B.O.T.B On The Prowl The Wolf Lord Appeased

  • Image result for treva's watch 

    The werewolves stepped inside the fort and maneuvered through an underground tunnel, killing silver hands as they went. Rakel

    shot a silver hand sitting at a table in the back with an arrow. The silver hand member tried to pull the arrow out of his back but his

    life was steadily waning away, his eyes glazed over and he slammed faced first on the table. Rakel and her pack moved on. She held

    the pack back.


    "Majni, stop right there, do you know what this is?" She asked him.


    Majni looked at a spot on the ground

    "A very dirty patch of ground?"


    Rakel shot him a look of disgust

    "This is a pressure plate, Numbnuts!" 


    To emphasize the point she coaxed a silver hand over to her by acting sexy, She also untie her hair and let it fall in brown curtains

    "Here there, you handsome stud, want to go out for dinner?" 


    The silver hand stumbled over to her and got caught in the trap. He stepped on the pressure plate, he realized it too late however

    as a wall off spike swung inwards at lightning speed. The spikes found its mark, the silver hand member was impaled on the spikes. 


    "The coast is clear, let's move." Rakel said to her packmates. At the end of the room she could hear two silver hand members

    talking. Rakel and her pack hid in an alcove just out of sight of the silver hand members in order to prevent the detecting here.


    "Cyrus, when I catch those lycans, I will make a nice fur coat out of thier pelt, perhaps even a golden one from the werewolf that

    was shipped from Solstheim this morning "One of the hunters said, a tall muscular man with auburn hair and beard, whose name

    was dirk the defiler.


    The man, known as Cyrus the carver spoke, "I will make a really fancy sliver coat out of the hound that accompanied the golden

    one I made on the journey from solstheim. Soon we will have enough werewolf hides and pelts to sell as coats to all of tamriel."


    Rakel became enraged at the thought of the silver hand making her kind, especially her mother and father into fur coats. She

    stepped out from cover and fired and arrow at the werewolf hunters. An arrow whizzed by Curt ear, missing it by inches the arrow

    thudded into the s=nearby stone wall. Rakel fired another arrow, this one thudded into Curt's heart. He stiffened and then fell like a

    stiff wooden board.


    Rakel fired another arrow and it thudded into Dirk's neck. He tried to breathe, but, was just taking in blood instead of air, in the

    end, he suffocated, fall on the floor with a sickening, bone crunching crash. Rakel and the wolves scoured the area for anything that

    was useful, Rakel took 35 gold and two full sets of steel armor from the bodies of the former hunters. The wolves transformed back

    into their human forms. Behind a door a stray werewolf by the name of Hjordis was seen gnawing on a dead silver hand. Rakel

    asked if she wanted to be part of a family, she agreed and told the frostmoon pack how she became an orphan after her entire pack

    was killed by werebears. 


    The pack, plus the orphaned werewolf head a green door with tan crosssections and ended up in a large room with water on one

    side and a footpath on the other, this room was the same as the room they had just least, at least the architecture was the same, it

    had the same stone wall, the same arched ceiling and even smelled the same. The four adventurers pushed onwards. At the end of

    the room, they came to another door, hjordis pushed it open to find that two male nord were waitng for them. Hjordis brandished

    her sword and ran full force it the nords, she sliced one's neck open, causing him to bleed to death and the other she stabbed in the



    With that done, the wolves went througha double green door and into the largest chamber in the fort, it had circular stone walls and

    a smashed statue of hircine in the far corner, surrounding the statue were three silver hand mebers. On top of the statue stood the

    leader of Skyrim's silver hand garrison. The members spotted the nords and charged at them. The pack transformed so they would

    have an advantage, or so they thought. The silver hand unsheathed silver weaspon, silver longsword, greatsword and waraxes. The

    wolves noticed thier fangs and claws were sharper than before..They could all hear Hircine is thier minds.


    "Hounds, I have granted you this boon, now your claws and fangs are as sharp as my spear's edge. Cut the last four

    fingers off and the flesh will wither and die."


    The wovles saw the weapons coming for the kill, they reacted. The wolves positioned their massive claws so they were in front of

    their boides in an X shape. the weapons clanged against the wolves' claws. They ripped the ripped out of the werewolf hunter's

    ahndand went to work ripping, biting, tearing the hunters apart. The hunters fell in a bloody heap at the base of the shattered

    statue. The leader's eye flamed up as he stood there, looking at the bloody heap that used to be five proud warriors. 


    The leader, whose name was Resh, lept down from his perch on top of what would have been Hircine's head if it were still attached.

    He was wearing a full set on orcish armor and carrying a silver katana. The wolves rushed at Resh, trying to tear at any flesh they

    could find, but, Resh blcoked all of their futile attempts. Resh forced the wolves back by swiping at them with his katana.


    "We need to fight him as humans, if we fight him as werewolves, we are dead." Rakel stated. The pack and the orphan transformed

    into thier humans forms and rewed their attack. Giving a massive warcry, they ran at Resh with their weapons raised. They hacked

    and slashed at him but Resh blocked all of the attacks with lightning speed. Rakel broke of from the group and when behind Resh

    and buried her sword deep into Resh's back, he tried grabbed for it. Rakel, seeing her opening darted around towards Resh's chest

    and shot an arrow right for Resh's heart, the arrow broke through the armor and was driven home. Resh's arm went limp as he fell

    hard onto the stone floor.


    A ghostly white stage appeared before them.


    "Well done my loyal hounds, the deed is done and this chapter of the silver hand is finished. Before you celebrate,

    however, the hand is being strengthened by an unknown force that I wish for you to seek out. Do this and your lord

    will be most pleased."


    After that, the stag vanished, leaving his message echoing in the empty room. The nords sought to follow out their lord's will. The

    last thing the the wolves did before leaving was transform back into wolves and feast on the hearts of the fallen members of the

    silver hand.