Alda'hirakam ghar Ara; Chapter 65


    It was as if the safe was waiting for them in the main bedroom. To be lock-picked and all its secrets given out for those that wanted them. The safe contained a few pieces of jewelry, assorted gems, a polished and decorated glass dagger and some coins. And the most grim secret of them all was a folded letter under a neat and small obsidian stone.

    Ciel’nn wrinkled his nose when he picked up the letter. The scent of strong and expensive musk made him cough as he unfolded it. “This scent is enough strong to kill a kagouti.” He muttered. “Now, let’s see what they’re hiding.” The young mer glanced at his partner.

    “Do you need water?” Teldryn frowned as his partner’s face was twisted. “You don’t look well, Ciel’nn.” He took his backpack and browsed through the items for a waterskin. “This letter has a mention of us too.” The older mer heard Ciel’nn saying. “I’m honored.” Teldryn murmured as he stood up and walked closer to his partner. “Here. Let me read that too.”

    Ciel’nn took the waterskin and stepped away from the scent. It was filling up his senses so much that his eyes almost watered and caught up his breath again. “They have a major plan to kill the Councilor.” He opened the waterskin and took a sip while he eyed the bedroom. It was spacious and had some bookshelves too. Idly he shifted closer to them and lazily his eyes scanned the names on the books.

    “So, Vendil Severin turns out to be a Ulen.” Teldryn said in a low tone. “I wonder what those hidden forces are.” This could be bad and deadly. He turned to face the young mer.

    “I’m betting on The Morag Tong because of the death mark on the Councilor.” Ciel’nn replied casually even though his eyes reflected some level of anxiety. He felt his chest tightening just at the thought of the Morag Tong. He had never in his life faced any of them. Let alone fought against one of them. He kept his eyes on his partner. It could end in fatality for both of us if we have to fight against them and Vendil himself. “You know, Teldryn, I begin to regret that I accepted this mission from Adril.” He rubbed his face with one hand before sipping from the waterskin again.

    Teldryn folded the letter and put it in his backpack. Then he walked to his partner. “It’s understandable, daelha.” He pulled Ciel’nn closer to him and looked into those nearly frightened eyes of his. “I admit there’s a great risk. We don’t know much about that citadel.” He paused for a moment. He could clearly see that Ciel’nn didn’t want to do it, and Teldryn couldn’t blame him for it. “I’ll see if I can do something about it.” He brushed lightly at the young mer’s hair as Ciel’nn rested his head against his chest. “We’ve done our part already.” But I think Adril won’t let us just drop it.

    A moment later they put the helmets back on their heads and left Severin Manor. The ash storm still raged outside, and Ciel’nn wanted to go the Retching Netch and rest for the night. He wanted to rest beside his partner and forget about the Morag Tong with the other problems. He wanted to… Ciel’nn scowled when he saw Adril marching toward them. The mer gestured at them to follow him, and the young mer groaned as he and Teldryn followed the Second Councilor.

    In the light of the braziers, Teldryn showed the letter to Adril. “We’d like to retire from this mission now. It’s late and we need to rest.”  He observed how the mer’s expression shifted. Here it comes.

    Adril looked at Teldryn. “You can’t quit now! The Councilor’s in danger.” He paused and looked to Ciel’nn, who glared at him. It didn’t phase him though. “They can strike at any moment. We need to act now. I’m going to send a few of the best Redoran Guard to take them down—”

    “Good, then you don’t need us We’ll go— ” Ciel’nn said. He was ready to walk out of the room.

    “I need you two to follow them and assist them.” Adril stared at Ciel’nn. “Do this for me and The Councilor, and I’ll see you’re well rewarded.”

    The young mer fisted his hands. “Rewards won’t help if we die!” He hissed and looked away. Fuck off with the rewards. He’s ready to sacrifice us for their sorry asses. He glanced at his partner. “I’ll be at the Inn.” Then the young mer marched out.

    Teldryn frowned and looked to the Second Councilor. “Have you asked enough of us already? Ciel’nn thinks they’re Morag Tong and you’re willing throw your men and us for them.” He said in an even tone. The older mer shifted on his place. “If we survive this, it’ll be the last favor from me and Ciel’nn. Understood? Good. We’ll set out in the morning.” He straightened up and walked out with a attitude, before Adril managed to say another word.

    Ciel’nn stared at his cup of Sujamma and released a deep sigh. He really should think twice before agreeing to anything for the Redoran House. Especially if it was about the politics, but not having a chance to kill members of Hlaalu blinded him from his clear thinking.

    But you enjoyed their deaths, didn’t you, Ciel’nn?

    I need to visit the Temple.

    Do you really think that helps?

    Ciel’nn sipped his Sujamma as he ignored the voice in his mind. He hoped his love would turn the Second Councilor’s head. They should fix their own problems by themselves. Maybe they’re as incompetent as the Captain like Teldryn said. He sighed tiredly and leaned into his hand.

    “I thought you’d went to rest.” Teldryn said as he sat in the table.

    “I was waiting for you.” Ciel’nn glanced at his partner. “What’s decided then?” Say we won’t do it. But the older mer’s frown told him otherwise. He scowled.

    “I told him that this is the last time we help, and we set off in the morning.” Teldryn gestured at Geldis for a drink. His partner let out a tired groan and rested his head on his hands, leaning on the table. “Would it help if I promised that you’ll be alright?” He brushed gently at Ciel’nn’s hair.

    “Don’t promise something like that if you’re going to get hurt instead.” The young mer sighed.

    Geldis brought Teldryn his cup of Sujamma. “What’s the matter?” He glanced at the young mer. “Things have taken a grimmer turn.” He heard Teldryn saying. “Damn! Well, whatever you’re up to now - I wish you good luck.”

    “Thanks Geldis, and remember you’re a good friend.” Ciel’nn finally glanced up at the Inn keeper.

    Geldis frowned, and then he looked to the older mer, who shook his head. “Listen Ciel’nn, I’ll expect to see you two again, alright?” He paused for a brief second, and added, “I believe you’re destined to overcome the difficult things.” The Inn keeper said in an encouraging tone.

    “Bullshit!” Ciel’nn snapped as he narrowed his eyes as he stood up. He looked to his partner. “I’m going to rest.” He said and then turned to walk toward their room, with his hand on his forehead. A headache had come from all  the day’s work. They ask too much from me, he thought with a scowl.

    Teldryn sighed and sipped his drink. The next day would be hard for them, and the older mer had every intention to bring Ciel’nn and himself back alive. They’d get injured, but he was prepared for that. Another sip. I wonder how will Adril’s best of Redoran Guard fare against them? Teldryn drank the last bits of Sujamma and shifted away from the table. I wonder if he’s asleep already.

    Ciel’nn woke up, feeling very warm and nearly out of breath. He noted  that his partner was still asleep beside him, his arm around him. The hold was firm as it stopped him from leaving.  The young mer slowly shifted his hand and placed it on Teldryn’s arm. A smile crept on his lips. They should be going soon, Ciel’nn knew, but he couldn’t wake his love yet. Instead, he listened to the older mer’s heart beat while his fingers traced Teldryn’s arm. He’s strong and he has some scars as well. I want to know how they came to be.

    Then his mind wandered.

    He wanted those strong arms around him. To hold him close. His lips parted as he imagined them having their time; hands wandering while they shared a deep kiss…

    Ciel’nn sighed as he knew that his partner wanted that, he had seen the signs. He shifted carefully to plant a kiss on his partner’s neck. His scent is so tantalizing. I can’t get enough of it. “Perhaps I’ll be ready soon…” He whispered softly, assuming Teldryn was still asleep.

    “Ready for what?”

    Teldryn opened his eyes, and his voice was quiet and soft. He noted his partner’s stunned face that he had heard him. Then he witnessed Ciel’nn’s face flushing with an averted gaze. “You’re so adorable.” The older mer smiled, but it turned into a grin. I see it now. Better give him more time to recover, otherwise our mission will go awry. “We should prepare for the mission.”

    Ciel’nn nodded. “Alright.” He then slid off the bed and began dressing up. He couldn’t help but steal a glance from Teldryn. He knows now, there’s no doubt about it. He wasn’t sure if the other mer could take advantage from that. He shook his head inwardly and focused to check on his poison kit. “They’ll know agony.” The young mer murmured while he prepared them.

    “It’s good to see you feeling well.” Teldryn said as he donned his chitin armor on. Next was his sword belt. “That’s right. Agony shall befall them.” He said in a low tone. “We should eat briefly and leave before Adril rips his robes to shreds. Not that I care.”

    He looked to his partner, who stood ready with a smirk and his eyes sharp. “I think you know why.” He heard the young mer replying. Teldryn flashed a smirk then stepped close to Ciel’nn, pulled him closer and kissed him passionately, and he felt his partner grabbing onto his armor. He savored this moment, but he would have to withdraw soon, or they wouldn’t be able to leave at all.

    The Second Councilor watched the two mers fading into the ash storm. He bit his lower lip. His chosen Redoran Guards he had sent an hour ago. Adril hoped they’d be able deal with the threat that the Hlaalu posed. Azura bless them. He turned around and returned to Morvayn Manor. He felt a pang of guilt that he had sent Ciel’nn as well, but the Councilor must be protected by any means necessary.




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