NEW Quiz : How well you do know Skyrim NPCs

  • It's time for the Friday Quiz 

    And its another 'odd one out' quiz, just like last week - but this time it is based on NPCs. 

    Each question gives you the names of four NPCs. Three of them are in Skyrim, and one of them was in either Oblivion or Morrowind. But can you figure out which one?

    Take the Quiz, and then share your result in this thread

    Have fun 


  • Batman
    Batman   ·  December 9, 2011
    2/10 it was one giant guessing game for me I don't think I recognised any of those.
  • Kevin
    Kevin   ·  December 9, 2011
    Well, considering I have played a large amount of the game, most of the names are very familiar, and most I have done quests for. Although a couple I was unsure of, they are most likely just a few that I haven't come across yet.
  • Paul
    Paul   ·  December 9, 2011
    Well, I'm glad you said that Kevin.
    I was starting to wonder if I'd made it a lot too difficult - most people are getting most wrong, and a few people have got 0/10 
  • Kevin
    Kevin   ·  December 9, 2011

    I'm still surprised I got 4 wrong, most of the questions were easy, but one of them I had no clue (didn't recognize any of them) and a couple of others were one or the other.
  • RuneRed
    RuneRed   ·  December 9, 2011
    As I mentioned before, I'm not good with names, I'm great with faces, but just not names.  Got 3 out of 10 - about what one would expect from random guessing (2.5), but  I thought I did recognize two names from Morrowind.  I still enjoy the quizzes though.
  • Andrew Roberts
    Andrew Roberts   ·  December 9, 2011
    Looks like I dont know my NCP's too well... only got 1 out of 10
  • Tygravius
    Tygravius   ·  December 9, 2011
    Not sure about that one:)