RP Feature: Expansion of content

  • New feature from Borommakot today, letting you all know about the role playing group's expansion of content.

     Hi there folks! Your RP feature this week is in the form of an announcement, albeit one we made some time ago. The RP Group has now officially become the place for ALL your TES and Fallout Profile and Role Playing needs! But, we need some feedback and how best to organize the new material. Chime in with any ideas, hype or questions, whether it's about organization, content you're excited to see/add, or anything else you think relevant. The announcement is linked here and in the picture above! Happy adventuring!

    Please go help the role play hosts out by leaving your suggestions in the comments of the linked discussion. 


  • Vulpes Umbrae
    Vulpes Umbrae   ·  April 2, 2015
  • Vulpes Umbrae
    Vulpes Umbrae   ·  April 2, 2015
    YEESSS!!! Thank you! Fallout RO needed a home.
  • Bryn
    Bryn   ·  April 1, 2015
    I feel like Fallout RP profiles would be easy to organize. You can list as Wanderer/Courier Profiles