Dragonborn DLC Trailer Analysis - Part 5

  • Here's part 5 of my Dragonborn Trailer analysis. Use the previous/next post buttons at the bottom to move through them.

    Stahlrim armor and weapons! Yes! Also see the armor of the person he's about to kill - looks like an armored robe of some sort.

    Rieklings! With spears! And boar mounts! Many of you will be familiar with these annoying fellows from Morrowind.

    Funny-looking mask on this fella. Looks to be wearing the same armor as the person from the Stahlrim shot.  Some sort of dragon cult perhaps?

    Looks like dragon riding isn't restricted to Solstheim/Apocrypha - note High Hrothgar in the background.

    I want his gear! Looks friggin awesome! Note the Apocrypha background too.


    Thanks for reading all! DISCUSS!


  • Zach
    Zach   ·  February 8, 2013
    Is it just me or do cultist robes look a lot like dragon priest robes (except not tattered)?
  • Ponty
    Ponty   ·  February 8, 2013

    Yes, that's Stalhrim armor, and yes, that's the cultist robes - which do look a bit armored
    Not much to say here
    Dragonborn cult - wasn't far off!
    That's right, you can Bend Will anywhere, but you can't travel between Skyrim and S...  more
  • ScoutMo
    ScoutMo   ·  November 24, 2012
    The thing with spears are what could they do that anything else cant do
  • Matt Feeney the New Guy
    Matt Feeney the New Guy   ·  November 5, 2012
    Gah, don't bring that guy up, his drawings have scarred me for life already...
  • Ponty
    Ponty   ·  November 5, 2012
    @Henson I mentioned that earlier in the thread, though even if we can't pick them up, we might be able to get our followers to! I've seen some videos where you can tell followers to pick up Giant clubs and use them as 2-handed weapons, though they don't a...  more
  • Kyrielle Atrinati
    Kyrielle Atrinati   ·  November 5, 2012
    You know, that dragon cultist's mask looks an awful lot like something Dave McKean might have drawn.
  • Henson
    Henson   ·  November 5, 2012
    My hopes is that weapon types, more specifically the new types introduced, are available across almost all smithing material types. For me it just adds variety of aesthetic. I am very interested in how the spears are handled. I almost fear that they are g...  more
  • Ponty
    Ponty   ·  November 5, 2012
    I hope he is in there, I was thinking about doing a Snow Prince build using the Ancient Falmer armor but without his signature spear it just isn't the same! Hopefully there'll be a Stahlrim spear to really simulate that look!
  • Matt Feeney the New Guy
    Matt Feeney the New Guy   ·  November 5, 2012
    I tried to put a sticking-tongue-out emoticon to signify sarcasm but my computer was freaking out and didn't insert it @_@ I loved that first paragraph though :P
  • Matt Feeney the New Guy
    Matt Feeney the New Guy   ·  November 5, 2012
    Real men don't need atlatls