Studying Abroad, Part 30

  • Studying Abroad, Part 30

    By: The Orange Mask

                Admetus and I silently crept through the temple-turned crypt, jumping at every noise and staying in the dark as often as possible. Draugur were common in this gods-forsaken place, devoid of light and happy sounds; fortunately, we were able to sneak past them more often than not.

                “Where is the treasure you promised, friend? So far I have seen nothing but bones.”

                “If you see anything, Admetus, it’s yours, as I said before.”

                “Yes, friend, but the question is if. If I see no gold, this trip was a waste for the Thieves’ Guild. If this trip was a waste for the Guild, then some other form of payment must be offered.”Admetus stopped and looked at me very seriously.

                “If you’re attempting to threaten me, I don’t care,” I lowered my voice. “But hear me: should any harm come to Claudia, you’re going to be the first one I’ll come after. Understood?”

                “Of course,” Admetus said, almost dismissively. He continued to move, and I followed, wary as ever.

                After a few small skirmishes and many more empty rooms, Admetus and I found ourselves entering a large chamber with arched ceilings, very expansive yet also very plain. Looking around, I saw nothing but old grey-green stone and darkened braziers. I sighed and sat down near a wall, and closed my eyes in defeat.

                “Well, it looks like this was just a big waste of time, after all. Name your price, Admetus, and you shall have it.”



                I opened my eyes and searched for the Khajiit, straining in the low-light. I spotted him near a large coffin on a pedestal. Gold sat on top of the stone slab.

                “Admetus, don’t do it. Remember what happened last time we tried to take something from the dead?” No response. I stood up and started over to him.

                “Admetus, don’t be a fool. Heed your own words, damn it!” My voice rose in volume as I approached Admetus, who continued to ignore me.

                “Admetus! Stop!” I was literally sprinting across the room to catch Admetus before he did something stupid. I stopped dead in my tracks as Admetus snatched up the gold trinkets, turned, and smiled.

                “See, friend? Admetus knows a trap when he sees one, and a dead body is no trap.” Admetus stood there, grinning like a fool and examining his finds. “Perhaps 200 gold each! Incredible finds, yes-“

                Admetus’s excitement was interrupted by the sound of stone breaking. Admetus jumped, pocketed his finds, and pulled his dagger out of its sheath. I inwardly scolded Admetus for his idiocy and drew my weapon, as well.

                I peered into the darkness behind Ademetus to see the stone slab had split in two, and a robed figure was emerging from its depths. It appeared to float and glide over the edges of its coffin, forcing Admetus to step backwards until he was beside me.

                There the draugur sat for several minutes, staff in hand, staring through Admetus and me, his mask hiding his expression. Neither Admetus nor I dared to move, yet I was so curious as to how the draugur had learned to float. Just as I had worked up the courage to ask, the hovering undead growled some unintelligible nonsense, indecipherable yet somehow familiar…

                “He asks what your purpose is, disturbing him and attempting to steal from him,” I looked down at the small dwemer artifact strung on a chain around my neck. Of course; Vodahmin spoke the same language, although I still couldn’t say what language it was. “I will translate if you need, mage.”

                “I am a mage, searching for knowledge. My… friend here is searching for riches.” Vodahmin translated accordingly, and Admetus gaped at the amulet. I forgot to tell him about Vodahmin. I ignored him for the moment, and continued with my conversation, elated.

                “He says, ‘I am Rahgot, priest of the Dragon Cult, and keeper of Forelhost. You are welcome to my knowledge, mage, but your friend is charged with theft from the dragons themselves: a crime punishable by death in my time.’ ”

                I looked at Admetus, and saw that same tinge of fear in his eye. Truthfully, he deserved the punishment; he was a thief, a deceiver, working only for his own good and only for gold. He had betrayed my trust, left me for dead, and taken Claudia away from me…

                “Is there any other punishment, Rahgot? Can he just give the jewelry back?”

                “ ‘What has been done cannot be undone; a death will occur. However, one life can be substituted for another; the dragons make no distinctions.’ ”

                Damn it. Damn it, damn it, damn it. It seems the more I hate Admetus, the more he needs my help. I could leave him, but what would the Thieves’ Guild say if I returned empty handed and alone? Would I ever see Claudia again? Like it or not, Admetus was my lifeline; I had one choice.

                “Rahgot, I will substitute my life for that of my friend on one condition: I wish to challenge you to battle, for the right of life.”

                Rahgot remained silent for several minutes, pondering the suggestion. Admetus and I looked at each other, both terrified. Suddenly, a grunt came from behind the mask, and Rahgot lifted his staff.

                “I don’t believe that requires translation,” Vodahmin said. I nodded, and stepped to the center of the room as Rahgot did the same.

                “I take it you’re ready, Vodahmin?”

                “Of course. I am at your service.”

                The things I do for my friends…

                To be continued…


  • Soneca the Exiled
    Soneca the Exiled   ·  December 20, 2013
    finally caught up with the story, looking forward to the next chapter 
  • Genkami
    Genkami   ·  November 22, 2013
    Well, you'd probably be pretty pissed too if you woke up to fins someone walking off with your ring.
  • Vazgen
    Vazgen   ·  November 17, 2013
    Talking to the Dragon Priests! Nice! I like how you made him to be non-hostile to the one who doesn't want to steal the riches from the barrow