Caylin's Monsters - Ch. 12: The Solution

  • Caylin's Monsters



    Chapter 12: The Solution




    I sat in the Bannered Mare for a couple of hours, but I just couldn’t relax.  I tried to eat something, but the food was so bland it was on the verge of sickening.  I also tried some mead, and that almost made me gag.



    What was wrong with me.  It was as if I was craving something else; something I just couldn’t put my finger on.



    Then I saw Mikael walk past.  Something inside me jumped.  A fire ignited in my chest.  What in Nirn was this?  Mikael was a creep.  I couldn’t possibly be attracted to him.



    But as I looked over at where he was sitting, that fire grew.  I suddenly felt an uncontrollable urge to talk to him.



    The next thing I knew I was standing in front of him saying hello.



    He looked me over with eyes that would have repulsed me a few days ago, but now I was entranced.



    I heard a voice asking if it would be alright to join him, and then I realized it was my voice.  Why had I asked to join him?  It felt like I had no control over myself.



    We sat and talked for quite some time.  He told me how he became a bard, and I told him how I came to join the Companions.  I have to admit, it wasn’t that bad… just talking to someone.  It felt like it had been a long time since I talked to someone about anything other than weapons, armor, and monsters.



    I suppose Mikael was kind of charming.  I was pretty sure it was all a ruse, and he was just as much of a creep as I believed.  Still… I had never spent time with a man like this before.  It was kind of… nice.



    As we talked, and as I stared into those eyes, the fire in me turned into an inferno.  The feeling was unlike anything I had experienced before.  I suddenly felt like he was the answer.  This craving, this incessant thirst… he was the solution.



    Before I knew what happened, I had walked to the innkeeper and rented a room for the night.  What was I doing?!  This was insane and completely unlike me.



    When I found myself asking Mikael if he wanted to go somewhere more private, even he was a little shocked.



    Obviously no one had ever thrown themselves at him so willingly before.  I couldn’t believe it either.



    A war was raging in me as I stretched out my hand to him.



    The sane part of me, the Caylin I had known all my life, was screaming at this entity I had become; an entity without reason or sense, only pure desire.  But that burning desire in me was overpowering all rational thought.



    He took my hand, and I led him toward the stairs.  It’s not too late, I thought.  You can still walk away.



    But as I looked into those blue eyes, I couldn’t resist.  I wanted him.  I wanted him more than anything I had ever wanted before.



    Mikael hesited again at the stairs.  The entity that seemed to be controlling me giggled at him and told him that he didn’t need worry.  I wouldn’t bite.



    He smiled up at me with that charming smile and seemed to accept that I was for real.



    As he followed me up the steps to the bedroom, the rational part of me began to panic.  I knew what this would lead to, and I didn’t know how to stop myself.



    As we stepped into the room, I turned to look at Mikael.  I held my hands tightly to hide my nervous trembling.



    We said nothing.  What words needed to be said?  We both knew why we were there.



    The smile on my face belied the turmoil raging within me, but I couldn’t blame Mikael for not noticing.  I had given no outward sign that I felt anything but exhilaration.



    He stepped forward, grabbed me, and pressed me against his body.



    My heart was racing, and my face was flushed as I stared into those smoldering blue eyes.  I was mesmerized by those eyes.



    When he brought his lips to mine, my knees began to shake.  The fire within me was intensifying by the second.



    I tried to fight it.  With all that was left of me, I tried to fight it… but it felt good.  I had received so little affection in my life.



    Then he began pushing me down onto the bed, and my rational mind returned to take up arms again.



    A kiss was one thing… but I didn’t want this!  I kept telling myself I didn’t want this!



    Then the force, the entity that had been driving me all night, seemed to respond to my cries…



    “Oh, I more than want this,” the entity said.  I need this… I’m just so thirsty.”



    Then the small voice that was Caylin, fighting with all her might to resist what was about to happen, was finally consumed by the flames of unbridled desire raging within me.  Every ounce of remaining rational thought was burned away until there was nothing left… It was too late.



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2 Comments   |   Karver the Lorc likes this.
  • Karver the Lorc
    Karver the Lorc   ·  October 15, 2018
    Ooo, steamy! But damn, why Mikael of all people? 
    • Tralient
      Karver the Lorc
      Karver the Lorc
      Karver the Lorc
      Ooo, steamy! But damn, why Mikael of all people? 
        ·  October 15, 2018
      Indeed :)  Although part of her has given in to desire, the other part of her agrees with you: "Why Mikael?"