Ugolin, memories out of sequence. The Atronach

  • A perpetual mist surrounded the great stone cricle, a result of steam continuosly issuing from geysers beneath the volcanic tundra. A smell of sulfer hung thickly in the humid air, small pools of ground water rippled with the soft tremors under foot. The area had a denuded beauty, it's dull colours a stark contrast to the lively splendour of the Fall Forest farther south.

    Ugolin could almost feel the spirit of the Atronach exuding from the centre of the Standing Stones; a fierce primal force of a kind that may have permeated Nirn in the deep gulfs of time long before man or mer roamed her surface. Great, unrefined power could be harnessed here by those who knew the secrets and were willing to pay the price.

    And that price was steep. Yet he hadn't travelled many miles, faced countless dangerous and life changing situations only to turn back now. So with a final glance at the barren terrain, Ugolin passed through the only opening to the monolithic structure.

    Placing his hands upon the Stone's surface and feeling the primordial energy intensify, Ugolin concentrated and allowed his consciousness to dift away on lines of power radiating  from the Stone and spreading across Skyrim's landscape.

    It felt as though a void had opened up beneath and around him, earthly sounds draining away as if sucked from the world by a vortex. The afternoon sun overhead disappeared amongst constellations unimaginable distances away, leaving only the glimmer of remote starlight to illuminate the darkness; pin pricks in the wall of creation.

    To Ugolin it seemed like a glimpse into the deep past when the realms of Oblivion were young and the elemental spirits were the only beings there existing. Revolving slowly in this ocean of time, his eyes adjusting to the gloom, Ugolin could see all the constellations appearing , gaining brightness in the distance; The Atronach the most brilliant of all.

    The tears the antediluvian spitits - the et'Ada - had made in Oblivion when departing Mundus made up each individual star of the Sign, together and forever leaving an impression, a spirit, which shone through from Aetherius.

    In this immense abyss Ugolin felt as if the Stone was the only solid thing anchoring him to the physical realm. He could feel a small amount of the Atronach's prehistoric essence flowing from the glittering star pattern, trying to enter and merge with his own life force. All he needed to do was choose whether to accept or reject the power and curse it would confer.

    The decision made, the compact struck, Ugolin released his hold on the Stone as reality flooded back in an instant. Light flared high into the heavens and briefly played across the surface of the Stone, a glowing map of it's parent constellation vast distances away.

    No time had passed. The world looked, sounded and smelled the same; Magnus occupied the same position in the slightly cloudy sky. Yet Ugolin himself felt profoundly changed. He could feel the Atronach within him increasing his attunement to the rays of Aetherial energy streaming from the cosmos, acting as a guardian and potential sponge against hostile energy harnessed by others.

    Yet this magical osmosis worked two ways and came with severe consequences: his ability to focus magical energy felt filtered and slow; and his power to open a conduit to Oblivion felt screened. Ugolin knew offensive magical attacks could no longer be sustained and extreme mental effort would be needed to summon elemental allies. Could he do that in battle whilst under pressure and focusing on other things?

    Slightly dazed but elated at his new power, Ugolin turned his back on the now dorment Stone and started north towards Windhelm. From now on, Ugolin realised, he would need a solution to that problem, the same sort of crutch a mage of lesser talent would use.

    He would need to obtain a wizard's staff.



  • The Long-Chapper
    The Long-Chapper   ·  April 3, 2016
    For me, personally, I need to divorce gameplay from lore at this point. I can't see how Skyrim wouldn't have birthsigns as well, especially under Imperial influence by the fourth era. 
    An Explorer's Guide to Skyrim
    Mentions the standing stones. 
  • Karver the Lorc
    Karver the Lorc   ·  April 3, 2016
    UESP states that Standing Stones are basicaly comparable to Birthsign stones from Oblivion, but I somehow always had problem with Standing Stones that there is literally nothing on them. Know what I mean? Nobody mentions them beside Ralof or Hadvar, no so...  more
  • Paws
    Paws   ·  April 3, 2016
    And why would you do this to me Lis, hmm? This is slightly embarrassing  - look at the messy fonts and god awful pics?
  • The Long-Chapper
    The Long-Chapper   ·  April 3, 2016
    HAHA! No, not Sotek, ME. 
  • Paws
    Paws   ·  April 3, 2016
    Anyone can be born beneath a sign and supposedly get influenced by it, but the idea about Standing Stones is that only the Prisoner it truly free.
    It's an odd and counter intuitive, but if the Thief takes the Tower, then the Prisoner is already in i...  more
  • Karver the Lorc
    Karver the Lorc   ·  April 3, 2016
    Might need to be a What´s the difference there? Hero can choose his fate, other people can´t? 
    I´m thinking more about pretty much normal characters, not everyone is a Hero, right? So what about them?
  • Paws
    Paws   ·  April 3, 2016
    There is no reason I can see why not K, on all counts. The whole thing is just a gameplay mechanic but the lore is firm that birthsigns confer powers and there should be no reason why a character can't have a sign and a doomstone. The only problem is that...  more
  • Karver the Lorc
    Karver the Lorc   ·  April 3, 2016
    So what happens when you actually have both in one story? Let´s think about it the lore way. Birthsigns surely just didn´t go away. So technicaly you still must have some advantages of your birthsign, right? So what if writer decides to use Standing Stone...  more
  • Paws
    Paws   ·  April 3, 2016
    have you and Sotek got some sort of conspiracy going on? How best to humiliate me with all my old work
    What's going on here? Well I had to re-read it and remind myself but this story is based on my first build, a sword and staff user. I needed ther...  more
  • Karver the Lorc
    Karver the Lorc   ·  April 3, 2016
    Got you, you asshole! 
    Nice weird shit going on here. So tell me, what just happend? Did Ugolin "change" his birthsign? Or magnified his own with Atronach? I really like the depth here, and it certainly raises good question for any writer.
    How...  more