D.K.R Year 5 Beta Part 5 A Shocking Discovery

  • Hasir gazed at Vicente with a look of shock on his face; almost as if he had eaten a raw fleshfly,

    "Wait...so you're telling me... that Errana Graymour was your grandmother?" He got up and walked around Vicente's chair,

    what does she have do with all of this? what I mean to say is why did he have to kill her?"


    Vicente grinned while he drummed his fingers on the table,

    "You stupid reptile, I thought I had explained it in enough detail that it was to be easily understood." He said, a mirthful grin

    playing on his face. "Molag Bal told me, when I was in his service that is, that he had planned to make a race of pure-blood

    vampires. He succeeded of course, but she sullied that purity that he created, so he, or rather, his servant, the Doomstrider set out

    to remove any evidence of that purify the tainted blood."


    Haisr went over to the shelf that Vicente had put the two tankards of blood, shrugged, picked up the second tankard, brought it over

    to the table and began sipping it carefully and then screwed up his face in disgust and pushed the tankard toward the middle of the


    "Eugh! Hircine knows why I thought I would like that." He said, shaking his hands as if he had something gross on them.


    Vicente looked up from his tankard, frowning at Hasir's denial of the drink that he, Vicente had so graciously offered. He asked the

    Argonian if he did something wrong, if, perhaps, the Argonian would like a drink more suited for his taste. Hasir shook his head,

    and said that it was fine. He said that he had to get going to find Ocheeva. Vicente was about to ask the reason why but as he

    opened his mouth the Argonian's tail whipped out of sight.


    Pleased with this answer, he got up and exited through the door into the hallway of the sanctuary and saw the mad khajiit out of his


    "You again! I thought I told you I am not looking to make friends." M'raaj Daar said, snarling at Hasir 


    Hasir opened his mouth but shut it as he knew it would be best not to give the khajiit cause to hate him further. He walked past him,

    tail rising and falling behind him and proceeded past Ocheeva's room. He pressed his head to the grey double doors when he

    heard two voices; one he knew, was Ocheeva, but the other one... was a mystery to the Argonian. He cracked the door open and

    stepped inside.


    His eyes roamed over the room and fell onto a wooden table with four chairs that surrounded the table. Hasir's eyes widened as he

    saw the chairs were occupied. Ocheeva stopped conversing with a bosmer whom he had never met before and the Argonian he had

    seen earlier and looked up,

    "Hello fellow shadowscale, is there something I can help you with?" Hasir pointed wide-eyed to the bosmer, "Who is this?" He asked,

    eyes narrowed confusedly. "Is this a new dark brotherhood recruit?"


    Ocheeva smiled at him and patted the vacant chair at one side of the round table,

    "Please, sit down." She said, cordially pulling out the chair for him


    Hasir sat down and Ocheeva began the introductions; gesturing toward the bosmer with a dark hood covering her free flowing

    blonde hair,

    "Fellow shadowscale, allow me to introduce you to Talaendril." The elf nodded and extended her hand which Hasir shook. Ocheeva

    gestured to Teinaava who promtly waved to Hasir complete with a smile, "You've already met my brother Tienaaava." 


    Hasir gave the red scaled Argonian a half-hearted wave. He turned to the purple and green faced Argonian,

    "Ermmm... Ocheeva what were you taking to them about?" He asked. Ocheeva's hands formed a giant fist on the table, "Well, as you

    may or may not know, the dark brotherhood recieves werewolves better than Blackmarsh."


    Hasir looked concernedly at her,

    "What-you-a-w-werewolf, you don't look like a werewolf." He stammered


    Ocheeva nodded. Hasir looked across from him to the other assassins expecting them to be startled or unsettled in some way with

    Ocheeva's words, they were perfectly calm, as if they had been privy to a secret Hasir had not,

    "You moron, lycanthropy cannot be seen on a person's face, well except for a few visible scratches or scars I guess. But, yes I am a

    werewolf, the tale is a riveting one, if you would like to hear it."


    Hasir nnodded and said that he would but right now has more pressing matters on his mind. He told Ocheeva thathe had to get

    something off of his chest,

    "Ocheeva, you keep calling my 'shadowscale,' well, er, sorry to dissapoint you but, You must've mistook me for someone else, I am a



    Ocheeva did not look shocked at this news but merely nodded,

    "Oh, forgive me" She said, admitting defeat.


    Hasir leant closer to her,

    "No need to apologize, you may have just... been misinformed." He said nonchalantly



    Hasir gaped at her; how could she possibly have known? He guessed she had had a vision similar, but not quite the same, to the one

    he had had in the market district of the Imperial City and again a few minutes previously. 

    "Oh really?" He asked, disbelievingly. "What else did the hist tell you?"


    She stared at him and told him about how she watched his entire dragonknight test from her room in the cheydinhal dark

    brotherhood sannctuary. Hasir nodded and started to leave when Ocheeva's arm reached out and grabbed his, preventing him from



    Hasir turned, asked what that was about. Ocheeva leant forward towards Hasir,

    "Hasir... I'm... your grandmother."