Hidden Builder Spotlight: Elysium

  • Today we have a very special spotlight from the character building group. Instead of simply selecting a build that hasn't received the attention it deserves, the spotlight team has decided to bring the Blog's attention to a builder, who in less than a year has posted thirteen fantastic builds. All of which have not received the attention they deserve underrated. That builder, is Elysium

    Elysium exploded onto the character building scene last May with four character builds (yes, you heard that right). This normally sets off red flags in the building community, and people start asking the dreaded question: “Did you playtest this?” But the builds were good. Really, really good. They were amazing, in fact, and it soon became obvious to all that Elysium puts some serious thought and playtime into her builds. And she continues to do so.

    Elysium is a fantastic builder who has gone under the radar for too long now. Check out the full Builder Spotlight here, and enjoy some seriously amazing builds!


1 Comment
  • TwistedOrthrus
    TwistedOrthrus   ·  February 27, 2015
    Had to fight with this to get it to show up as the daily feature, but this should work now.