and his brothers, Alduin would reclaim his right. Ok viilut wah rel…  Only it would prove more difficult than Alduin had originally anticipated. When he again saw sky, again felt the heat of Magnus upon his scales, he realized very quickly that things were not the same. So few, he felt so few. He felt many souls, yes, many souls, but their life forces?


    Nusaan, save but a few. Ahrk faal Lot Alduin luvmah fah ok zeymah, ok krosis lost ful dil. He grieved the fallen so profoundly, retreating to a lonely, bleak mountaintop in the Jerrals, that he lost track of time and lost track of the lir. The trail had gone cold… Even the lir received his grief. It was almost heart-breaking to see what had once been a proud soul trapped in that repulsive body, his songs now silent. The agony he must feel. The restraint.


    Bormah! To deny him flight!?  To deny him the sky!? It was beyond callous. Until Alduin remembered why the worm was reborn to Tam-Riel in the first place. To put him in his place, and pity left the World-Eater. It was also around the time he perceived something else. The death cries of the Loyal and… Rok hon sumah do rot ko ven.




    The lir had been busy. Faal mal sonaak. A priest, a scribe. As Xarxes was to Bormah. As Xarxes was to Mora... And Alduin was not the only one who heard it. Paarthurnax heard it as well, but no, it was not the Old Fool Alduin felt stir when the wind whispered. It was another.




    He lived, and it was the reason why Alduin was now heading west, rapidly approaching the rocky, juniper-dotted lands that bordered High Rock.  He could feel Mirmulnir’s presence grow stronger when he neared one of the many sharp peaks of the Druadach Mountains, feeling again the stirs of fear as he passed high over their little huts of timber and straw. It was then that he saw it, the glitter of orange, brown, and black scales in the night sky.*  



    Mirmulnir had to blink his green eyes several times to convince himself that the immense black form that approached from the east was indeed real.  That it was not just another hateful illusion. Like so many of his dreams had been in the past. To dream of conquest and battle again, only to have them shattered with the reality of the coming dawn.


    He had felt Alduin’s presence earlier, an early morning while he was on the hunt. The month of Evening Star. The sensations had cost him his meal, but he did not care. His soul rejoiced at feeling the power produced by his elder brother again. The power of his great Lord. Paarthurnax, who dwelled in the Throat, felt it too. That was where Alduin was headed when the unthinkable happened. So long ago…


    Alduin disappeared. Banished by the very treacherous worms they had allowed to rise to such heights of power. Gone from Mundus and he and his brothers panicked when they no longer felt his presence. His strength. What treason had befallen their great Lord?!  They thought that that had been taken care of with the Fron Kriin, though that had not really been treason. More like a refusal of an ultimatum that Alduin resolved with a brutality of force that asserted his dominance over all Dovah once and for all. But no, there was another and his actions were indeed treasonous. 




    The one who had once fought tirelessly by their side, the bodies of thousands of lir charring in his wake. Alduin’s greatest general, his closest brother. Instead of basking in Alduin’s might, instead of embracing his godliness, Paarthurnax questioned the brutality. Perhaps threatened by the raw display of power? Perhaps the more sinister jealousy? Mirmulnir never learned his motives, choosing to not seek him out after the War. His betrayal, his consorting with Kaan to bring about their fall was far too difficult to bear, even though there were times when Mirmulnir’s own soul screamed for another Dovah. Even Paarthurnax, and he found it suddenly hard to gaze upon the approaching form, the shame of his past longings were too deep. Such desires betrayed the weakness of ages of loneliness.  He hoped Alduin would understand.


    When Alduin disappeared, the Dovah panicked, they scattered, and they fought amongst themselves as one by one the Men who rebelled slew them like cattle in the market. Their servants who remained loyal could only stand back while their own numbers dwindled, reverently burying the fallen in the great mounds Mirmulnir often passed when he flew above Keizaal. They eventually retired to their Temples and slept.


    And then all waited. Waited and hoped for His return. Prayed for Alduin’s return.


    Mirmulnir’s life then turned into a blur. Eons spent escaping. Episodes of great pride and violence followed by centuries of profound melancholy as he became one of the last of the Dovah who was not reduced to a pile of bones or enslaved. First escaping the Men, who upon hearing of Alduin’s disappearance, threw off their shackles and crushed Alduin’s armies with Kaan’s thunder given by the traitor. He managed to elude them, only to see the Tsaesci arrive, the vampire serpents, under the banner of the Worldly God and his little red jewel. Out for more blood after slaying his brothers in Akavir. He eluded them too, but it cost him, regarding the long scar on his left wing. An Akaviri blade, slender and sharp.


    Faal prakem lost duliig, Mirmulnir thought with a chuckle as the black form descended and settled next him, sending small pebbles and dust billows in his great wake. The angular, hard snout then turned to face him while they perched side by side upon the mountainside, the moons giving more than enough light for both to see as they surveyed the Reach.


    Rok lost brit, marveled Mirmulnir. Alduin had not aged a damn day. Still glowing with the deep embers of nearly spent coal. Cold, stark, and black on the outside, but the deep oranges and reds that revealed the burn beneath were still there. The eyes matching the fire. His horns, curved and proud, his teeth sharp. His spikes the same, not dulled with age and the trials of life in this new world. A world where Dovah did not rule, but lir, and even that was in question. Oh, Mirmulnir had heard that too. The shattering thunder of a voice. To the Northeast of his position. The worms then fought like animals and Mirmulnir fed upon their bodies.


    Fod faal Od Angaar nok krentaan, vothni, sosaal… It was the moment Mirmulnir had been waiting for, but the glory of Alduin's return would come with a price. 


    Staag rod…


    Mirmulnir let another chuckle escape.


    “Still chuckling, Mirmulnir?” 


    And Mirmulnir sighed, the air escaping his lungs in ecstasy at the sound of that voice.  Low, like the rumble of distant thunder. It had been so long since he heard that voice. “Always, Master. We are creatures who love irony, are we not?”


    “Geh, geh. That is true. I was very pleased when I sensed your presence. It had eluded me prior; the soul of the Betrayer over-shadowed everything at first.”


    “Yes, Paarthu—“ Mirmulnir felt a shooting pain in his ribs when the coal-black tail struck his side and he toppled from his peak to crash on his back with a grunt upon a ledge below. He then heard claws scrape harshly against stone as Alduin once more took flight, soaring down towards a flattened Mirmulnir. The ancient dragon then felt a great pressure on his chest, the razor-sharp claws digging into the tender flesh where his wings joined with his body, the singeing heat of his breath upon Mirmulnir’s maw.


    “Never.” The Firstborn growled.


    “I am sorry, di Drog.” Mirmulnir whispered back, still unable to open his eyes, his heart pounding in his chest.  “Forgive… frolaaz.” He begged. Only of Alduin would Mirmulnir beg. The terror was real. He knew what Alduin was capable of. He had seen it himself. All in the Master’s ranks bore witness to the Fron Kriin.  Gazed, enthralled while Alduin ripped the heart out of that great chest in deliberate imitation of the actions of Trinimac and Bormah. It was a display of incredible power. Mirmulnir was a prideful Dovah and loved destruction, but even he would not wish that fate upon his greatest foes. He let out a gasp of relief when the pressure on his chest eased and the black dragon rose, backing away slightly to allow Mirmulnir the space to right himself.


    “Never,” Alduin repeated, the speech, though more gentle, was laced with warning; his eyes intensifying with the delivery of his next words, “speak that name in my presence.” Mirmulnir nodded, his breathing still heavy. Alduin’s playful nudge then almost made him jump and the World-Eater laughed, the rumblings echoing in the barren Druadachs. “Do not fear me, Mirmulnir. You really think I am going to kill you?” Alduin chided, his voice a low purr. “You are far too important to me now.”


    Despite his great age, Mirmulnir had never been important before. Only a loyal soldier in Alduin’s vast army, far behind Odahviing, Paarthurnax, and the dreaded Vulal in rank. To be risen up by the Master was such a great honor, though it was not lost on him that Alduin’s options were substantially limited at this point. “What of me warrants such high regard from dii In?”


    Hin mindah.” Came the response. “I have been lost to the world for many years, dii sahvotei aar. When I returned, so keen were the sensations of diminished life, that I mourned, Mirmulnir. I mourned for my brothers. Their souls scream for their bodies again. I need to know where they are.” Alduin saw the look on Mirmulnir’s face and his hard heart did feel pity for the broken Dovah before him. He saw the great scar upon his wing, the weathering of his spikes and horns. Mirmulnir had suffered and would be ultimately useless in the coming war. He needed Odahviing and the Vulal, but he would give the Ancient Dovah a task worthy of his loyalty once Alduin obtained his information.  He needed to know for certain if the lir was Dovah kiin and only capable of the thu’um or far worse…


    Dov ah kiin, the hunter. A soul stealer, like that Daedric pig. Deyruv hiraak!


    Mirmulnir would serve that purpose well. If Mirmulnir survived then the threat would be over. If he did not survive, then Alduin would know for certain and by then he would have Odahviing, the Vulal, the Loyal, and others, more than enough to vanquish the lir. But first, information and Alduin opened his maw to speak. Only to be interrupted.


    “I will tell you what you wish to know, In, you need only ask.”


    Mirmulnir, in his enthusiasm, had spoken first, violating protocol, but Alduin would forgive him this oversight. He was so eager to please and Alduin needed this. “I feel others, Mirmulnir, others that have survived. The brothers, they are alive?”


    “The Brothers of the Vale?”




    “They live, In, but they cannot leave. They are bound to the Lake.”


    Ruth!” Alduin cursed and Mirmulnir could not suppress a shudder. He was going to disappoint his Lord further, of that he was certain.


    “And what of Krosulhah, Kruziikrel, Relonikiv, Sahrotaar? Did they finally come to their senses and leave Hermaeus Mora’s whore?”




    “YOL TOOR… SHUL!!” The angry blast of flame cast the rocky ledges and crags with a vibrant orange light. “They, they think him better than me?!” Alduin snarled, his eyes matching the fire of his breath. Surrounded by his blaze, Mirmulnir could not help but be in awe. He was as the Bormah. “Him, a worm, a lir?” Alduin continued. “He is only what he is because we gave him the power. Ach! Mark my words Mirmulnir, when I am finished here, I will seek that little worm out and remind Mora not to cross faal Diistkiin do faal Bormah with his lies!”


    “The worm is not here. Not in this plane, at least not completely.” For a moment, the great Alduin looked surprised, but Mirmulnir saw the great head bend slightly in thought. After a moment, Alduin spoke again, understanding. They both knew how the Daedra worked.


    “Mora took him?”




    The laugh again echoed, the great wings shaking when Alduin threw back his head. “Well then! It would seem that there is some justice to the world, after all. Good, damn him, damn the worm to Apocrypha then. He will be stuck in that endless library for an eternity. Old Mora does not free his servants so readily.”


    Mirmulnir nodded and waited while his Master pondered his next question.




    “Like the brothers of the Vale. Trapped.”


    “Where? I feel him.”


    Mirmulnir reclined backwards upon his tail and tapped upon the ground with a curved claw.


    “What does that mean, Mirmulnir?”


    “The Dilfahliil took him.”


    “Where?” Alduin’s eyes narrowed.


    “Blackreach, and then they disappeared.”




    Mirmulnir was being deliberately vague. Not to be deceitful, but because it had been so long since his last proper tinvaak! He wanted it to last an eternity. “Yes, dii Drog, they tried to touch the Heart.”


    Alduin let out a gust of air and regarded Mirmulnir, his eyes widening with curiosity. He was not surprised easily. “What? Lies! They did not!”


    Mirmulnir nodded. Proud that he was the one to deliver such news to the Greatest of them. “They did.”


    Ruth!” Alduin exclaimed. 


    “I know, it was such folly, dii Drog, but gone they are. There is now no way for Vulthuryol to escape.”


    Alduin sighed, his list was growing short. “The Necromancer?” Oh, it was no secret to Alduin what Durnehviir secretly practiced in the shelter of caves and distant caverns, why he often wandered away from the other Dovah, why he often smelled of death. If the research had gone too far, or put Alduin at risk, one of the Vulal would have brought the Necromancer before him to answer for his crimes.


    “Bound too and beyond help.”


    Alduin’s jaw dropped and his eyes widened in understanding. “He dared to make a deal with the Ideal Masters! Did all of you turn stupid while I was away?”


    Dii Drog, your absence in our lives caused much confusion. We fought just as much amongst ourselves as we fought against Men and the Tsaesci. The Dovah gave in to folly. It was a shameful time. There was…” Mirmulnir hesitated and Alduin narrowed his eyes.


    “What?” He pressed.


    “The shame is too great, dii Drog.”


    “Tell me.”


    There was no refusing that heavy tone and Mirmulnir sighed, feeling the sudden chill of the mountain air. “Of Nahfahlaar the Whore.”


    “A whore? How are Dovah whores, Mirmulnir?” Alduin chortled.


    “They are when to seek protection, they align themselves with men. It is a figurative spreading of the legs, dii Drog. He offered his services to that Septim. No better than a common mercenary. While his brothers suffered, slain and buried, he performed for the lir, like a dog doing tricks.” A steady stream of smoke escaped from Alduin’s nostrils and maw and Mirmulnir could tell that the Grand Dovah was terribly insulted. “They called him ‘a jewel of the Imperial crown’. A similar story to those who followed Mora’s pig.”


    “Nahfahlaar served... a Dovahkiin?” Alduin was not believing this. What was wrong with his brothers?


    “In a sense. It becomes complicated even for one such as myself to follow. Mora’s pig was not the same type. We knew how he obtained his power. No, the Septim was different. A direct gift from Bormah. The soul, dii Drog. His soul.”


    Alduin knew full well what Mirmulnir meant when he said ‘His soul’. It all came back to the Fron Kriin. Ruth! Alduin regretted nothing of that day. He had been in the right. “And?” Alduin pressed, sensing that Mirmulnir was not finished. Ah, he was not minding the tinvaak either.


    “He was slain by a Redguard. At Stros M’Kai.”


    “Hmph! And he can stay slain for his crimes are great in my eyes, serving a lir indeed! Even if he was Dovahkiin! Bormahro Kun! I refuse to give him back his life.”


    “You will be reviving the others then?” Mirmulnir asked.


    “Yes, first Odahviing. We need him. Then the Vulal, then Numinex.” Mirmulnir bent his head and Alduin saw the weariness again build in the Ancient dragon’s green eyes when he looked away.


    “Numinex…” Mirmulnir whispered, his voice growing thick, remembering his final visits. The sorrow. The madness. “He is, I fear, dii Drog, beyond your help.”


    “Why? His soul still screams.”


    “But his body, dii Drog. His body…” He struggled with the words knowing full well that Alduin was watching him closely. He still felt the pain of Alduin’s claws as they dug into his flesh. But Alduin did not know what Numinex had endured.


    “What of his body?”


    “He was weary, so old, dii Drog. We are all so old now. None of us have your glory anymore, your divine grace. Numinex…” Mirmulnir’s voice then did what a Dovah’s voice never did. It broke and even Alduin, for all his great pride, knew better than to chide a Dovah who was clearly lamenting. Those two had been close. “When we were scattered by Men’s fury, I still hunted with Numinex for a time. We had fought alongside each other when you still commanded us and we were used to each other’s presence. But, as I said, he was weary while I still was thirsty for life, so we parted ways. He retreated to Mount Anthor. He retreated to a trap.”


    “A trap?”


    “A cheating Bron, dii Drog, then broke Numinex. The Bron, a king among his people, wore him down until he could no longer fly. I could hear his cries and I tried to fly to him, but when I arrived, I was too late. He was gone.”




    “The king and his men bore him to that city where Father’s forge stands. The city on the tundra's hill. They hoisted him up the cliff face and then imprisoned him upon a giant yoke, denying him flight, denying him his thu’um. And there Numinex remained, oh Great One. For centuries. I visited him several times as did the other who still lives, but our words did not soothe. He went mad with loneliness, dii Drog, becoming nothing, save the skull that now hangs over that cursed throne room. I hear the lir of the land talk while I fly. His skull is there. Where the rest of him is, I know not.”


    They were then both silent for several moments, their grief for Numinex fresh in their hearts. Mirmulnir watched his brother brood, the great eyes were closed, but he could feel the heat of his rage building. Alduin had returned and the Dovah would finally know justice. The blazing eyes opened, and Alduin slowly turned his head towards Mirmulnir. Such purpose in those glorious eyes!


    “Do you want revenge?” Alduin asked, “Revenge for your wing? Revenge for Numinex, our brother?” It was not Alduin’s reasons, but Mirmulnir did not need to know that. The prospect of revenge was enough to stir any Dovah’s soul.


    “More than anything, dii Drog.” Mirmulnir bowed his head in reverence. He was trembling now, but it was no longer in fear. “More than anything, I want to see the lir bleed for what was done to us.”


    “Such sincerity, my faithful Mirmulnir. I shall reward you for your faith in me. Your loyalty.  Bo! Fly to their pitiful excuse for a city, sack it. Let them know that a Dovah is no play thing. Send them all to Sovngarde, so that I may feast!” Alduin watched with satisfaction when the ancient Dovah straightened and eyed him, the heat of rage building in his form. The pride returning.


    “Yes, dii Drog. I will lay waste to it. You will not be joining me on this hunt?”


    “No, I’ll to Odahviing. We will need him. Please tell me he is not scattered about all of Keizaal as well?”


    Mirmulnir shook his head, remembering, “No, dii Drog. When our servants still walked the land and Odahviing finally fell, he was given the proper respect.”


    “A mound.” Alduin’s tone warmed slightly.  Many remained loyal to the Dovah.


    “Yes, dii Drog. In the southern Rift. Near Forelhost. They laid him to rest, and when the dark forces of the Snow-Strider appeared, breaking down the stronghold's door with their ill-gotten Thu'um, those loyal to us there then took their lives. They would not be enslaved. They would not allow Odahviing to be desecrated.”


    “Then that is where I am headed first, Mirmulnir. To Odahviing. To bring him back.” Alduin brought his head to the sky and cried out. “Odahviing fen bo ontzos. Rok fen drun maar wah lir. Ahrk lok fent kos sahqo voth ok sahrot viing!” He faced Mirmulnir and nodded. “This I swear. He will fly again, as will many, many others. The worms will remember fresh the pain we brought them before we were betrayed. When you have finished with the city, Mirmulnir, bring Numinex’s skull to my eyrie at Skuldafn. We will be waiting for you there.”


    Hin fen los dii, dii Drog!” Mirmulnir thundered excitedly, pushing with his powerful legs to take to the skies, the starlight playing upon his scales. “Dii sahvot los vokrii.  Dii draan fahraal.  Bormah lost nun kun, fah rok lost sent hi zek wah mii!” Alduin took to the skies as well, larger than Mirmulnir, dark and powerful. “Wah grah! Wah moro!” Continued Mirmulnir, his soul rallied.


    Alduin had not the heart to tell Mirmulnir that that was not the Father’s plan. That Bormah had forsaken them yet again.


    Vos faal Mey korah…


    Acknowledgements, Notes, & Translations

    First, I’d like to take the opportunity to express my gratitude to the website Thu’ for their extensive Dovahzul language dictionary and translator. Second, I would like to express gratitude to the Lore group of Tamriel Vault. Several of their lore articles and members (Phil, take a bow) helped me formed the basis of some of the assumptions I make with regard to this chapter. Thank you so much for being such a wonderful source. I hope I did them justice. Check out their new Lore Archive. Finally, I want to thank my readers. You all are so awesome and I am moved sometimes by your support for my craziness. Thanks. I feel like sometimes I don't thank you all enough. 

    *Requiem - delevels the world. Mirlmulnir was an Ancient Dragon in gameplay. Very interesting. 

    Also, I decided against making everything in Dovahzul, though it would make sense, but for the sake of narrative flow, I wrote in English "flavored" with Dovahzul instead. 


    Alduin: Bormah ruz genun niin vir wah Haalvut faal Lok.

    (Father then showed them how to Touch the Sky.)

    A: Faal Grutiik lost kosaan grut. .. nii kovon

    (The Betrayer had been betrayed… it was fitting. )

    A: Nust ney felt atruk.

    (They both felt it.)

    A: Bormahro gruth lost nid gro…

    (Father's betrayal had no bounds…)

    A: Faal gaaf do ok ustiid.

    (The ghost of his past.)

    A: Hokoron…


    A: Ok viilut wah rel…

    (His right to rule…)

    A: Ahrk faal Lot Alduin luvmah fah ok zeymah, ok krosis lost ful dil.

    (And the Great Alduin mourned for his brothers, his sorrow was so deep.)

    A: Rok hon sumah do rot ko ven

    (He heard the whispers of a word in the wind)

    Mirmulnir: Fod faal Od Angaar nok krentaan, vothni, sosaal…

    (When the White Tower lies sundered, kingless, bleeding.)

    Alduin: “Odahviing fen bo ontzos. Rok fen drun maar wah lir. Ahrk lok fent kos sahqo voth ok sahrot viing!

    (Odahviing will fly again. He will bring terror to the worms. And the sky shall be red with his mighty wings!)

    Mirmulnir: “Dii sahvot los vokrii.  Dii draan fahraal.  Bormah lost nun kun, fah rok lost sent hi zek wah mii!”

    (My faith is restored. My prayers answered. Father has seen the light, for he has sent you back to us!)

    “Wah grah! Wah moro!” 

    (To Battle! To glory!)

    Alduin: Vos faal Mey korah…

    (Let the fool believe)


    Some miscellaneous words.

    Ruth – Damn

    In – Master

    Dii Drog – My Lord

    And Mirmulnir mentions that Tsaesci taste good. Prakem is snake.   


    Straag Rod Book 1 ToC

    Chapter XXXV    Chapter XXXVII


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  • Paws
    Paws   ·  February 3, 2017
    So now I have finished CA it feels like nrmal business can resume and I can get back to SR. I needed to read this again, for the fourth time because it is so superb. The way Alduin is depicted is so three-dimensional and real that I am captivated. His int...  more
  • Tolveor
    Tolveor   ·  March 27, 2016
    I really enjoyed this chapter. I mean I enjoy the story alot but this chapter really took me in for some reason. Great writing and idea in general. I didnt read the translations on purpose because I like the little mystery. Very much looking forward to th...  more
  • The Long-Chapper
    The Long-Chapper   ·  November 22, 2015
    Aelberon did Bleak Falls Barrow at level 27. It was a compromise, the draugr were a bit too easy, but whew, the dragon was, well, different. In retrospect, it matched his skills because in the narrative, draugr shouldn't be an issue if he's equipped. Plen...  more
  • Ebonslayer
    Ebonslayer   ·  November 22, 2015
    If requiem delevels the world like that then it'll take a long tim (or a lot of grinding) before you should even consider doing the Main Quest.
  • The Long-Chapper
    The Long-Chapper   ·  November 2, 2015
    Hi Rhoth. I had about 25 tabs open on my browser. The dragon language isn't so bad. I just used the translator. I was excited to switch perspectives for this chapter. Alduin will show up quite a bit. 
  • Rhoth
    Rhoth   ·  November 2, 2015
    Really enjoyed this chapter!  How much research time did it take to get all of the dragon speech ready?
  • The Long-Chapper
    The Long-Chapper   ·  October 14, 2015
    Thanks, glad you enjoyed this chapter. It was one of my favorites to write. 
  • Exuro
    Exuro   ·  October 14, 2015
    Much Dragon, so lore, wow! I think you managed to put managed to put all of the uesp dragon lore in this one chapter, haha. I imagined Alduin in a very similar way and I like how you fleshed out Mirmulnir's backstory. I was using to translate th...  more
  • The Long-Chapper
    The Long-Chapper   ·  September 16, 2015
    @Accursed Gloom - if you are really serious about the Ayleid language, there are some sources to the Imperial library that I can point you out too. For Straag rod, I compiled a usable form of Altmeris based on combining words from High Aldmeris and Old Al...  more
  • Sotek
    Sotek   ·  September 16, 2015
    It makes a nice change and a big difference to see things from the dragons perspective. I myself actualy consider this to be one of your better chapters.
    The interaction between Alduin and Mirmulnir is awsome to say the least and at the same time yo...  more