A Tale Of Two Wars - A Battlemage’s Story

  • Chapter 1 - Journey


    "Our origins a confusion.... Our history marked by betrayal.... Our emotions of hatred and seething rage borne by our forefathers and elders.... I shall avenge the wrong that was done to us a Sancre Tor. Both Man and Mer will tremble at my name as I exact my Vengeance!!"

    - Excerpt from The Warlock's Journal

    A lone robed figure cut across the mighty tundra. Days of travel had taken it's toll given the unsteady gait the figure cut. A hand wrapped in rags reached out, it's frail fingers casting a sign into the air.


    A path of Light momentarily cut across the land, revealing a path to be followed. A slight smile curved on it's lips, as the figure pulled down it's hood to shelter against the cold frigid winds. Silently trudging forward, the figure made its way to the area of land known as the Reach, with every intention of crossing it to to get to its final destination, Skyrim.


    “Mead, mead mead… stupid bees and their stupid honey”, an exasperated forsworn groaned as he slammed his tankard on the makeshift wooden table in his drunken stupor. The air was chilly and no amount of mead or wine was helping to fend off the cold. Their continous rebellion against markarth provided his fellow clansman with resources from time to time. However, against the environment of skyrim, their sleeveless outfits were of no help. He made a mental note of stripping a guard’s corpse of it’s armor the next time they raided markarth.


    A rattle of bones soon alerted the sentry to a presence. “Never should’ve come here” shouted the sentry as he drew his bow… and never got a chance to finish the motion. A bolt of green erupted from the staff of the approaching figure, paralyzing the sentry. Alerted to the situation, his fellow clansmen drew their weapons to cut down the intruder.


    Drawing upon his magicka, the robed figure materialized an immense behemoth of frost. A towering monstrosity, this faceless creature pounded the nearest forsworn, crushing his skull with it’s clubbed arm as it proceeded to impale another with it’s other spiked arm.


    The robed figure outstretched it’s hand, manifesting daedric sigils under the feet of it’s creation, as a wall of frost engulfed the forsworn attacking it. The terrifying frost daedra lumbered across the hill, with it’s master aid, cutting a path and leaving a trail of bloodied corpses.


    The forsworn sentry felt the effects of his paralysis wear off. Groggy and disoriented, he attempted to get up and join the fray. “I haven’t forgotten about you” rasped the hooded figure from behind him. Another bolt of green energy emanated from his staff, once again paralyzing the sentry. “Again? This is beginning to bore me” taunted the sentry, before being subject once again to the effects of paralysis.


    The robed figure threw it’s hood back, revealing a strong jawline and a scarred cheek.
    “All i wanted, was a warm bed and perhaps someone to speak to… i’d thought my fellow breton forsworn might be accommodating… seems i was wrong” mused the warlock.  A maniacal look came over the warlock as his attention was once again concentrated to the sentry laying at his feet. “I was intending to grant you a swift death… but for that last taunt, i’ve got something special reserved for you.” he said, a sadistic smile curving across his lip.


    He stretched his hands to the sides and drew on his magicka pool. From both his palms emitted to sources of heat, which quickly engulfed him in a barrier of flame. Without breaking momentum, he then faced both open palms to the sentry. “I’m going to enjoy this” he said, blasting the sentry with a steady flow of cold and lightning. The sentry screamed as the warlock bathed him in elemental entropy, till all that was left, was a convulsing charred frozen remain.


    Tired from his ordeal, the warlock shambled off to a nearby hut and slept in the bed within.


6 Comments   |   The Long-Chapper and 2 others like this.
  • Sotek
    Sotek   ·  May 6, 2017
    Great fight scene. Not so sure about the death sequence though... ouch.........
  • DeltaFox
    DeltaFox   ·  April 14, 2017
    This is pretty awesome! :D
    I like the fight sequence. Can't wait to see how the story developes further. Looking forward to seeing your ToC if you decide to continue the story.
    • Warlocksg
      This is pretty awesome! :D
      I like the fight sequence. Can't wait to see how the story developes further. Looking forward to seeing your ToC if you decide to continue the story.
        ·  April 19, 2017
      Thanks Delta  :)
      Working on chapter 2 now... intent is to release every week.
  • The Long-Chapper
    The Long-Chapper   ·  April 13, 2017
    This is what happens when you are not a nice person and provide hospitality to a weary traveler. :D  See, the warlock wouldn't have done anything to Albee cause he's nice. Good start. One thing I'd suggest is some paragraph spacing. SE tends to jumbl...  more
    • Warlocksg
      The Long-Chapper
      The Long-Chapper
      The Long-Chapper
      This is what happens when you are not a nice person and provide hospitality to a weary traveler. :D  See, the warlock wouldn't have done anything to Albee cause he's nice. Good start. One thing I'd suggest is some paragraph spacing. SE tends to jumbl...  more
        ·  April 19, 2017
      Hi Liss, 

      Thanks for the advice.
      Corrected the formatting... it seems to be more readable now i suppose.
       What's a TOC? If it's just a matter of creating a blog with links to this one, then it shouldn't be an issue.&nb...  more
      • DeltaFox
        Hi Liss, 

        Thanks for the advice.
        Corrected the formatting... it seems to be more readable now i suppose. ...  more
          ·  April 19, 2017
        I thought it was complicated at first, but it's easy as killing a bandit. Here's my ToC. Hope it helps! :)