• The Lord Archcanon has been in touch to tell us about something special that's happening over in our Elder Scrolls Classics Group. For those who haven't been there yet, this is the place to talk about previous Elder Scrolls games such as Oblivion and Morrowind. The LordArchCanon is putting a lot of effort into making this group lively - and deserves the support of players of the older games! 

    In this special event, there is the opportunity to dust off your Morrowind or Oblivion disk once again - and build a character for this contest. Think that all the Skyrim builds have been done? Well, here is a chance to step into uncharted territories...

    Character Building Event: Deities and Demigods

     The Elder Scrolls Classics is introducing a new function for the group: Character Build Events. This will work similarly to the CB group's events, but will, notably, be based around older games.

     Our events will be open to players of any classic Elder Scrolls game; there will be no set limitations unless otherwise noted.

     This event, as you may have guessed, is going to be based around the gods of the Aurbis. Interpret this as you may; you could be a divine servant, a demigod of some sort, or even a Daedric Prince. All builds must be posted during the weekend of Saturday, November 7th.