Forum Discussion Guidelines

  • We're still getting a lot of stuff getting posted in the wrong place - in particular things which should be in the Forum Discussion part of the site being made into 'Blogs'. We don't have the facility to move a blog into the forum, so we've either got to leave them there (which simply encourages more people to post things in the wrong place) or delete them.

    Kevin, one of our Forum Hosts has come up a set of Guidelines to help people post their discussions in the right place and in the right way. Please read them and take note.

    It seems that I need to set up some 'posting guidelines' for Forum Discussions. Every day I am having to go through and delete discussions that either don't belong there or don't have anything to do with Skyrim. Today I just went through and deleted 17 discussions that either should have been posted in the Q&A section or were not Forum Discussions at all! [And I just had to delete nine blogs the should have either been in Q&A or Discussions - Paul]

    #1. Please use the Forum section for posting discussions only. An example of a discussion would be "What weapon are you using?" or "Did you enjoy the Main quest?". Remember, there is a difference between questions that belong in the Q&A section and questions that belong in the Forum section. Usually a Forum Discussion asks your opinion, or why you are doing what you are doing. A question that belongs in the Q&A section usually asks for help. Please remember that asking for an opinion on whether you should use one-handed weapons or two-handed weapons should be posted in the Q&A section, but asking for an opinion about what people think of the game should be posted as a discussion in the Forum section.

    #2. Create well-constructed sentences. Put some effort into your post! Please avoid making two sentence discussions. Any Forum Discussions that include run-on sentences or incomplete sentences will be either edited or removed. It is hard for people to reply to your Forum Discussion if they don't understand what you are asking!

    #3. Keep it Elder Scrolls related! Even more preferably, Skyrim related. This is The Skyrim Blog after all, isn't it?

    #4. Make sure you have a decent topic and put effort into your post. Rather than asking what race people are playing, tell them what race you are playing and why, and be sure to ask them too! It is more interesting to see what race people are playing and why, rather than just wanting to know the race. I'm sure you understand what I mean.

    I'll edit this in the future if I have to. Just remember, everyone, that blog posts belong in the blogs section, discussions belong in the Forum section, and questions belong in the Q&A section. If you are unsure whether to post in one section or the other, feel free to ask me or any other Site Host, we would be glad to help you out! If you post in the wrong section it just means that one of us will have to remove your post you (most likely) worked hard on!