I Am Tirian

  • I Am Tirian

    A Skyrim Story by Silver Archex

    Hiya guys! This is my first Elder Scrolls Based Short Story, so cut me some slack and drop a comment to help me improve. Anyways, without further ado, I present to you, a quick introduction to "I AM TIRIAN!"

    The Rage Within

    "I have protected you and tried to shield you from these things, but now you try my patience! You will not go to Skyrim, and that is final!" Aluora snapped. The woman was the only mother I had ever known, and I had never challenged her as I did now. But then again, I had never felt such lust for something until now. The moment I had read the message, I felt a strange feeling, a feeling I had identified as purpose. As I took a breath to repeat my case once more, a man entered the room.

    "Aluora," Thogeon began, resting his hand on her shoulder. "Let the boy go, for he is upon the brink of manhood, and he is the only descendant of The High King Torygg.." He told her, his voice firm, but gentle at the same time. As I gazed at him, I felt respect for this man, who's calm, thought out opinions could temper Aluora's brash decisions. She gazed at me, as if thinking, could this farm raised nord actually defend himself in the wild?

    "After a while, she finally consented "Oh, all right, but he has to stay until tomorrow morning.

    "Thank you," I will be going to my room now. I went to my room and fell upon the small cot that was in the corner of my minuscule bedchambers.

    I was jerked out of my sleep by the screams that came from downstairs. I ran downstairs and was shocked to see a bandit thrust a blade through my Thogeon's stomach. I turned and saw another bandit having his way with Alurora, and then I felt the rage. I bellowed, causing them to turn their heads towards me. Thogeon's murderer chuckled, and told his friend to finish, then started towards me.

    "You will not kill me as you killed the only man that I could call my father!" Then, the rage came to a head as I waved my hands in a seemingly meaningless gesture. Then, the fire came forth, my rage, focused into one giant storm. "DIE!" I commanded, as the man fell to the floor, the burnt flesh pleasing my senses. The bandit that had been having his way with Alurora crumpled. It passed over my Alurora, though it left her unscathed. I then collapsed, on the verge of death, and the last thing I saw before the darkness took me was Alurora, holding my head in her hands.

    2 days later...

    As I came to, I felt the bumping of a  carriage beneath me, and Alurora's worried bl