Liara the cursed - Chapter 1 part 2 - Business as usual

  • Chapter 1 part 2 – Business as usual


    Dearest Delphine,


    It has been too long since I last wrote to you, this saddens me deeply. The Thalmor always seem to be right on my heels, but I know not why. I seriously doubt they want to share some of that wine their so fond of.


    My nightmares are getting worse according to Jorgen, he’s had to restrain me on several occasions so stop me coming to harm. I believe I may have started to recall some fragments of my dreams after I have woken up, It’s nothing noteworthy really, but I will tell you more when I next visit. Perhaps you will be able to share a different point of view, and help me finally piece this all together.


    We’re packing the horses ready to leave for our next meeting, Jorgen thinks we should be there within a few days, and then a few more to scout the area and pick our location.


    Hopefully I will get the chance to write again soon.


    All my love




    P.s please excuse the imp, its much more secure than using a courier.




    As I eyed the noble half expecting him to come out with a politics rival, he shocked me two fold as it was something far more devious. “Anja…my…Wife” said the noble, almost as if he didn’t want her killed. “We have set up an alchemists shop not far from Falkreath, she spends most of her time there, her passion is alchemy” I wrote down the details of this ‘Anja’ before leaning back in my chair and slowly removing my hood. “You sure ‘bout this old man? You don’t seem a man who wants his wife dead”


    He stared at me in awe as I removed my hood. “You really are a beautiful young lady, I had a daughter that looked like you. Short brown hair with a hint of blonde just long enough for a ponytail, Ocean blue eyes and pale skin” he smiled which then turned to sorrow “but unfortunately she went missing many years back. Sorry I’m babbling” He cleared his throat and got back to the subject.


    “Your right, I am not a man who wants his wife dead…but I see no alternative, I believe my wife is a vampire, she started wearing full length robes and a hood to cover her face. I didn’t think much of it at first as she had some disfigurement from a wolf pack attack. But she would even shy away from myself, her own husband. I had assured her many times that I didn’t care about the scars”


    As the man spoke I started to warm up to him, it was heart breaking that he could see no way to save her and had to end her life. But he seemed to really care about her. I spun my dagger round in my hand and thrust it towards myself sheathing it, then looked back at the man who was practically in tears at this point. I’d never seen a Nord male cry before and I had no idea what to do, I had to seem professional but the girl in me wanted to give him a hug. So I placed my fingerless gloved hand on his hoping the skin contact would soothe his pain.


    He held my hand gently in his, which was surprising as his hands were like bear paws. My eyes began to well up hearing his story, but I was doing my best to fight back the tears. “Finally I managed to get a sneaky look at her face before she turned away” Said the Nord, choking on his words “She had the eyes of a Vampire, I couldn’t believe it. But it all started to fit into place, the robes, always shying away, the late nights in the alchemy shop”


    The man straightened himself up and started stroking his beard, as he stared into space. “I want you to make sure it looks like accident, No one must know she’s a Vampire. For her sake and for mine” I pondered the Mans request carefully thinking about the work involved. “Did you have anything specific in mind?” I asked. “I would rather it was a quick death, but she keeps a lot of fire salt in her shop. Perhaps you could end her life, and then set the place ablaze. And place her body by the alchemy table, nobody will be any wiser”


    For a noble, he certainly knew how to avoid suspicion from the locals. “Okay, before I give you the price I want to make a few things very clear. Once you pay up and leave here, there’s no going back. Once you leave, you won’t hear from us again providing the job was successful, you are not to contact us either, Unless you have another Mark” Pausing for a moment to let him take it in “The price is five thousand Septims, this is your last chance to back out”


    The Nord nods, and puts a large pouch on the table “as much as it pains me, this needs to be done” Jorgen picks up the pouch and opens it poking his finger around in there, as if he were counting the Septims, then looks at me giving a nod. The Nord gets up from the table and puts on his fur, opening the door he looks back at me as if he had something he wanted to say to me. He nods and slams the door behind him.


    Jorgen puts his hand on my shoulder “You did well Lass, we’ll be able to afford our own fort at this rate” he chuckled. I smiled feeling the weight of the pouch on the table “having a warm bed every night would be enough for me” I sighed. “Jorgen I have a few things to do before we go in the morning, is that ok?” Jorgen looked at me like I’d just spilt his mead, and then smiled “I’m not your father lass, you can do as you please you’re an adult now”


    I smiled with a little chuckle as I picked up some venison and a bottle of mead for me and Jorgen, chinking mine against his as I went up to the watch tower “Cheers partner”