Alda'hirakam ghar Ara; Chapter 85


    The night had been somewhat restful, but Teldryn couldn’t think of anything else than going to find Ciel’nn. He prepared his backpack for the rescue trip. Somewhere near Benkongerike. Hang on Ciel’nn, he thought as he packed a blanket while Neloth’s words still echoed in his mind, He’s hanging by a thread. The crevice had looked dreadful and full of ice spikes. He’s probably badly injured and bleeding in the dark and alone. And scared. Teldryn took a deep breath.

    The older mer wanted to hurry, but the Wizard had assigned his apprentice for the rescue trip too. For some other purpose no doubt. He didn’t mind as long as she was able to help him. Of course Minasi had complained, but it hadn’t help. The Wizard was firm on his decision.

    They were also given the rings of Recall. An old spell that would bring them back to Tel Mithryn. Teldryn had thought they were fancy mage rings, but he wasn’t sure if he trusted them to work.

    He stepped closer to the lift when Master Neloth was giving last minute orders to the Apprentice.

    “Remember to bring a Riekling for study.” The Wizard said with his arms crossed on his chest. “This will be another test for you. Do not fail.” Then he glanced at the bladesman, his eyes showing the slightest signs of ‘best of luck’. “Minasi will bring you both near the cavern. I’ll see you when you return.”

    We’re not going to use the lift and the front door? Teldryn wondered at Neloth’s words.

    Minasi nodded to her master and turned to the bladesman with the tiniest of smiles. “Are you ready? I should warn you that this might be not pleasant for those that aren’t used to it.”

    “I’m ready alright.” Teldryn nodded. He felt a little nervous, but it faded away. The need for finding Ciel’nn was greater than the concern for traveling by a Telvanni spell. “I have a strong stomach.” I hope you know what you’re doing, woman.

    “Step closer so we can start this journey.” Minasi gestured at the space next to her. She glanced at Neloth who still was observing them. “Don’t try to have too much fun while I’m gone.”  The Wizard grunted at her, and the Apprentice smiled.

    Teldryn took his place next to the Apprentice and took a deep breath. He had no idea what to expect from this magical travel. Will his guts turn inside out? Would he feel sick afterward? Focus on  Ciel’nn, old mer, his inner voice snapped at him.

    “See you soon, Master Neloth.” Minasi chirped and snapped her fingers.

    And they disappeared.

    The older mer almost fell on his knees after they appeared on the ancient stone stairs. He heaved for a moment, leaned  on his knees and let his breath catch up. No time to be squishy now, he thought. Teldryn straightened up and noticed the Apprentice waiting for him. He took a mental note that even if the blizzard raged around them, he wasn’t cold. It must be another Telvanni spell, he thought.

    “Looks like we’re off course.” Minasi frowned. “Can you guide us to the cave if you recognize where we are at the moment?”

    “I think so.” Teldryn looked around the place. They were on a hill. The Stone stairs led down and at the south of them was a structure of some kind. The area belonged to the werebears if it there was belief to the rumors. “We’re near Snowclad ruins, and the cavern shouldn’t be far away.” He frowned as his gaze swept around the area. “We should get moving before we’re noticed.”

    “After you, mercenary.” Minasi sighed. “Sooner we find the place the better. I don’t understand why he wants a Riekling. They are nothing but a waste of time and dirty little creatures.”

    The older mer smiled as he took the lead and descended the stairs. He remembered Ciel’nn had talked to a Riekling as if he understood them. Teldryn hastened his pace as he wondered in what state his partner would be when they’d find him. I hope they haven’t hurt him further than he already is, he thought.

    “And how he expects me to carry such a creature? Filthy, Filthy…” The Apprentice went on.

    “Try to keep up.” The older mer said as he arrived at another set of stairs. Teldryn hoped she’d stay quiet when they’d reach the cavern. Too much chatter would alert the Rieklings. But who I am kidding? We’ll get noticed anyway. We must be careful because they might be a different tribe and there is no knowing of what they might do. And I don’t know what she can do. Azura bless this journey ahead.

    “So how did you two get separated?” Minasi queried as she stepped carefully down the hill.

    Teldryn gritted his teeth. He didn’t want to go into the details, let alone think of it again. It was still a fresh wound. “He fell into the open crevice when the land shook.” He tried to keep the sensitiveness off his voice. He didn’t expect her to care. Why would she?

    With a frown on her face, Minasi was quiet while they walked in a steady pace.

    At the entrance of the Benkongerike, Teldryn stopped for a moment and looked to the Apprentice. “This is the place. Probably full of rieklings, and there’s no knowing how large or deep it is.” Whatever comes to meet us, I’ll be ready. I’ll face it and bring him back home, the older mer thought.

    “The sooner we find him the better chances he has to live.” Minasi said in a neutral tone. “I don’t know if Master Neloth included you two in my trial or not, but we’ll do it faster if we work together. I’m not as callous as he is.” She straightened up and stretched her fingers.

    Teldryn stared a brief moment at the Apprentice before he nodded. He had not expected that at all. At least they had a better chance at succeeding now. “Alright then. Let’s go.” He readied his sword and led them into the cavern.

    The entry tunnel was dark and quiet for the moment. There were some abandoned items on the snowy ground; a pair of worn shoes, a book and tankard. All stolen goods by the small creatures, and a small hut in the corner.

    Teldryn didn’t see any Rieklings yet, but he decided to advance cautiously. He then expected to see them further down the cavern. He swallowed as a shiver ran down his spine. What are you nervous of, old mer? These are just Rieklings. It should be an easy feat. But he frowned. Ciel’nn had told him and the Skaal that the small creatures weren’t stupid and that they should be respected. The older mer wasn’t sure, but these creatures were something.

    And Ciel’nn was somewhere there with them. Teldryn realized he could only look for him. He was so close to find him but also felt so far away. Hang on, love. I’m coming to find you, he thought as he narrowed his eyes at what he saw ahead.

    Ahead was a spacious opening with various barrels, baskets and crates. Some stolen goods were on the crates and the ground. One hut was at the wall side before the tunnel to the second part of the cavern. Three Riekling warriors were idly guarding near the center pile of crates and barrels.

    Three Rieklings could alert the whole tribe, Teldryn thought and glanced at the Apprentice who had prepared a spell on her hand.

    “We don’t know—” Teldryn whispered.

    “I can distract them, then we can sneak upon them.” Minasi said in a quiet tone, then she cast a magelight toward the cavern’s next tunnel.


    The Rieklings let out a surprised yelp and followed the mysterious ball of light.

    Teldryn cursed under his breath. He’d prefer more a cautious approach since his partner’s life was in question. If this kind of action would cause harm toward Ciel’nn… I’ll do something to you too, mage.

    Minasi looked to the mercenary and whispered. “Come on. It won’t last forever.”

    With a light grunt, Teldryn got up and turned to the ramp on their right side. He felt the Apprentice following him closely. He kept his eyes on the rieklings that were still staring in wonder at the ball of light.

    The older mer licked his lower lip as they closed on the blue creatures. He heard a shift of magick as Minasi changed the spell on her palm. Teldryn braced himself for a fight.

    They approached the rieklings and the magelight vanished. Minasi gestured toward the creatures, and they appeared to be calm as she and the mercenary passed by them. They did not show any signs of hostility, instead they looked at them peacefully.

    But when Teldryn allowed himself to breathe freely, two more rieklings burst from the nearby barrels. Cursing, the older mer slashed at the nearest creature while he heard the Apprentice casting lightning at the second riekling.

    After they dispatched the rieklings Minasi checked if the first three were still under her spell. “We should move on quickly.” She murmured as she turned to the mercenary.

    “Agreed.” Teldryn grumbled and fixed his gaze at the next tunnel. His hand gripped his sword tighter as he heard a snort from nearby. If I’m not mistaken…, he thought frowning. He had heard that snort before, and it certainly was from an animal. The older mer approached cautiously toward the next part of the cavern.

    Two more riekling hunters attacked them from the sides. Teldryn slashed out viciously a couple of times and the small creatures let out a cry of death. He wondered how many of them he had to kill before he’d find his love. And the Apprentice seemed to be effective with spells.

    They moved and he heard the snort again.

    Suddenly a bewildered Bristleback rushed toward them. Teldryn barely had time to avoid the damned beast. He heard Minasi hissing and casting an ice spike as the animal rushed past them. Turning swiftly, he prepared to slash out at the Bristleback.

    The beast stopped and turned around snorting at them. Then it charged with a rage at the older mer.

    Teldryn sidestepped as the beast rushed at him and he slashed his sword into its side, twisting it. Then he stabbed it as hard as he could and forced it to fall on its other side.The Bristleback screamed in agony before it collapsed on the ground.

    The older mer grunted as he began to detach his sword from the beast’s side. “I certainly hope there isn’t more of these.”

    “I agree.” Minasi nodded as she studied the area. “There seems to be a tunnel ahead. I’d suggest to summon the atronachs before going further in.” The apprentice flexed her hands and fingers. “It’s getting colder here.”

    “I’m not stopping before we find Ciel’nn.” Teldryn said in a firm tone. He pondered about the atronachs for a moment. “Alright. Let’s use them.” He nodded then. And hope they won’t harm Ciel’nn, with that though the older mer summoned his flame atronach. It always had been his great assistance. Perhaps against its own will but, Teldryn thought, it hasn’t been summoned a lot  lately. He turned to the Apprentice.

    Minasi had summoned her storm atronach and it rumbled before them. It was waiting for the Apprentice’s command. Minasi glanced at the mercenary with a slight smirk.

    The Storm Lord as Ciel’nn would put it, Teldryn thought. “Alright. Moving on.” He signaled his flame atronach to move into the ice tunnel. He almost felt pity for the poor creatures that would get in the way.

    With Minasi’s storm atronach following the flame one ahead, they rushed after them.

    After the last trap, the atronachs vanished and Teldryn and Minasi stopped for a breather. Their rush through the tunnel had been chaotic, and Teldryn thought that it was a miracle that the rieklings in the next cavern hadn’t heard the screams of their tribe fellows. Otherwise they’d be here already, the older mer sighed.

    “That was exciting.” The Apprentice murmured despite having her robes dirtied. “I can’t wait what’s next for us, and I need to find a special riekling for Master Neloth.” She added while she brushed her robes.

    Teldryn grunted and stretched his back and arms. “No time to waste.” He edged closer to the cavern opening and noticed some bridges ahead and two rieklings at first glance. I hope we’re getting closer, he thought.

    “Onward then.” Minasi flexed her fingers and flashed an odd smile at the mercenary. She walked to the opening, and the two rieklings noticed her. With a wicked smile the Apprentice   extended her hand and cast lightning at the small creatures and then proceeded onto the first platform.


    Shaking his head, Teldryn followed in and cast fireball onto the set of Rieklings that were coming from the second platform. She’s a crazy apprentice. We might have a problem, the older mer frowned. A deeper worry nagged at him - they hadn’t seen his partner yet, and they were going deeper into the cavern. I will find you, Ciel’nn.

    Two more rieklings they fought before the wooden door. Then Minasi frowned and tilted her head as if she heard something.

    Teldryn wondered what the Apprentice might have heard. He didn’t hear anything other than some low rumbling somewhere. “What is it?” He was ready to kick the door open. They shouldn’t pause for long.

    “I sense something…” Minasi whispered.

    “Right, we’ll keep looking.” The older mer replied and kicked the door open.

    Ahead of them was another corridor with no rieklings. It was quiet so far, and at the end of the corridor was a spiral set of stairs up. Teldryn walked on cautiously with the Apprentice close behind.

    “This begins to look like a barrow.” The older mer grunted. And that bode well. He frowned as he approached the spiral  stairs.

    “I think we’re close to something.” Minasi whispered. “I feel like we’re being watched.” She added as they climbed the stairs up. “This place is really old. Interesting.”

    Teldryn rolled his eyes. Mages… I hope I’ll find Ciel’nn in the next cavern.

    They passed another corridor with a barred side room and left it behind as they took the turn to the right. The corridor wasn’t long and it was lit by four medium sized braziers. Then they crept closer to a doorway.

    We’re getting somewhere alright, Teldryn though. His concern for his partner grew bigger as he eyed the Great Hall before them. Dozens of rieklings idly guarded the ground level and on the side ledges. All of them seemed to be hunters and warriors. And if he saw correctly, a Riekling Charger on a Bristleback. Just my luck, the older mer thought grimly. He glanced at the Apprentice close to him and gestured at her to move slowly. No sudden moves, understand?

    Minasi pouted but nodded and then they approached the ramp down to the Great Hall.

    “Stop!” A low grunt from the shadows at the side came.

    Teldryn froze in his place and hoped that the Apprentice wouldn’t make any sudden moves to agitate the rieklings. He looked at them and counted ten  warriors and one looked like a shaman of sorts as the torch light revealed them. Shit! He heard Minasi’s light gasp.

    The Shaman-like Riekling who held the torch stepped toward them. “You. Follow. Us."






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