ROLE PLAY The Northwing Sisters

  • Time for a front page feature from our active Role Playing Group, and Host Chris Diokno, has pointed me to a profile for this feature. He comments 

    My choice for an RP feature would be MarkusMasterThief's Northwing Sisters, a well written (In my opinion) profile.

    From the introduction to these profiles

    The history of the Northwing sisters is a complicated and ultimately tragic affair. Conflicted by a clashing sense of morality -- one being a noble adventurer, the other a psychotic assassin -- the two find themselves nonetheless bound together in a unified destiny, the likes of which has yet to come to light. For now, however, both have shown themselves to be competent warriors in their own right, each possessing a unique set of skills as well as personal accomplishments

    Take a look at this excellent piece of writing here